Kingdom Hearts 3D: Information from Introduction Trailer & More

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (Logo)" width="509" height="358" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2815" /></a></center>

    New information has surfaced during a new interview with Nomura. Kingdom Hearts 3D is our main focus, which features tidbits of new information. Below is a translation in regards to this new title and what it will offer for the 3DS.

    Translation by KH-Recharged

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 26, 2011.

    1. Dal
      Well, we've already taken notice! Haha. Can't wait!
    2. Ren!
      Oh yeah, MOST DEFINITELY taking notice of this one XD (I am WAAAY to excited about finally getting to play as Riku over here in Aussie-land)
    3. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      you can play as Riku in CoM.....
    4. jazumin-chan
      Woo, hi five!
      But man the price tag on the 3DS is almost console price, not handheld =='

      Yeah, but CoM is 2D. And well there is RE: CoM but most Aussies don't have access to it unless they import it from the US or Japan. I was able to get my hands on one though x
    5. Glen
      Lucky! I've wanted it for a very long time! lol
    6. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      Awesome! Can't wait for this. The name Dream Drop Distance has yet to grown on me, ah well I'll get used to it soon enough just like 358/2 Days. :D
    7. chessplayerjames
      Yeah, uh, are you guys working on getting the cutscenes from Re: Coded into the cutscene archive? Thanks in advance if you are XD Re: Coded is super fun! Great game in the series.
    8. Going Down In Flames2001
      Going Down In Flames2001
      oh yer!!! bring on the new game. Cant' wait
    9. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Good info. However, I do not like the prospect of returning to the battle system used in CoM, even if just for one character. I hope it was just a comparison. I much prefer the battle systems of BBS, Days, KH and KH II. Thanks for the update, Mike. As always. ​
    10. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      I agree. Didn't really like the battle system in chain of memories either but I guess that explains why the logo is grey just like com instead of a pinkish color to go with the title like recoded. But overall can't wait to hear the release date for this game^^
    11. Mish
      This x10000.

      No more cards plz.
    12. Korosu
      I want to get this game; it has such a pretty name xDCan't wait to play as kh1 Sora and Riku.

      Thanks for the update Mike. ~
    13. Mike
      It was a very rough translation I got for that part, so please guys take that with a grain of salt. I was going to leave it out, but I wanted to at least attempt and understand it's translation.
    14. Shikou
      I actually liked the card system in CoM. I thought the remake was ok but nothing can beat the original GBA game (I dont care for graphics). The one thing I did not like about the remake was they left out the 2 Player mode. They could have added the Riku part into the 2 Player mode too but they forgot about the 2 palyer mode. :(
      I got used to 358/2 Days on the DS but I could not get used to re:Coded that much. I hope I can get used to KH3D/DDD/Dream Drop Distance on the 3DS.
    15. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Oh, no worries man. Will do. It could just as easily be a comparison of game mechanics as a description of the battle system, among other things. Time will tell. ​
    16. KeybladeSpirit
      I think all it means is that Riku's Command Deck (to which they seem to be converting the whole series) is going to be fixed depending on his situation. He'll probably be using his cards in terms of the storyline, but the battle system won't change.
    17. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      Even if they do return to the CoM battle style I don't think it will matter too much it's still a KH game at the end of the day isn't it
    18. dirk123
      I personally think that Sora's skillz etc can be changed (on/off). While Riku has a set skill which he cant change (Like how Riku in KH2 only has a few moves during the final Xemnas Battle)
    19. TerraVenAqua10
      The logo looks pretty =3 I cant wait! Hopefully there are no cards. I wasn't fond of the card system.....