Kingdom Hearts: A Christmas Tale

Discussion in 'Archives' started by W7F, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL

    Liek, Hai~

    I guess its been a while since I've posted anything major, or been "seriously" active on this site. Its been even longer since I've been able to sit down, and think about anything, let alone for writing something that has nothing to do with a school assignment; but then again, I'd be lying if I said I've been doing school writing assignments recently. . . X_X

    Well, I decided to take another stab at writing a Kingdom Hearts fan fiction. Its honestly not my thing, I usually feel better connected to characters I've made myself. But. . . Sora, Kairi, Riku, Kairi, Axel, Kairi, Roxas, and Kairi are pretty sweet characters. Unfortunately, I won't be able to include all of the KH cast in my fic, it focuses on Sora and Kairi's "first" Christmas. Sadly, I am grounded, and not on here as much. Thus, the little "warning" that I was going to attempt to write something again, and post it here. I won't be able to put anything of the actual story tonight, but expect something tomorrow afternoon. Like my other fics, I will be updating sporadically, and pretty much unannounced. I will try to remember to include the fact that I updated in my sig, but don't always count on it. Oh, but another thing. Unlike my other fics, my updates will be in chapters at a time, not little segments. It also probably will be a little more organized. We'll see, I guess.

    Liek, laterz~



    Well then, it seems that I can finally have a little slot o' time where I can do some serious typing. I guess I will. I think I will organize this a tad bit differently from W7FHAX Style. To see if I had ever made any updates, one had to do much scrolling of teh sidebar, and would have to check back several times a day, because rarely did I actually say "I updated! :D", and because I kept the whole story within the first 3 posts on the first page, and would just edit those posts with a new addition to el storeh, my thread would only get bumped, when you, the kindly reader decided to mosey along, and post some nice words. Or, some constructive criticism, XD. This time, I'll post a single chapter at a time, within one post, and have a little intro at the beginning, and an outro at the end. In the first post (this one, the one you're reading) of this thread, I will have a nice little timeline, chronicling my updates. In each update where I actually posted a Chapter, I will have quoted the beginning of the chapter, so that you can simply click the quote, and you will be magically sent there. Ain't it wunnerful? I dew behleev show. Also, this will boost my post count, just a wee. DUN TELLZ ANY1!!! X_X



    Well, the effin' prologue is out of the way, so now I can get into the more Xmas-y parts. Sorry this is taking as long as it is. Believe me, my ******* ******* MOTHER ******************************** ************* **************** ******************************************** ********* ******** STUPID SACK OF MONKEY **** ***** big ****** *** ****Final exams, quarterly exams, semester exams, and unit tests are killing me. I haven't even been able to fulfill my little promise to post a chapter a day. I already know where this is going, I just can't find enough time, what with all of the studying and homework I'm not doing, to sit down and type it all out. Also, there are a few personal problems going on I'm trying to take care of. No worries though, right...? RIGHT!?!?!?

    ...So then, after I finish my 5 page Review for Algebra II *kills self*, I'll begin typing out Chapter 1. 'Spect it who the hell knows when. Depends upon how late I stay up doing this homework. I phail at Algebra... Well, at Math.




    ..Er, sorry. Had to get that out of the way. I almost feel bubbly, for the first time evarh. I got's no school until January 2nd. Pretteh coolz. So, Its time for me to stay up all night, play video games, get hopped up on Mountain Dew and some stronger stuff (Dunkin' Donuts coffee now comes in a bag at your local grocery store. Monsters and Rockstars are still pretty effective. Sadly, after the 5th or 6th one, I can't keep my arms and hands from shaking anymore. Guess that's why on the back of the Monster can it says "Do not consume more than 3 a day", XP.), backflip off my roof, spraypaint cars, shoot my neighbor's cat with my paintball gun (lawl, Mr. Fluffykins jumps liek, 50 feet into the air), try to find where my parents hid my Xmas presents, unwrap my presents at 3 a.m., check them out, and then rewrap them, draw a mustache on my sister when she's sleeping with a Sharpie, and. . . Hmm... I guess I'll post some of my fic. I dun know, depends.



    Well, I've taken a 4-5 year break from the site, depending on whether you count in Zorbak time, or jiggehkins time. During this short break, I've beaten KH2 (for liek, the bajillionmillionth time), DDR: SuperNova, and Tony Hawk's: Project 8. Sooo, I guess I can do a wee bit of writing. I shall begin - sometime soon. Sorry for teh lazyness.
  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    That sounds intriguing...I can't wait for you to start posting it! :)​
  3. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Aww, I came here expecting to see a hilariously out-of-character fanfic.

    You disappoint me. j/k xD

    Can't wait to read!
  4. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky

    I can't wait.

