Kingdom Hearts Adventure RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by fireflame, May 4, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    This kid's never going to leave me alone if I don't ditch him now...
    Sebax thinks to himself, snaping his gloved finger with a dull snap,
    summoning three dusks.

    Crin defeated all three, but Sebax had intentioned it that way.
    Now he was all the way on the other side, standing under a bell opposite the well on the other side
    of the second district.

    Looking up at the bell, Sebax hid himself in its tones.
    Being able to nullify his form into a sound was one of his many abilities earlier untapped.
    Now he was one with the bell ring until he chose otherwise or some dull idot rang the large bell.
  2. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "ugh," Crin said as he woke up. His head hurt a lot. He sat up and found that he was on a soft bed.
    "How'd I get here?" he asked.
    "Because I brought you here" said someone. Crin looked around and saw a young man with a blade at his side.
    "Who are you?" Crin asked.
    "Name's Murth" the man said with a skillful spin of the blade.
    "This Traverse Town place, where is it and where's Twilight Town?"
    "Easy kid, don't ask everything at once. Traverse Town is in a separate world from Twilight Town and the other worlds, yes there are other worlds and yes you did travel through a portal of a sort."
    "But how do I get back" asked Crin.Murth sighed sadly.
    "I don't think you can, the world's balance is screwed up. But you have the Keyblade, you can correct it." Then the Keyblade appeared in Crin's hand. Murth smiled.
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax, tries to listen in on Crin and Murth's conversation, but can't because he's already sound itself and can't tap anymore into his power until he came out of the bell, which would prove hazardous.
    So instead, he just kept a creful eye on Crin.
  4. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "I'm sure you don't know how to use the Keyblade fully yet so take the new ship, the Megablast 300 to Tower Mage and get info on your saving the world mission and enemies and train some there."
    "Okay, this is starting to make some wierd sense" said Crin "I have to save the world with the Keyblade in my hand basicly and so where is this Megablast 300?"
    "Parked outside waiting for you, it'll guide you there automaticly so don't worry about that"
    " ok bye"
    " wait wait" Murth said. "before you go, go see Merlin the Wizard in a secret part of the Third District and give him this orb" Murth handed Crin a brightly glowing orb
    " ok i'll do that see ya for now"
    And Crin headed to the Third District to deliver the orb
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax seeing Crin exit the district to head into the third, quickly follows by going down a bridged path and jumping the rooftops to head into a balcony in the Third District.
  6. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Through the doors of the Second District a few black Heartless appeared. Crin swung his keyblade slaying them all and running for a few minutes to an alley with a door at the end. The orb shone brightly and Crin guesses that was where merlin lived. Crin opened the door and arrived at a lake with a boat at the base.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sebax follows, leaping from the balcony and summoning dusks to take care of any Heartless that may appear.

    When he gets to the water on the other side of a large door however, he is at a dead end, the only boat now rowing through the water.

    Sebax had been here before, and then rock platforms guided the way to the old wizzards domain...apparently old Merlin had done some renovating.

    Sebax just calmly sits on the shore, thinking to himself.
  8. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    Crin climbed into the boat and it set off automatically. For a minute it rode peacefully until it stopped with a slight jolt. Crin got out of the boat and saw a hut with a huge hole in the side of it. Crin went in and looked for Merlin but there was no one there. "Merlin, sir I have an orb from Murth to give you."
    "Murth did you say, so it finally came" said a voice in the air. A comical man with a long white beard and a wand appeared.
    "I am Merlin the Wizard, and you are Crin Konaya"
    "How'd you..." started Crin then he remembered the wizard part.
    "Yep" said Merlin may I have that orb now." Crin gave Merlin the orb.
    "hmm, it's in great condition. Merlin looked at Crin.
    " You are the next Keyblade wielder, and you are a beginner so you'll be needing magic."
    Merlin then threwa fireball at Crin and when it touched Crin it sunk into his body.
    "There now you have beginner magic, enjoy" "Oh and tell Murth I said thanks"
    "I will" said Crin and he left the house,went back across the lake and went back to the First District.

    OOC: So will you be following me forever or going to execute evil plans
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: probably going to follow for a few more instances, then leave to create a evil plan. Probably until Sern comes into the storyline. I don't know...XP
    But, there's always the fact of, is he evil now that the soul-leachers are in the picture. Just as the heartless seemed weak to the
  10. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC Ok Time to go to Tower Mage, who is Sern?

    Crin left Merlin's house and saw the Megablase 300 and climbed inside. As Murph said, the ship started automatically. The ship rose up and Departed Twilight Town headed for Tower Mage.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I thought you said Sern was Sora's kid who now weilds a keyblade, or did you change that name to Crin?
  12. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    ok Sern wasn't originally intended to be in this RP a lot but i can make him appear in a grand entrance
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Alright sorry about the hold-up

    Sebax hears the roar of an engine and looks to the sky with a sense of failure, yet completion.
    Crin was now on his way, so now it was about time, he felt, that Sebax deaprt as well.

