Kingdom Hearts: A New Dawn

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Amasha, Nov 22, 2008.

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  1. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Millions of years have passed since the chosen key blade wielder had successfully rid the world of most evil, everything being peaceful and serene in the worlds. Through out the ages slowly the tale of the Key blade becoming all long forgotten, thoughts of heartless and nobodies completely gone from the worlds paranoia. Although even the great King Mickey knew this was only a era, soon enough the world would take a plunge into darkness once more. He sent a letter to the to the new hero to light, to warn him of the upcoming danger to befall him and his friends. Countering Mickey, Maleficent before her death had already had a message to the hero of darkness awaiting him. The Princess of Hearts once more being brought into the conflict, being the only ones to unleash the door to everlasting darkness.

    The danger of the princesses increasing, as born to the world is seven heartless princes. Their goal in life is to destroy the girls who are the hearts, to gain more powers and control over the worlds they consume. Now its up to the Hero of Light to protect the Princesses, and the hero of darkness to protect the princes. Unknown to all, that Organization VII would return once more to once again, aim to unlock Kingdom Hearts. Recruiting more members to help assist them, another worry for not only the hero of light but darkness as well.

    In the end,
    Where is it that you stand,​
    ...when the new dawn rises?​

    Where we all begin...
    Hero/Princess/Original Characters
    Everyone is currently beginning on Azure Village, its officially the first day of summer. Children and Teenagers are just getting out of school, people taking time off work to relax... All of which none are aware of the upcoming events to shatter their world!

    Watching from afar, all the seven of them plot together. Recently located where all the princesses, and to make things better all conveniently in one place. They also have stumbled upon the Nobodies, who are currently residing close to them and a threat to them. To nab the princesses and return to base in order to slaughter the nobodies, that is truly the main goal of all of them.

    Organization XII
    After the many years of damnation, they are wakened and unsure of what has happened to them exactly. Looking around the worlds, finding no trace of the key blade, but yet no sign of corruption any more. Deep inside they know the Heartless are all out there, waiting and watching for the perfect time to strike.

    [​IMG] Keep this PG-13, anything beyond this is going to far even on this site.
    [​IMG] No controlling another person’s character(s), its annoying but if your time locked in a conversation with them. You may make up a excuse to get out of it, such as seeing a coin picking it up and noticing somebody else.
    [​IMG] No killing other characters, unless you have full permission to do so. If you do kill a character, I would wish for either the character player or the one who killed them to tell me.
    [​IMG] No continuous one lining, 3 sentences being a minimum. I would also like to mention this is a third person, storybook roleplay.
    [​IMG] Romance is encouraged, but nothing that would heaven forbid scar children. I won't discriminate against homosexuals, bisexuals, heterosexuals, or anything! If you don't like it, please don't bash it for the love of Kingdom Hearts.
    [​IMG] you may have as many characters as you please, but make sure you have a way to show people your not playing that character. Canons you may be up to two people, as we want enough to go around but if its a long time and people are not claiming a third one may be taken. All canon characters listed you may join as, if some are not listed it means they are either dead or have not made a appearance.
    [​IMG] If you plan on making a Custom Nobody, by all means BUT they begin as a normal human like everybody else. Progression makes them a nobody, when they are a nobody I will anagram their name unless you got a name in mind! I promise to hold you hand through this, as its a new event I came up with off my tiny brain! This rule doesn't apply to the canon nobodies, after all they are already nobodies. -I also choose power and title, I don't want repeated powers-
    [​IMG] Nobody has relation or knowledge if their related to Sora/Kairi/Riku/Others as its been a really long time, plus saving my hot buns from people who are Sokai/Rikai!

    Currently Worlds
    Azure Village: Once called Destiny Island... This little island has turned into a small village, slightly bigger then the old destiny island. There is very little to do, the biggest hang out being the beach and small island.

    Endless Void: This is where Organization VII is currently, they reappeared although they are unsure themselves if this is the remainder of the world that never was.

