Kingdom Hearts: A New Dawn

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Amasha, Nov 22, 2008.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    After making it to the address where he was supposed to make the delivery, Grey found out that the one he was looking for had just left moments ago. "Time to get to the beach..." He told himself, glancing down at the small brown box he held for a moment before taking off towards the beach. When he arrived, he noticed a few people, mainly a girl taking a picture of another girl. "Hm...maybe it's her..." Grey said under his breath, thinking of approaching the girl with the camera.
  2. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    ~The Last Warning: Phase 1~

    Xegram stood there, withing the Shadow Abyss, his eyes shut, alone to himself, or so he thought. But he felt and could feel Deinaito's and Dorian's prescene near him, he wouldn't forget any of the others, but they had yet to reveal themselves to him yet. I, the superior of The Princes of Heartless...have yet to take action in the years I have become the leader of these men...I wish to show them the power of darkness in my hand, take the princesses, and make the darkness to its fullest extent, yet...I cannot, while they are not here yet...I will wait, sleep within the shadows, take my time until they are ready to take action...and if not, I shall go ahead of the others. Xegram thought vaugly as he stood in the middle of the spot where their meetings took place "Deinaito...Dorian...others who can hear me," he whispered it through the darkness, so they could hear him well "we must take our time in dealing with the failing the process of taking them them your untouched emotions to where we can lure them into the dark...understood? You all, make no mistakes, make no flaws in your actions, just make your time, we have all the time in the worlds after all," he opened his eyes "so, do you all understand the mission?" he asked, bellowing through the void of darkness to where you could hear a pin drop as dark portals opened around them all. "I shall go first, you all wait here, if I return, we keep our goal the same, if not, go on into the darkness, leaving no sign of your trail behind...this, is the last warning." he said, walking backwards to the portal behind him, within a few moments, he was at Azure Village "Home..." he said, looking at the sky, he hadn't seem Azure village in a total of four years since he left, now he was here, getting ready to go ahead with his plan.

    OOC: I was thinking of putting it in story mode for Xegram, that way, it looks better, which this is how I work with some of the character's that are like this.
  3. exile0025 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 8, 2007
    not sure,tracking a smooth criminal
    as usual kyo had nothing to do and his head was buzzing and that was usually solved by going to the beach and listen to the kyo thought what the hell,got his shoe's on and head out.the walk was the same as always,nothing to special,as he walking he notice the wind picking up and stuck his hand up.the wind never told him anything important it always led to something just told him to be careful.kyo thought it was odd,he wasn't going for a swim,he was just going to hang out.
  4. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Jett turned around for a moment, hearing news of another strange looking person walking around.
    "Did one of those damn princes escape?" he mumbled to himself, trying to see someone who would stand out in the crowd of kids.
    Although one of the princes had, it was someone else that the kids were speaking about. As Jett continued to scan the crowd, he finally spotted someone suspicious. It was a man wearing a long black robe and had long silver hair. Something about this man didn't seem right. Jett tilted his head slightly, then noticed a girl holding up a camera towards the beach. She had a strong aura, but why?
    "Perhaps, a princess?" he spat underneath his breath.
    Each princess was a key, and he needed each key in order to open the darkness once and for all.
    "Come to me, princess..." he whispered, jogging in her direction.
    Just as he was a few feet away from the strange man, he slowed down and looked in his direction. For a couple of seconds, Jett stared into the yellow eyes of the man, then regained his pace. Now, he was only yards away from the girl with the camera. His hand touched the knife in his pocket as he got closer.
  5. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    After snapping a picture she stood still, slowly she turned around to face another boy. It seemed like all sorts of new faces had appeared this year, she smiled to him warmly. "Hello" Manami said to him, standing there with her camera in hand but looking him over carefully. She didn't want to seem foolish asking him if he was new, although she had not seen him before but then again there was many people she had yet to meet... Right? "I'm Manami" she said politely to him, "whats your name?" she asked him as she caught her camera from slipping. Although she wondered if it mattered, after all shes dropped it in to the sand plenty of times and picked it up and it worked fine.

    Her eyes turned to the man jogging towards her, something was off about him and she stood there a moment and stepped back a bit. Something in her told her to run, but why should she run from somebody? He didn't seem all that bad, or was this a instinctive thing?
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey noticed someone approaching the girl and instantly felt a surge of paranoia sweep through him. "Hey, I'm Grey...I'm trying to deliver a package to..." He looked down at the note on the small box. "Manami. Well, I guess that's you." He stepped towards her and tripped. Oh great! The box flew into the air and hit the ground a few feet away, opening when it slammed into the ground. Another note was inside it. That's weird! A note inside a box? Grey picked himself up and brushed off the dirt, picking up the note and reading it. "Um...all this thing says is...danger." My boss is so weird... He looked back at the man coming closer. " should run..."
  7. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Listening to the note, she nodded of course not before lifting her camera and snapping a quick shot of Grey. The turn of events was defiantly very strange, but it was no time for questions as she turned and begun to sprint. This wasn't her most known thing, running was difficult for her most the time. It was in her mind a way that things were made, you choose one thing and sacrifice another. But who was Grey exactly, she thought as she sprinted although when she looked behind her they were gone. Although she ended up slamming into another person, she fell back and looked at them and smiled sheepishly. "Hey... I'm sorry. I need to g-" Manami said to them, she looked at them and quickly identified the strange robe, it looked like the one that Koari's new friend wore. "I need to go" she said once again, she got back up and continued to sprint away.