    He summoned a portal to darkness and stepped inside, but not before whispiring under his breath.
    "Here I go again..."
    Stepping through, headed for a destination different than Crin, for once.
  14. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    "This is all really confusing, just switching from world to world like this" said Crin. The trip to the tower was nothing special really, except for the space landmarks. When they got there the tower was pleasant and full of hope. As Crin stepped closer to the front door, he could see a skinny guy and some Heartless. The guy was cheering the Heartless on, "go go Heartless, take the tower, go go!" Crin stepped closer to the guy and said, "You doing ballet huh." The guy turned around with a start and replied defiantly;
    "do you know who you're talking too, i'm Reldok the invincible and this tower will soon be mine." Reldok's Heartless then dispersed into the tower
    "Well Reldok, I need to get into this tower so we'll see how invinsible you are" The Keyblade appeared in Crin's hand.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I didn't really know what to do next with Sebax anymore since he wasn't following Crin around anymore, but I guess something could happen to keep him active...I suppose...


    Sebax walks through the other side of his summoned Portal, looking around at the ruins of the castle that never was.

    The castle had been partially destoryed by the top of the Altar of Nuaght tower falling and causing a domino effect of disaster. (It's logical, look at when Xenmas returns at the end of the game and the Altar of Nuaght collapses, thus you fight the Nobody dragon for the first time)

    He had slowly been rebuilding it, working on each room at a time.
    By now, only the proof of existence chamber and all chambers connected were repaired.
    All of the statues and portals had been repaired, each one a memory of those who never were.
    Fools who tried their hardest to tell themselves they existed.

    Sebax stepped through a glowing blue portal with a Roman numeral 10 "IX".
    A floor tile depicting a deck of cards in front of the portal.

    And in an instant, he was gone.
  16. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC he can follow him later on but a great story plot would be if you could not know much at all about the Soul Leachers or their plan and just meet the powerful leader of the Soul Leachers but not fight him.

    "he he he, now it's just you and me." Reldok said with a sneer. He pulled out 2 curved semitars and charged at Crin. Crin stood his ground and deflected both thrusts of the semitars and knocked one out of his hand. Reldok then came at him with the other one and they slashed blades for a few seconds. Then Reldok did an overhead strike and Crin clashed against it but Reldok started pressing down and Crin struggled and then rolls on the ground and swings his Keyblade hard and knocks out Reldok. "That takes care of that," Crin said and headed into the castle
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I think you and ~Bunny~ are my two favorite noobies. XD I say this because you're both adapting well here.


    Sebax enters Luxord's old place of rest, looking around,
    then down at a console he had added himself to
    every proof of existence room.

    He pressed the button and a swarm of data filled the air in front of him,
    becoming a moving being in moments.

    The data-projection wore the same black cloak as Sebax,
    his hood down as well,
    to reveal silvery blonde short hair with a closely cut beard.
    He had a earring of the symbol of the Organzation dangling from his left ear.
    He was, in all essence, Luxord, Number X.

    Luxord crossed his arms and looked over to Sebax with a smirkish grin.
    "You never come to me, unless you need something, speak it."
    Luxord says in a slightly Brittish tone, his words full of disdain.

    "Come now, old friend, you I hold above all as a confident."
    Sebax admits, in an up-liftive mood.

    "Flattery will get you nowhere,...but I do owe you thanks just as much as any other of the Thirteen..."
    Luxord says with thought.

    Sebax went straight to the subject.
    "Crin is on his way to the Tower Mage."
    Sebax says without emotion and quickly.

    Immediatley, Luxord's eyes flash with amusement.
    "It's about time, I sent you to watch him almost a month ago."
    Luxord says admireably, as if some kind of prophet.

    Sebax changed the subject.
    "Are the others functioning correctly?"
    Sebax asks, reffering to the other members
    now walking around in the
    virtual world Sebax had set up for them so they would not just
    be projections of data only seeing the faces of others
    when called like meager hounds.

    "They are just fine..."
    Luxord notes.

    "With your permission, I'd like to visit Demyx next."
    Sebax says with a hint of respect.

    "You have my permission."
    Luxord says without interest, and dissolves back into data, then nothing.

    Thus, Sebax left the area for the next.
  18. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    OOC: to keep things interesting, i'll add a sweet plotline to the next post and could you not include all the Organization members only about 2 more just say that the ones you included were the ones that escaped from the Realm of Darkness. and plus a surprise is coming your way in the next post...

    Durn walked up the first flight of stairs fighting Nobodies on the way up. He got to another door and it wouldn't open.
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: The Organization couldn't do much anyway. They are bound to a computer world.


    On his way to Demyx's portal, he hears slamming against the door leading to the lower levels.

    No one, not even nobodies came into this room without his permission.

    Was the castle under attack??

    Sebax moved hastily to a corner, Rotary Ballad drawn in the cup of his left hand.
  20. fireflame Destiny Islands Resident

    May 3, 2008
    The Keyblade appeared in Crin's hand. Crin suddenly held it up and saw a small keyhole in the door. Then the Keyblade glowed and a beam of light hit the Keyhole and the door opened. Crin went inside and up another flight of stairs and opened the door at the end. Inside Crin saw a circular room and at the window, a powerful looking man was looking out the window. "Sit," The man said.


    "So another Nobody huh, I guess you're special too" said a voice near Sebax. Suddenly a man with red hair and a firey disposition appeared near Sebax.

    OOC: Now this is where your part gets interesting
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