    Shadow Abyss: Currently the central for Heartless activity, since they were 'gone'. It seems like there was a build up of heartless, making more then ever before.

    Hero of Light: Grey | Starkiller

    Hero of Darkness: Jett | Ventez

    Organization XII
    I. Xemnas: Superior One | Amasha
    II. Xigbar: Free Shooter | Hexin
    III. Xaldin: Whirlwind Lancer |
    IV. Vexen: Chilly Academic |
    V. Lexaeus: Silent Hero |
    VI. Zexion: Cloaked Schemer | Haiena.Koinu
    VII. Saix: Lunar Divider|
    VIII. Axel: Flurry of Dancing Flames |
    IX. Demyx: Melodious Nocturne | Flamedancer
    X. Luxord: Gambler of Fate |
    XI. Marluxia: Graceful Assassin |
    XII. Larxene: Savage Nymph | godsgirl

    Seven Princess of Hearts
    1: Wisdom |
    2: Justice |
    3: Manami: Restraint | Amasha
    4: Kaori: Courage | VaKh87
    5: Faith |
    6: Hope |
    7: Charity |

    Princes of Heartless
    1: Wrath |
    2: Greed |
    3: Gluttony |
    4: Sloth |
    5: Pride: Dorian | Flamedancer
    6: Envy |
    7: Deinaito: Lust | Haiena.Koinu

    Others/Those to be decided for?

    Nehi | Hexin

    Kyo | exile0025

    Character Sheet

    Original Character
    Name: First name
    Age: How old they are
    Gender: Female/Male
    Picture/Description: Photo has to be anime but other wise describe what they look like.
    Role: What their role in the future will be! if its a nobody, I'll give you something to update with sort of thing!
    Personality: how that act and think, give you a slight feel for your character
    History: what their history was, many of them were born in Azure Village but some moved there although don't remember where they came from.
    Weapons: What weapons they carry, instantly the key blades go to the hero of light and hero of darkness. Everyone else makes up a weapon, unless nobody which you receive one from Xemnas. Princes and Princesses don't have weapons, although Princes have combat and magical skills unlike the princesses.
    Powers: you know the drill, but when it comes down to Nobodies and such. I'll give you a power, like i stated before I don't want people copying as I really like uniqueness in people!

    My characters​

    Name: Xemnas
    Role: Leader of Organization VII, Superior One
    Weapons: Two Aerial Blades
    Powers: Manipulates nothingness to phase through solid matter and manifest energy-based shields and projectiles.

    Name: Manami
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Picture/Description: XxX
    Role: Restraint of Seven Princess of Hearts
    Personality: Manami is very soft spoken around people, specifically people she doesn't know all that well. She is curious to the world around her, but places boundaries for herself to ensure safety. She is easily talked into things, although she will try and act stubborn to a point if its something outside the boundaries.
    History: Manami was born on the island, she lived a rather peaceful quiet childhood. She took on very shy traits from her father, although she got many of her mother's looks. Shes curious to whats across the ocean, but is to afraid to leave and never be able to return to the island. Since she turned twelve, her and the six other girls on the island have been becoming close friends with one another.
    Weapons: None
    Powers: None
  2. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((Tell me if this is agreeable please and if I may join =3))

    Name: Zexion
    Role: Member VI, Cloaked Schemer
    Weapon(s): A lexicon is his unique weapon, but, due to his power he can mimic others' weapons with his illusions.
    Power(s): illusions

