Fandub Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (KHV: Fan Promo Video)

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Mike, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    im sorry to Mike an everyone else who was involved with this project, but i completly agree with D here.
    Many of you are getting angry with him but hes just giving his opinion and theres nothing wrong with that, hes given a good argument for his case and he deserves to be treated as so.
    anyways back to the Video itself,
    It seemed that you all wanted to potray your character in a different manner than others did, thus causing contradicting tones and voices. Im also sure that if all of the mics were of the same quality it would have done much better. I suggest that you all the same mic or at least the same quality, have a strict set path to follow, and redo this.

  2. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    There is a difference between a matter of a opinion and bashing. If you feel someone did badly, you would say things like "You really need to work on the lines more. The emotion or tone wasn't there. I'm sorry to say this but mic quality was awful, maybe that's what ruined the video."

    Members are pissed because he told my cast and I that we suck at life and basically everything else. The member completely dragged half the team down. Criticizing my directing in the video was only half the problem. I’m not always in control on how everyone has a different tone and emotion in their voice. If they try and work hard, that’s all that counts. It's not my fault and it's not their fault. We are not official VA's and for one thing, people need to keep in mind that it's a fandub. I added sound effects, the music level was fine. The point is I feel that a lot of us worked hard. By the way, two people in here didn’t have enough time to record because the two that were casted never got back in touch with me due to personal reasons. So, for those two that voiced as Diz and Axel, I give them full credit for helping out. To be honest, the Axel that I picked sounded so close to the original, but he never got back to me, so at least Ol'Sephy worked hard and tried to help me out. That's all that matters to me. My opinion on my cast is that they put great effort into the production. Fade (Namine), Sephysl (Xion), Ol’Sephy (Riku), Morris (Saix) and Diz (TheVader) did a great job. I wasn’t to thrilled about how Ol’Sephy sounded for Axel, but its okay because he wasn’t the original character to voice over as Axel. He was only trying to help.

    It's not my fault or the team's fault that you two expected a lot more, but I can promise many members that it will get better as more videos are made.

    So, everyone is entitled to an opinion right? Alright, that's fair. Now it's my turn. I think it is disgusting the way he commented on the fandub. His comment to Sephysl was enough. "You suck at life! You're worse than Mike! I can't believe he chose you to play Xion: you can't act, you can't voice act, and you can't ACT! You don't know how to express yourself as actress."

    That is so immature, but it doesn't surprise me. A lot of people are like that in this great world that we live in. Certain people just like to rip people down and make them feel like garbage. That is totally unacceptable. The member claims he hates my videos and that it makes his ears bleed. My comment would be, why are you still watching my videos? In the end, tell me how we will learn how to not suck with a comment like "If you learn how to suck,(which most of you do) then learn how to NOT SUCK!".

    Every other comment I got seems to be just fine. They explained what they liked or didn’t like. They gave advice and I felt it helped. There was one more bad comment that made it on the YouTube link, where someone thought it was okay to post a comment saying “Axel sounds like a ***.†I don’t tolerate comments like that either. No one deserves to be called a *** or feel like they suck at life because they are having fun and voicing a character they like. Lastly, I also give full credit to Sephysl. She voiced a character that’s voice has not been heard. We are not even sure what her voice will sound, but until then Sephysl is working very hard. As for me, I’ve been told from so many people that I do sound like Roxas. In fact the numbers from people that told me this is un-countable. If you ask me, I don’t know why many people think I sound like Roxas because I also need work. I guess I only need the work on the emotion, but hey we are not perfect, we are only human.
  3. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Choice words :D

    I don't know much about how this process works, but I'm guessing it's pretty hard, since you aren't all physically together. My suggestion to the voice actors is to read your lines over until you find the way that sounds the most natural. And Mike, ask them to do some of their lines over if it sounds awkward. Most of it is great, and the voices are very close to the original VA's, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.