    I love your stories. God damn, I just can't wait.

    ........Hurry up.

  5. oX Angel Xo Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 28, 2007
    yayy! my fuzzy-haired friend will be making another awesome fic!! =DD

    just kidding about the fuzzy hair. XD

  6. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL

    Welp, here be meh Prlogue to the wunnerful Xmas Story of Sora, Kairi, Riku, Selphie, Wakka, Tidus, everyone on Destiny Islands, your uncle, and everyone else on the Brink of Despair. I hope j00 enjoy.

    ~ To be perfectly honest with you, there is little to no reason to read 1/4 of this damn prologue thingie. It basically sums up Riku and Sora's return to the islands, something about sharks, an ugly charm, roast duck, and Kairi being bent out of shape. These pahts shall be in italics, and the prologue that is original to my story won't be. Coolz, eh? Zof course, you could always read the whole thing to get in the "Kingdom Hearts Zone". Wutever the fux that ish. Onward, TO WAL-MART!!!!

    A Prologue

    Riku: Nothing's changed, huh?

    Sora: Nope. Nothing will.

    Riku: What a small world.

    Sora: But part of one that's much bigger.

    Riku: Yeah.

    Sora: Hey Riku...what do you think it was---the door to the light?

    (Riku points to his heart)

    Riku: This.

    (Raising a hand to his chest)

    Sora: This?

    Riku: Yeah. It's always closer than you think.

    (Sora smiles)

    Kairi: Sora! Riku!

    (Kairi runs to them with a message in a bottle, Riku and Sora face her)

    Sora: Hey, what's up?

    Kairi: Look.

    (She shows it to him, and they see King Mickey's seal on the letter)

    Sora: From the King?

    (Sora takes it from her, dumps the message out, and they read it)


    Riku sadly shook his head, and pushed himself up from his leaning position against the shack. That day had filled him with such hope. To go adventuring again - this time, with Sora at his side, and maybe even King Mickey! But, that was all just a dream. It was highly unlikely to happen: he had known so before the letter came. After reading the contents that both reassured Kairi they'd be staying with her, and allowing them all to breathe a small sigh of relief, Riku (and Riku was pretty sure Sora felt the same way) realized all too quickly that he was restless, and wanting, no needing to get out there, even more so then 3 years ago, when Sora, Kairi and he had made that raft. Well, mostly himself. Sora hadn't done too much, he recalled. Knowing for sure of the existence of all those worlds hadn't filled the void in his wandering soul as he had hoped it would. It increased it sevenfold.

    The 17 year old punched himself lightly on the cheek, bringing him back to the present. He rarely dwelt on the past, for. . . obvious reasons. Why start now? "I don't know...", the boy whispered to himself. He turned around, and pushed open the door to the shack.

    Inside, leaning against the left wall of the set of stairs, was his old wooden sword. Riku thanked Sora aloud for the distraction, and practically ran to the "toy", feeling ten again. He barely succeeded in walking up the stairs, opning the door, and traipsing across the boardwalk without letting out a warwhoopand recklessly charging to the islet, where he thought Sora was most likely waiting for him.


    Sora, percheh in a palm tree, observed Riku moseying down the boardwalk. The brunette hoped to catch him off guard, even in the slightest, so he could have a slight advantage (even if only for a little while) over the other's superior strength. Hey, Sora didn't exactly still have his baby fat on his cheeks (not on any of the four, thank you very much), but he'd even admit to himself and others that he wasn't as well toned as the older boy. Faster? That one's iffy at best. Sora guessed he'd find out soon enough: Riku was just about to pass below him.


    Riku stepped off of the ramp descending to the actual islet, dismayed that Sora was no where in sight. He decided he'd go sit on the paopu tree - their favorite spot to hang out - and wait for him to return. He walked between the cluster of three palms, letting one of his hands drift across its trunk, and then dropped it to his side. He turned toward the papu bearing tree, and shuffled over to it. Halfway there. . .


    . . . Sora leaped from his hiding place, among the many fronds at the top-most part of the tree, and brought his wooden sword over his head. He let loose his blood curdling battle cry. . .


    . . . "SHOOP DA WHOOP!!!" Riku slowly turned his head, and looked up. Sora was crashing towards him, and ready for a little bit of practice. "A little lesson, I mean." Riku, at the last possible second, calmly brought his sword up. Sora had swung down with such force, he actually flew back a foot or so when their "blades" connected. The brunette quickly recovered, however, and charged at the older boy, going into a full lunge at his stomach. Riku easily jumped back, causing Sora to be exposed for a brief second. Riku punished the boy for his mistake by thunking him on the crown of his head with the flat of his training sword.

