KINGDOM HEARTS 3D: A Look into the Trailer

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    KINGDOM HEARTS 3D has been announced today at the E3 2010 convention, but what exactly is the main focus of the title?

    IGN has added the description of the trailer for this demo that is in the works.


    For more information, follow the link below.

    Source: Thanks Greater_bloo
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

    1. Marxaeus
      Well the DSi currently holds that title in terms of a remade console. Swap the very useful GBA slot for a very useless camera along with other never to be used functions? Well done Nintendo, now if you just turn the stylus into a stick covered in barb wire you'll have a screaming success.
    2. KirbyKoot401
      well I'm betting that it has a better graphics chip and more memory since they haven't done this on the DS atm. They said it had "improved graphics capabilities" and it also has an accelerometer and gyroscope. Yay for moving games? Anyway, its not just a new camera system and 3D viewing. So this is finally the next console after the original DS.
    3. AxelRikkuconnection
      SOOOO back on topic, this game is given me an idea. Think Nomura about this. This game might be a spin off, wat if kh1 and 2 were a dream.... wat if the world he is in now is a world taken over by hearless and nobodies... I'm starting to think wat possibilites are even possible... a kh1 looking game.. too young to be after kh2 and coded...

      thats wat i think
    4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      God no, i don't want kh to turn into a multiuniverse DC style.

      *sigh* hopefully KH won't be milked to death.
    5. KeybladeSpirit
      That makes no sense. Like, at all.
    6. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      It's now been confirmed that it won't be a remake of KH1. That would have been nice. It would have said a lot about the 3DS if it was shown that it could remake a PS2 title.
      I don't even know what to think. Raining Sora's? Gimme a break. There's not nearly enough to form any conclusions yet, but this doesn't look very promising so far.
    7. Gultigargar
      This. For all we know, the pictures might just be meant to show off the 3DS graphics engine, and they might not even be in the final product.

      Isn't speculating just wonderful? :sigh:
    8. Noise
      it sounds like it takes place right before KH1? like right before when Sora awakens?

      i have nooooooooo idea where this fits...but i am getting alittle more excited the more we find out...
    9. Kubo
      That's what it seems so far... I guess they have to explain some things before they move on to KHIII, and the way they do it is through some kind of dream. That's very clever, you know. The dream could happen when Sora is sleeping (the present), and in it you're going through the past. It's the perfect way to connect the present and past to move on to the future.
      But it's not just a way to advance the plot. It's the last resort for Nomura, to explain whatever he wants to, and then, KHIII here we come!
    10. Marxaeus
      I just realised we shouldn't be questioning this, and let Nomura continue on with it, I mean, it's not like he's ever given us a crappy explanation for this stuff. He's just a shrewd and secretive little arse. But he's never disappointed us, Kingdom Hearts was a risky idea, trying to put Disney with Final Fantasy, and he's made millions out of it. I think we should just let him continue to make his awesome, if not strange gambles, and continue rolling all the way to Kingdom Hearts 3 (The Console one)

      (My god I just made a lot of dice and gambling reference, excuse me while I purge Luxord from my mind x.x)
    11. Misty
      Am I the only one who laughed at this?

      No offense, but uh... look at the entire plotline of KH2. :v
    12. Marxaeus
      He was actually trying to explain something O.O. I thought the job was to take key, kill tons of bad guys, then deliver it in time for Nomura to open the door of his brand new mansion.

      tbh though i really didn't see much that needed to be explained in KH2. I mean when I heard the word Nobodies I instantly knew that they were automatically connected to the heartless. I didn't need Yen Sids all powerful wisdom to figure that out. The game was all pretty much hack and slash and "QUICK PRESS THE BUTTON NAU!!"

      The only explanation that IS need is why they put Atlantica in the game AGAIN. It was godawful the first time and the musical was causing me to gnaw on my own gums.
    13. Misty
      I just don't think he carried some of the ideas as well as I would have liked. Roxas was all intense and mysterious when he saw him the first few times, but he ended up being kind of a pansy. The whole DTD and Door to the Light stuff just made zero sense, the whole "pathways" thing just seemed pointless, and I just felt like there wasn't too much of a plot. :/ Don't get me wrong, I like the games a lot, but KH2 was a bit of a disappointment.
    14. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Still waiting on that Final Mix in English, man.
    15. spawn at
      spawn at
      Well it's good upgrade if you ask me, better graphics, wifi you can use your wireless just like psp, analog, two cameras and a 3d switch that can turn the 3d off or on. What more can you ask for?
    16. Flaraka
      omg this better not be for 3DS cause, i dont have one and i dont think people will buy them. they already came out with DSi, then came out with DSiXL,and now 3DS. if people buy every DS that came out so far i dont think they need another one to their 4 DS collection haha
    17. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      It is for the 3DS. If you would have read the thread, you'd know that. Also, I think people will buy it. It looks awesome.
    18. KeybladeSpirit
      Except the 3DS isn't a DS remake . It's a new console entirely.
    19. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Seriously why it takes them so much time to understand this^

      Anyway to be on topic although i'm still somewhat annoyed by the fact that another KH game will come out for another console, i'm also highly intrigued by the weirdness of the trailer which will cause me serious headaches till the game come out trying to figure out what on Merlin' pants the plot will be about.