Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Press Kit)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    The press kit that was shown at E3 has leaked online with images from Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, which includes logos, screenshots and renders. A very short trailer that was shown at E3, has also been shown, but this particular video doesn't contain voices.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Source: KHI and thanks riku angel and devil
Tags: this article has not been tagged


Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 6, 2009.

    1. FSLNell
      Theres also another trailer somewhere in which theres a lot more talking and voices.
    2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠
      thanks for the update mike i am going to definatly look forward to this
    3. Ultimecia
      Mickey's in Twilight Town.
      The woods I believe.

      Thanks for the update Mike.
    4. Krowley
      lol the ad was 15 sec,
      anywayz thnx again for keepin us informed :P
    5. laxman22
      This cannot be a DS game, no way DS graphics card could handle anywhere near this high quality. Could they possibly be porting it to PS2?
    6. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ
      Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ
      Is it just me, or does Axel look like he's cutting himself in half in that screenshot?
    7. Egypt
      Yes its for the DS.
    8. Suma
      I am impressed by the DS Graphics!!! can't wait to get this game.[​IMG]
    9. xXSafaiaShinobiXx
      Look up the cutscenes that someone posted on Youtube or the opening video. The graphics are almost exactly like that of the PS2. Of course, the actual gameplay's graphics have been dumbed down.
    10. Farore
    11. Sora3651

      I cant wait for this to come out!!!!
    12. Mike
      What's wrong with the source?
    13. Number72TheMonkey
      I Think the Press Kit is For The DSi (Which Sucks)
    14. Farore
      Well gee, I'm hoping you didn't quote a link without looking at it.

      And yes, you have to register. Really not that difficult.
    15. Mike
      I'm sorry I can't access it for reasons.
      As far as the thread, I heard that someone made a thread about KHU taking stories from KHI?
      What about it?

      By the way, enough with the sarcastic remarks.
    16. Monkey
      lolol I wouldnt click that link anyway

      This web site at has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

      Attack sites try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

      Some attack sites intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners.

    17. Mike
      I truly could care less anymore. I'm not missing out on anything over there.
      I see they still have a virus problem. Pft and they told me it was the news...

      Back to what I was saying.
      Why would you link me there?
    18. Inasuma
      lol yay e-drama.

      Some of the pic links don't seem to direct to the right images btw. Just an fyi.
    19. Catch the Rain
      Catch the Rain
      It is an ongoing problem they have, it is weird, it seems to come and go, as far as I am aware they are working on it. For example it is working this morning, but yeah it has been down more than up for me for the past week or so. Weirdly though IE lets me access there but FireFox doesn't. I think Pete is going to try fixing it again tonight.

      Also hola monkeymushface long time no see~

      He linked you because you are using information that came from KHI which someone on KHU ripped and didn't credit.

      I am a little confused though, if you can't access KHU then how did you get the information from KHU? Crediting a site you can't even view seems a bit weird.

      I am so confused right now.

      That being said some of those images are lush o:
    20. Toshi
      Was confused.
      I'm more confused.