KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days: Releases Tomorrow in NA

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York


    Hey everyone, it's time to celebrate the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. We have one day left until the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days in North America. Below I added a counter. We have only hours until the game finally releases. Make sure you pick up your copy tomorrow. Discover the relationship between Axel, Roxas and Xion. Find out who Xion is and how she was number fourteen in the organization. PLUS vs your friends in multiplayer for the first time in the KINGDOM HEARTS series. We'll keep you guys informed on the latest. The only thing I have to ask is...ARE YOU GUYS READY?

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    KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (Avatars):
    I just made some quick and simple avatars from KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days for the celebration of the release. There's three below. Feel free to use.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 28, 2009.

    1. khfreak123
      AHHHHHHH!!!! I begged my mom to let me go to walmart tonight at 12:01 am To get it but tomarrow is a school day. BLECH!!
    2. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤

      I'm so happy!!!! i totally spamed my friend who really doesnt like Kh that much ands he almost killed me but IDC! I WANT THE GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Baha, I know, right. Sooo, I really wish I wouldn't have school tomorrow so I could just play it all day. I do believe I will become a hermit in the next coming weeks. Only forty-five minutes until the 29!!!
    4. Xannah
      Darn skippy I am! I preordered it today; last miunte sadly.
    5. *dancewaterdance*
      I am so excited about this game!!! I've had it preordered since June (LMAO) and am probably gonna spend the whole day playing it tomorrow. Can't wait!

      Lol I'm homeschooled. That doesn't mean I can skip out on my work; I can't. However, it does mean that the past three days I've been working extra hard and have gotten almost all of my work for this week done. So I basically have the whole week to play it :D
    6. ~The Rising Falcon
      ~The Rising Falcon
      i won't get mine til 11am eastern time......

      i don't know if i got the exclusive art cards or not, but did you?
    7. wackko300
      I'm Ready! I'm Ready! I'm Ready!

      You bet I'm ready for it! Sadly since I pre-ordered the game in the US on-line, I won't get mine until maybe this weekend.....sigh....too bad I live overseas, oh well. At least I get the Player's Guide for the game too.
    8. Akema_AK
      LOL I got a call as well right after i got off the phone with the gamestop im going to. Cant wait to get it just a few more hours and thankfully im off work till friday. WOOT WOOT
    9. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Okay, so it is released, but I don't hear anybody who has it lawl.

      I'll have to wait for 9 october though, but meh it's okay I can wait.
      I don't have to preorder it, because they will have a copy anywayz.
    10. Number72TheMonkey
      Why wait? you could at least get an R4 and try to find a way to dwnload the rom...
    11. khfreak123
      Got mine today!! To bad I am sick. :( Oh well. I guess a little KH Makes us all feel better. I am on Day 15. Pretty slow but I am getting there.