    Name: Deinaito
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Picture/Description: [​IMG]
    Role: Prince of Heartless/Lust
    Personality: Deinaito is flirtatious and tends to not be serious whatsoever. He is quite intelligent and enjoys to get attention. So he can offend be found lurking nearby where ever his heartless are. Searching for something to amuse and pleasure himself. Deinaito also is outgoing, and doesn’t ever mind a chat before a battle. Though he doesn’t really care to fight, he rather let his heartless minions do the fighting, but isn’t afraid to get in a fight.
    History: Deinaito lived a silent life, rarely being spoken to. His mother and father were normally busy at work and left him alone at home. He had only one friend in his whole life, But, he had problems at home and in the end committed suicide. Deinaito began to grow more dark and colder towards people. Thus slowly his heart turned more dark. His parents begun to notice but when Deinaito’s father yelled at him. He drew a rune sign from energy making the entire house set into flames. Luckily, Deinaito had a good immunity to fire. Thus got out without a single burn. Currently he puts his past behind him and acts to be different, though inside he is a darker person.
    Weapon: Hira-shurikens
    Powers: Deinaito knows how to; summon heartless, summon portal, some immunity to heat, draw a rune made of energy from his fingertips which with each rune makes a different attack as long was he can understand the rune he makes. Current ones known to Deinaito are: Flare (sets the area around him on fire), Smoke Shroud (Creates a shroud of smoke somewhat hide him), Burning Ash (from his hands he can conjure burning ash and throw it to hurt others), and Will o’ Wisp (orb of white fire, can be thrown to make one feel like their burning though it’s only in their mind)
  3. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    OoC: That's fine, we are not beginning until we got the heroes.
    Any questions or concerns, talk to me... I don't bite people normally ^_^
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: Grey
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Description: Wears dark blue pants and black boots. Grey has a longsleeve plain black shirt on but wears a white hoody with silver markings over it. He has black hair that nearly reaches his shoulders and golden eyes, he stands at about 6 feet tall.
    Role: Hero
    Personality: Grey isn't exactly the "hero" type most of the time, he's over confident, likes to look out only for himself, and can have a really dark sense of humor. On the other hand, he's a bit of a gentleman and helps others when he knows he must. Grey has his doubts about why the keyblade ever chose him.
    History: He doesn't have much of a past. Grey's father died of natural causes before he was born and his mother died during childbirth. He was raised by his older brother who died due to a disease when he was 13. Although he was taught how to take care of himself, he had a hard time surviving on his own since he refused to let himself go to an orphanage and had several odd jobs. He was chosen by the keyblade before his 14th birthday, he kept it a secret and trained on his own on how to use it. He is now currently working as nothing more than a common delivery boy...who always manages to get in trouble...
    Weapons: A keyblade that takes on many forms.
    Powers: He relies on the keyblade's natural abilities most of the time but his own power is to redirect magical abilities aimed at him in any direction.
  5. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Umm...I'm copying Haiena.Koinu's character analysis

    Name: Demyx, The Melodious Nocturne
    Role: IX in the Organization
    Weapon: Sitar
    Powers: Music, Water

    Name: Dorian

    Age: Looks as through he just turned 18

    Gender: Male

    (Not my picture, by the way. I can't draw that well.)

    Role: Prince of Heartless: Pride

    Personality: Dorian (named for Dorian Gray, by the way) is, in how he puts it, a connoisseur of beauty. He always takes in the physical features of others, and, once his Heartless take their heart, uses their outer beauty to enhance his own. He is haughty and speaks down to everyone he meets, but also clever and has an old-fashioned, gentlemanly, and charming way of presenting himself.

    History: Dorian was born over a hundred years ago to a rich lord and lady. He always knew he was handsome, and the compl Upon his eighteenth birthday, he stopped aging, staying at the peak of his beauty. The same day, he realized his power over the Heartless when a very beautiful young woman rejected his offer for marriage, saying she couldn't marry a man as vain as him. Instead of breaking his pride, Dorian grew furious, and Heartless sprung up around him. The room became colder, and ice, reflecting Dorian's cold, empty heart, surrounded the woman, holding her fast. Dorian's Heartless acted quickly, and in a moment, had stolen the woman's heart, and he became more handsome. Since time has gone on, Dorian now depends on the hearts of others in order to keep his outer beauty intact.

    Weapon: Rapier (Please, no jokes about that.)

    Powers: Blizzard, meaning anything have to do with one, summon Heartless, trickery, and, of course, swordfighting.
  6. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Name: Larxene
    Role: (Organization) Savage Nymph
    Weapons: four kurnai's for each hand.

