KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days: Releases Tomorrow in NA

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York


    Hey everyone, it's time to celebrate the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. We have one day left until the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days in North America. Below I added a counter. We have only hours until the game finally releases. Make sure you pick up your copy tomorrow. Discover the relationship between Axel, Roxas and Xion. Find out who Xion is and how she was number fourteen in the organization. PLUS vs your friends in multiplayer for the first time in the KINGDOM HEARTS series. We'll keep you guys informed on the latest. The only thing I have to ask is...ARE YOU GUYS READY?

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    KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (Avatars):
    I just made some quick and simple avatars from KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days for the celebration of the release. There's three below. Feel free to use.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 28, 2009.

    1. GameFreak12389
      Oh Im ready! MY game has been reserved for awhile now and everything. Picking it up first chance I get tomorrow. Probably around noonish. And the great thing is I have off from work tomorrow and wednesday! Woot!
    2. Shadow55551
      I am going to have to wait til we get the chance to go to Walmart to get it. I really want to play it and well I have a little less than what it probably costs. Teehee I am playing all the games in order Chronologically excluding BBS.
    3. Bluelazor
      I am SO ready for it! Although I don't have any money, so I can't get it. :( Oh well, I'll be getting money soon, so it shouldn't take long before I have this game in my hands. *laughs evilly* MUWAHAHAHAHA!
      Okay, I'm good. :lol:
    4. Shadow55551
      Dang it I hope my Aunt and Uncle haven't Forgotten me. Maybe they just sent it to late oh well hopefully I can get the money soon.
    5. AxelsGirlfriend
      Omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!om g!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!omg!

      *strts hyperventalateing) I *breaths* CANT WAIT! *passes out* ~.~
    6. NarutoSuperKubii
      Aww now you tell me im already on day 17 in my jap version :<
    7. thecoder180
      I've had It preordered for a while now, and according to the counter it looks like a midnight realease. That seems like a good sign. Best Buy could robably get it mailed to my mailbox by the time I get home from school!! Get ready, DS! The time has come!

      You better get it mailed by 3:00, Best buy. OR. I. WILL. HUNT. YOU. DOWN.

      Also, If you want a little English action beforehand, lookhere.

      There's already a full English walkthrough on youtube!
    8. sakane-chan
      Bleh; I'm ready for Birth by Sleep!!! :rockdover: Though I can't wait to get my postcards and poster that comes with the 358/2 Days game. 8'3
    9. mokeyman q
      mokeyman q

      F*** YEAH!!!!

      Man, it seems like I've been waiting for this forEVER!
    10. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Woo! I got a call from Gamestop today about it. I pretty much freaked out. I've had it reserved FOREVER. I am pretty darn excited right now.
    11. Zeonark
      Untill BBS comes out. This is most likely going to be the best Kingdom Hearts game on the market. Seriously. In my opinon anyway :/

      FFFF- I'M ABOUT DAMN READY TO KICK SOME ASS WITH THIS. Here's hoping I don't die within the first 20 seconds of the game xD
    12. roxygal123
      Gaaah mine doesn't come till thursday!
    13. Spaze
      I'm totally getting this. 8D Now, I just have to start saving for BBS...
    14. SpazticFantaztic >:3
      SpazticFantaztic >:3
      CANNOT WAIT. If there was a midnight release party, i would be there. Hey, Mike... can I use the Roxas avatar, please?
    15. thecoder180
      I'mma sigging the countdown for tonight, 'kay?
    16. NarutoSuperKubii
      Well i already got the game on my computer so im in no rush to buy a ds and play the game without big choppy graphics
    17. Axel The Flurry Of Flames
      Axel The Flurry Of Flames

      lol i was just going to start a topic about this.I can't wait i have mine pre-ordered.I've beating the jap version on my computer but,I can't wait....Finally english lol
    18. AxelRikkuconnection
      Wat dissapoints me is that the rom was released yesterday :( but i am a bit happy that i got to play it before it came out :)
    19. mallqui123