    "Ouch. . ." Sora quickly straightened up, and rubbed the top of his head.

    "Giving up already?" Riku taunted, with a flourish of his open hand, and a small shake of his head.

    "You wish." Sora, grinning, replied.

    Sora charged, yet again, but this time dived. He rolled his body in mid-air, so he'd land on his back. He hit the dirt, and slipped through Riku's legs, coming out behind him. He swung at the older's exposed back, but Riku shot into the air. He spun around, and flung his sword back down at Sora. It buried deep into the ground, inches to the right of his face.

    "HAH! Missed!" Sora raised his head, attempting to stand up quickly. It didn't work too well. He could only raise his head just off the ground. He looked over at the sword, and noticed that his necklace's silver chain had been caught around it. He threw down his training sword, knowing he'd have to use both hands to remove it. He heard Riku land, and begin to slowly walk over to him. Sora gripped the 'blade', and valiantly tried to rip it from the ground. It was hard to do from where he lay, but he managed just as Riku reached him.

    "Heh, Sora. . .?"

    "S'up?" Sora asked, and then flipped himself into the air, sailing over Riku's head, and landed lightly on his feet. He turned around to face the older boy, a smile on his face.

    "Umm, I was just going to let you get up, but since you had to be so fancy. . ." Riku reached down, and plucked his weapon from the ground, and then scooped up Sora's. The brunette promptly facepalmed, drawing a laugh from Riku. "Well, you can't beat me WITH a weapon, so it wouldn't be any fun if you were unarmed," Riku taunted again, and then tossed Sora his sword.

    "Pssh, I've gotten MUCH better than YOU, having to fight the Organization and everything," Sora replied, and then dashed towards Riku, raising his reclaimed wooden sword. Riku met up with him, in the center of the islet. Sora struck first, coming in from the side. Riku decided to prove his superior strength again. He blocked the blow, grabbed the front of Sora's shirt, and then lifted him off the ground.

    "Whoa! Hey, lemme down!" Sora exclaimed, swinging his overly large toothpick around wildly. Riku just ducked his head a few times, and then slammed his sword handle and hand guard into the younger's stomach, causing all of the air in his lungs to whoosh out, and his limber form to go limp. Riku then spun around on his heel, and launched Sora over his head.

    He sailed over the paopu tree they all loved to hang out at, and. . . *SPLOOSH* went face-first into the water. Up on the islet, Riku reached the edge of it, and fell to his knees laughing at the boy's predicament. He suddenly sobered up, realizing Sora could drown since he was unable to catch his breath. He dived into the water, and swam out to the boy.


    Weel then, how'z deed I dew? I understand there are probably several grammatical/spelling errors - believe me, I'll be skimming and re-skimming this several times throughout its life. I'd rather you, the reader, look for any breaks in the story where I slow down too much, and make it boring as hell, while trying to describe something done; or if I rushed too much, and made it hard to visualize. I hope to have posted the first chapter by tomorrow. Ta-Ta for now!
  7. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    OH YAYZ!!!

    Another story I know I will love so much.

    Good to know you've got another story written.

    Twas funny and I loveddd it.

    More please??
  8. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Oh very nice story ^^ and OMG haven't seen you for a long time! How are you?
  9. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ooh, pretty good...although I have to admit, it has just a tiny bit of trouble keeping my attention...but otherwise, it's doing awesome! XD Just make it move just a little bit faster, but anyhow...keep it up! :glomp:​
  10. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    I've been silently shadowing y- Uhm... I mean. . . I've been grounded, so I haven't been able to get on here too much. Ya' know, grades and all. I'm only failing 5 classes, I don't see the big deal, :3 I guess I've been ok. What about you? :D, glad both of you like it so far. Hell, I might even start on chapter 1 now. I don't feel like doing homework. I'm supposed to make a poster and a two page report on the ancient Kongu tribe, over in Africa. They were conquered by the Portuese, if I recall correctly. Wait, wtf!? Damn school. I can see I'm getting off topic here. To stay off topic, just a moment or three longer, its due tomorrow. XDDD
  11. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Good Job.

    The prologue was a bit dry, but I know that it'll get better just becuase of the fact that you wrote it.

    I love your amazing stories.

    Hurry up with chapter 1.

  12. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Glad you realized it. It does be a prologue. That's why I'm trying to hurry up and post chapter one. Dun want everyone to immediately dismiss my story. You may do so later, XD.
  13. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    OMFG - m00r hax! D=

    *shot'd twice*


    Well, I still lurved it, doode. XD



    UP. D=
  14. oX Angel Xo Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 28, 2007
    loved it, fuzzy!

    silly sora... X]
    keep 'em coming!! ^^
  15. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    PLZ i wanna know if sora dies lolz (jk)
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