    Powers: manipulation of electricity

    this right?
  7. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Name: Jett

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Picture/Description: Jett

    Role: Hero of Darkness

    Personality: Sly, intelligent, strong, and dark.

    History: Jett has a lust for his memories. As far as he knows, he was born at the age of 13 in a huge forest. With no humans anywhere in sight, Jett was raised by heartless who took the from of humans. After three years, he traveled to different world in order to communicate with real humans. This is when the keyblade appeared for him. With the keyblade, Jett saw that he was far more powerful than others. He took advantage of this by causing trouble everywhere he went, and defeating enemies. As his knowledge increased, so did his strength. Now, he knows about everything that he needs to know for now. The princesses of hearts, the princes of heartless, nobodies, villains, and much more. With all of this, his goal is to protect the darkness while debolishing the light.

    Weapons: A keyblade that takes three different forms depending on how much strength Jett has.
    Least strength: Keyblade
    Middle Strength: Keyblade
    Most Strength: Keyblade

    Powers: Heightened physical abilities, dark magic, and blue fire.
  8. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    OoC: Accepted! :3 Wow, this was quick actually! ^_^
    Alright then, we got both heroes of light and darkness and princes and members to Organization VII!

    Larxene's powers/weapon is not right. Her powers are the manipulation of electricity and her weapons are four kurnai's for each hand.

    Manami stepped from the school walking down the stairs, it was loud and chaotic as everyone had finally been released from school. Summer vacation until next year, then the process would repeat itself again. She wasn't quite sure what she would do this summer, it seemed like it was always boring during the summer aside from the beach. Instead of heading home right away she would check out the beach, everyone would be there for most the summer anyways.

    Standing silently he thought of all the things that went wrong last time, his plan he had previously thought was pristine and flawless was ruined by a naive boy and a couple of silly animals. "This time, everything will be different. We'll have more people, but still we need the key blade..." Xemnas thought aloud amongst them. Looking at all of them he turned to the sky, staring up at where he had once assumed Kingdom Hearts was inches from compete. Although maybe they were doomed, as Sora had long been gone or at least he assumed. "Perhaps
  9. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Jett's hands felt the soft white sand. Blood dripped from his face and his chin rested on the sand. Only a few feet away was a huge ocean with small waves moving back and forth. Oddly, the waves seemed to be getting larger and larger. After a few more moments, the water turned black and an enormous wave arose from it. The wave simply stood there, as if it were a mighty beast, prepared to swallow Jett up.
    Must...fight. he thought to himself, his vision blurry. Must...rise.
    However, he could not. No matter how hard he tried, his body stood still. The wave began to collapse, hundreds of heartless beginning to form in the water. Suddenly, the wave came crashing down on Jett. He could no longer breath, his heart was burning, and the heartless simply stared.
    "Darkness..." he whispered, not being able to see anything in the dark he was trapped in other than small yellow eyes. "!"
    There was a huge flash of light, and the darkness disappeared. There was only light, shining upon Jett.
    "No...NO!" he shouted, trying to block the light.
    A figure walked out of the light. A boy. The boy seemed to be his age. They had golden eyes and long black hair. Slowly, the boy pulled out a keyblade.
    That's when Jett woke up.
    "Ah!" he shouted, gasping for air.
    Jett was sweating and laid down on a small bed in the middle of a dark room. Everything had disappeared. The wave, the heartless, and...the boy.
    "Who was he?" Jett whispered, trying to deny who he knew it was.
    The words simply slipped out of his mouth.
    "The Hero of Light."
    In an instant, Jett jumped off his bed and smashed his fists against the wall.
    "There is no time for these dreams..." he whispered. "There is work to be done..."
    So, Jett walked out of the room. Another day closer to controlling all worlds.
  10. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Name: Kaori
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Picture/Description: girls/princess.jpg
    Role: Courage of Seven Princesses of Hearts
    Personality: She's very outgoing.But is shy at first.She likes a challenge. She sometimes doesn't like to show her feelings to other people.She cares for her friends deeply and would do anything for them.
    History: Kaori has lived in the island for as long as she can remember.She used to live with her mother but now lives her father.She moved in with her father when her mother died.She has been getting close to six other girls.She enjoys to go to the shores and watch the sunset.
    Weapons: None
    Powers: None
  11. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Within the World Shadow Abyss, Deinaito pondered about. Currently his mind was on the princess and how they (the princes) would catch them. It couldn't be that hard, they were just a butch of 'innocent' girls. Which seemed to not even know of what they were, unlike them. Also the fact that they seemed to have not way to protect themselves. They seemingly looked unaware of danger, which, made it sound simply to easy. Deinaito toke a seat on the ground and let out a soft sigh as his smiled to himself. Truthfully he wasn't the type that like to wait to take action. Then again, he'd most like waste some time for the others by chatting and/or flirting with a random person he finds. Deinaito could put it to use as befriending and delaying enemies. But, he never really cared for it, plus he liked to take orders. Not to make orders for himself...