    Although he was bumped into, he stood there watching the girls movements and lifted a eye brow. Where could she have been running from, his amber eyes quickly lifted to the direction she came. Slowly he begun to make his way there, he wasn't all that in a hurry as there was plenty of time at least from what he knew. He saw from a distance Demyx clowning around once more, he sighed to himself and knew he would help if he wished for his heart to return.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey decided to follow the girl, he couldn't think of anything else to do. He delivered the message, he opened it and saw it before Manami did. Grey cursed under his breath, feeling a bit guilty, thinking it was his fault something was happening. I guess it's not a normal delivery after all...but what's so special about her? His hand twitched, ready to summon his keyblade at a moment's notice as he took off after her. "What's going on?" He mumbled to himself.
  9. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    OOC: I miss anything?

    Xegram scanned the trailway from where he was at, a perfect example of him still having no sense of direction after all these years. Xegram sighed softly and shook his head "Now, why am I not getting my sense of direction flawless, oh'll happen, even in the mission, it'll happen...but I won't screw this up with the, if only there was one about-" he looked to his left, he felt the Princess of Hearts aura, Koari. He smiled and walked the way she was coming from towards her, wanting to get a conversation started between them. It will take time, but we have all the time in the worlds to finish our goal. He thought.
  10. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    She turned back and saw Grey, looking at his hand as it summoned a sword? No, it couldn't have been a sword... It was a key! She looked up at him with curiosity, "Grey, whats that?" Manami asked him curiously. She never really saw a real weapon, only read them in stories or saw them in history books. Although this sword/key... Key Blade, was a tad different and something she had never seen or read in a text book. She bit her lower lip and backed a little bit, she then thought back to the man coming towards her... He said something about a 'Princess', she looked down a moment then back up at him. Who was he calling a Princess? She certainly wasn't anything of the sorts, living as a middle class girl on this island her whole life.
  11. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Jett noticed Xegram, then grabbed him by the neck, pulling him behind a bunch of trees where they could not be seen.
    "What the hell are you doing here?" he whispered in a cold voice. "I have told you and the other princes of heartless that you need to be careful where you go. Now, step aside, little boy. This isn't your territory. Leave this to the big boys."
    Jett bumped into the girl holding the camera, making it very convincing that it was an accident.
    "Oh, I'm sorry." he said, picking up her camera which had fallen. "Here's your camera."
    Quickly, he turned to Grey, who was holding a keyblade. His eyes sparkled.
    Looks like I just found two... he thought to himself It must be my lucky day...
    "Wow. Is that a keyblade?" he said to Grey. "I've only heard of these things. Never really seen one before."
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "It's a keyblade." Oh great! I didn't mean to summon it now! Oops... He stopped beside Manami and smiled a bit. "I guess...this means I'm your hero for the day!" Grey stated confidently. Or for the rest of her life...which will be a bit of a pain to protect someone forever... He thought about something before looking over his shoulder to see if they were still being followed. Next thing he knew, someone had come out of nowhere. "Hey...person..." He muttered darkly, ready to inflict as much pain as possible on the newcomer just because he interrupted him.
  13. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xegram rubbed his neck and kept his head down "Why is he here anyway?" he grumbled to himself and went over to a tree. I knew I never got rid of my emotions yet, just locked them away for just the occasion, it's so easy what we Princes can do with emotions, make them our own at this point. He thought with a subtle grin as he looked at the honey-suckle hued sky.
  14. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    I'll enjoy seeing you as a dead heartless... Jett thought to himself, glaring at Grey.
    "Hey..." he said behind gritted teeth. "My name's Jett. I have a feeling we'll be getting to know each other pretty well in the future."
    Dammit! he thought. Ah well, I suppose he deserves to know at least that...
  15. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Already the guy was making her feel uneasy, but that was probably all in her head... Right? "Thank you for giving my camera back" Manami said to him, she smiled polity and snapped a shot of him. "My name is Manami, its a pleasure to meet you Jett" she said to him, although he gave her goose bumps... She wasn't about to tell him that, it would have been rude of her. "I'm sorry if I seem out of the loop, but you both have this knowledge of the key blade... I've never seen anything quite like it, is it a sort of new trend?" she asked curiously. It sounded stupid now, why the heck would a trend be a weapon which looks like a key? She looked at her camera a moment, then back up at them with a sheepish smile.

    OoC: I need to go, I'll hopefully be on after supper.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "No...they're real. Just..." This doesn't feel right! It just doesn't! He moved closer to Manami, wishing he could just blurt out that the one standing near them was trouble. "I think we should be going..." He told her, resisting the urge to just drag her off. My boss should've told me something...then again, he never does!

    OOC: Take care! 8D8
  17. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    OOC: I think Xegram is getting slowly forgotten. What am I suppose to do with him since he's sitting next to a tree, make him act stupid with a coconut? Hmmm....

    IC: Xegram kept looking at the sky, as a coconut hit his noggin. He didn't feel it, but he knew if he didn't act like it hurt, he'd probably be called some freak, as if he didn't say he was a freak already. He held his face as he remembered what pain felt like when a coconut hit people on the head and he tried sounding angry as stood up quickly and picked up the coconut as he threw it hard to the ocean.
  18. exile0025 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 8, 2007
    not sure,tracking a smooth criminal
    kyo was standing out of sight,he had been watching their conversation since the beginning,and noticing that this jett person was bad news.the black haired man named grey seem to have notice that jett isn't what you would call a good guy."hello"kyo said walking up to the group and noticing the keyblade said "nice sword where did you get it"?
  19. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: Can someone give me a recap please.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Basically, Grey ran off with Manami to protect her. Jett is planning on killing both of them. Eh. Nothing really happened to your character. O.o That's it for now...>><<
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