KINGDOM HEARTS 3D: New Tidbits from Nomura Interview

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    A new interview with Nomura has surfaced. Tidbits from KINGDOM HEARTS 3D was revealed in this latest interview.

    Overall, the interview doesn't feature new content, but more like a tease from Nomura.

    KINGDOM HEARTS 3D was first revealed at E3 2010. The game is set for Nintendo 3DS, but no word on a release for Japan or anywhere overseas.

    Source: KH13 and thanks to forum member "Ø Riku" for letting me know.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 30, 2010.

    1. KeybladeSpirit
      It's already been confirmed that 3D does not stand for 3-Dimensional in this case. Rather, it has something to do with the final title of the game. And in light of what Mike said, maybe it stands for "3rd Dive." Think about it. We've already got Coded, which tells about what the journal "remembers." And Days is about the memories that Xion is made out of. So it would only make sense that this 3rd Dive goes into what Sora sees during this time.
    2. Wheel of Time
      Wheel of Time
      Do you think Nomura thought of putting the last Organization XIII members somebodies in this game? You know Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene? If it is a prequel to KH2?
    3. Ø Riku
      Ø Riku
      I think I'll take you up on that theory. That makes perfect sense.
    4. Shikou
      YES!!! thats what i was thinkign :D
    5. C
      It does look interesting, though I am pretty iffy on the 3D gimmick. Still, it'll be nice to play as Riku, and in his KH1 appearance no less.
    6. Paopu
      Lmao, you realize that'll probably be it. At the ending credits... we see Roxas going into the pod room where we first see Sora in KHII.
    7. Marxaeus
      Hear that? That is the sound of a billion yaoi shippers squealing in joy that Sora was dreaming about Riku. Damn you Nomura, damn you.
    8. KeybladeMasterJoe

      i love everybodies theories ^_^

      well, im just gonna shrug my shoulders and wait ^_^

      maybe this game doesnt fill in any gaps between kh1 and kh2

      maybe sora and riku are fighting for their lives against some type of new threat but the first 1/4 of this game is about sora and riku remembering their past then it fastforwards to the present with them fighting together.

      i mean its a possibility right?
    9. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Interesting indeed, but it doesn't explain the existence of Nobodies or Riku's outfit. If the timeline was after COM and during days wouldn't Riku wear the organization cloak? And based on your theory the only way i can justify the existence of Twilight Thorn in Traverse Town is that Xion and Roxass' memories and lives affect Sora's memories.
    10. ajmrowland
      I get this nagging feeling it's still the "data world"

      could be wrong, though.
    11. MatthewWaller
      I've just had a sudden feeling that Kairi will turn out to be evil in this game
    12. Misty
      As fun as it might be for that to be true, unfortunately, Kairi is a Princess of Heart, so there is no darkness in her... so being evil isn't exactly in her capacity, haha.

      I am still against this game. B| Just give us KH3.