    Zexion listened to Xemnas speak out loud to himself. The schemer had nothing to say about it, the past was the past. All they could do now was try to make things different. As Xemnas seemed to now be promising to the organization. But really would things change? And with adding more members, it also may risk bringing a traitor to destroy the organization once more. Zexion closed his eyes and shifted his legs a little uncomfortable. He opened one eye and saw Xemnas looking up to the sky. The schemer had idea why he was looking up there. He opened his other eye and looked on straight ahead. Zexion wouldn't question Xemnas, he was superior and he should know what he was doing. Otherwise he wouldn't be leader, someone else out of the six most likely would have been.
  12. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    OoC: Accepted!

    "We have to find the key blade wielder, there must be another one by now" Xemnas said to them, "Much has changed in out absence, but in my opinion this accounts for nothing. After all, we had very little problems dealing with the heartless before. This time should not be any different, I want to go to this Azure Village... Its the only World that seems to have any connections to anybody" Xemnas stated standing there, he closed his eyes and then reopened them and looked to Marluxia's group. At least what he dubbed as their group, mainly castle oblivion. "I want you all to go to Azure Village, to try and see if you may locate the Key blade master... Don't intercept him if you do find him, instead report back to me. The rest of us, I need us to figure out the new heartless leader... Maleficent has been long gone as well" he said with a slight smile on his face.

    Looking out to the ocean, not many were here yet but then again school got out. They were probably home getting their stuff and heading here now, she smiled as the salty hair blew on her face and pushed a strain of hair back from her face. "I guess I should get ready too, no need to be a stick in the mud" Manami said quietly as she turned to begin towards her house. She would change into her bathing suit and probably playing in the sand, one of her hobbies was making sand castles and she was pretty good at them.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey mumbled something under his breath as he received a package from his employer. He was curious as to why he never saw his face. Although the man was obviously old and knew much about the world, he never seemed to leave his building. Grey looked down at the address and laughed. Finally! Somewhere that isn't dangerous! A simple house...Hm...there's a note near it... The note simply stated, If not there, go to the beach. He shook his head and wondered how his boss even knew where to find these people. Grey made deliveries to the oddest places and people. He cursed under his breath, assuming that he would have to fight his way there, as always. He summoned his keyblade and grinned, making sure that it still obeyed him. He let it dissipate and began walking. Good thing I have a great sense of direction!
  14. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Kaori had left the school grounds a little later than the other students.She had talked to one of her teachers.As she left the school grounds,she had a big grin of her face. "Finally,summer vacation!" she said stretching her arms in the air.She first headed to her house to leave her things.She went to her room and dropped her bag on the floor.She looked around her room,wondering if she needed anything.She shook her head and closed her door.She then left her house.While walking down the sidewalk,she looked up at the sky and had her index finger against her lips. "Where should I go?Should I go to the beach or somewhere else less crowded?"
  15. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx sighed as he sat in his room. "Why can't this be over?" he asked himself. "Can I just have a heart or not? I don't want to keep fighting..."

    Dorian smiled as he read his book. " princesses of Heart...intriguing...they must certainly be beautiful, of course. And just think of how powerful their hearts must be..." He closed his book and walked up to the window. His dark eyes swept across the lush green forest below his manor. He smiled once more. "I think it's time I pay a visit to one..."

    OOC: Wait, I have a question. Is Mickey still alive? If he is, after millions of years...

    ...that's just badass...>:3
  16. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Kaori decided she would just walk around town.She stopped by a park.She's been walking for a while. "I need to rest." She sat down on the park bench and leaned back. "This is nice." She closed her eyes,feeling the breeze of fresh air gently hit her face and pass through her hair.She stayed like that for a few minutes.
  17. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Zexion looked over to Demyx, he found his comment disappointing. Then he looked down at his lap and toke a deep breath.
    "If it were all that simple, we'd have are hearts by now" the schemer muttered, "sadly life isn't what you call simple..."
    He sat there for a minute before disappearing in a shadowy portal. The portal vanishing within a few seconds afterwords. Zexion reappeared in Azure Village, in a random alleyway. The schemer let out a soft, calm sigh as he put the robe's hood over his head. Then he began to exit the alley and wonder through the village in search. Zexion thought it should have been thought out more but ignored that fact. He figured wearing the organization robe may draw a lot of attention. But, it'd perhaps be best to ignore it even if they did.

    Deinaito rolled his eyes, there seemed like their was nothing to do at all. Then again the world was quite bare, boring and lonesome. Not much of his cup of tea whatsoever. Deinaito stood up and looked around for a moment. Then he made a faint smirk to himself and spoke.
    "Sure anyone wouldn't mind me prancing about the village..." in a kind tone he said, "who knows what will run into, perhaps if i am lucky... It'll be something rather delightful."
    With those last words from Deinaito, he vanished within a portal to Azure Village.
  18. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Demyx scowled at where Zexion had stood. "I never said it was simple..." he muttered. He sighed. "I'm going somewhere with a beach..." With that, he portalled away.

    A moment later, he was on an island he didn't recognize. But he didn't mind. Waves were gently lapping on the shore. He smiled as he unzipped his cloak and threw it on the sand, revealing a simple white shirt and blue jeans. He flopped down in the sand and listened to the waves, enjoying the peace. "As long as Xemnas doesn't pop up, I'm good," he said softly to himself. He cast a look over at a small island, where a tree with star-shaped fruit was growing. He smiled. "Hmm...reminds me of Roxas, for some reason..."

    "Now..." Dorian mused to himself. "Where do I find these Princesses?" He snapped his fingers. "Heartless!"

    At his command, several Heartless appeared from the shadows. Dorian smiled. "Look for seven young girls with pure hearts," he instructed them. "Don't steal their hearts right away. Be cordial. Understand?" The Heartless nodded as a whole. "Good. I'll be waiting." Dorian nodded, and the Heartless disappeared. Dorian smiled as he lit a cigarette. "This should be interesting..."
  19. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Name: Xigbar
    Role:Organization XIII

    Original Character
    Name: Nehi
    Age: 16
    Picture/Description: My Avatar! =D
    Role: (uumm...surprise me? =D)

    Personality: A carefree young man. The world nor its thoughts have nothing on him. Although carefree, he can be rather hot-headed; which may lead to a berserk reaction. Signs of lunacy will always linger when hyper.

    History: He came in contact with the village at the age of 3. As he grew up, his characteristics started to show. His father; being a swordsman, smithed a weapons for the local practitioneers(sp?). In time, he was taught how to wield and smith many weapons. Soon, he developed in his own and signature sword. Now being 16, his curiosity burns with a passion; tempting him to seek many things.

    Weapons: A custom made sword-breaker.
    Powers: Supernatural will-power. With this kind of will-power, it'll take great effort to put him to rest. o.O;
  20. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Larxene rolled her eyes. "lets go" she mumbled to Demyx.

    OOC: sorry its short, i gotta go.
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