    Just as an example, Sephysl did a bit of over-acting. Basically, emphasizing certain words was unnecessary, like when she said "...about the girl who was always together with Sora" or "I'm sorry". It's okay to sound nonchalant sometimes ^^

    I see a lot of improvement with you, Mike, your readings sounded more natural. Still a little choppy, but definitely better. And maybe this is because Roxas didn't have to do any screaming (lol), but your tone/level of emotion was good.

    Not that I have any experience in this field, just making observations.

    Considering that this is a fandub, it really kicks ass! I have faith that you guys to make the next one twice as good! XP
  4. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    ^Very well said my friend. In the end, we're here to entertain both the viewers, and ourselves. We all need more work on this, but hey, that's the human race in a nutshell.
  5. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Nice wordplay didn't bash anyone like i did...and i congratulate you on that......^.^
  6. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Okay here is my opinion. Most of the people did good even though there are times with the mic gets either too low or too loud, especially on the Axel lines. Axel sounded okay to me not the best, but tolerable. There is one thing some of you guys need to improve on is the mood and emotion of the characters' mind set. It sounded like the words were just flat and not expressed with any real feeling to it. The oringal actors even though some of them VA nobodies put some kind of direct feeling in their tone of voice.
    It is good for a first time dub. The other guy who seemed to bash you guys could of criticized in a more sutle manner and not be so blunt and inconsiderate and rude. Sure it his opinion, but the way it was worded was just immature.

    Hoepfully you can erase the bad comments, on youtube reviews. Everyone is a critic and unfortantely there are people out there in the world who either are jealous, or just plain mean.
  7. iYummyGum Moogle Assistant

    Mar 5, 2009
    Willy Wonka's chocolate factory
    I hate to say it,cause it's kinda *cough* harsh,but I kinda agree with this guy.:( Most of them weren't very believable(e.i. Xion),but yes, the people who were Namine and Diz did do pretty well. :)
  8. Monkey Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    My god you people are ******bags, the person your attacking supports these videos more then any of you children that go around giving full support, "OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME AND LIKE SUPER KAWAII". While giving the actors a thumbs up and praise their work is great because they appreciate it, its not actually helping them improve. The poster your attacking wants to help them out more then anyone else, hes providing constructive criticism, so they can provide YOU better service, and only improve themselves.

    Anyway Mike, I already talked to you about improvements on MSN =] keep at it.

    As for Mike's own response to the person giving him criticism, shuttup or put up, really. He should have sided with the person giving the criticism, not defending him. When you want to do such a great undertaking as a fandub, your providing a service. Your doing a great job, but you know and I know that you can do so much better. There are clearly places of imrpovement that would have required little time or effort if you knew more about you were doing. Furthermore, you cant use an excuse that because your offering a service, you can do it however badly you want - there are some professional quality fan dubs out there better then the real deal.

    Your calling other people pricks but your sounding like the biggest prick. Why do people watch movies and then say they hate them? Should they just have walked out of the movie theater they realized the movie wasn't as great as expected?

    I'm not going to tell one actress or another that they failed at life (even though some of the VA's shouldnt have been chosen), but that was just that one poster's way of speaking, beyond the fluff, everything in his statements were facts, and you SHOULD take them to heart and come out of it stronger, not be a little whiner about it.
  9. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Sorry, but I think you're wrong about this. The way that Doxyc posted was in no way "constructive criticism", it was a flame with traces of good advice. You can't expect people to listen to someone who completely cuts them down and discourages them from continuing their project.

    Mike did not sound like a prick at all (especially in comparison to the one criticizing him, who made several personal attacks on many of the actors); he sounded mature for the most part, and did in fact invite criticism.

    He had no reason to side with Doxyc because what he said was out of line. He isn't in a position to talk down to these people (not that it's ever good to be condescending), because he's just a viewer. If you truly want someone to listen to you, then gain their respect through maturity, instead of coming out of the blue and barking orders at them, as if they have an obligation to blindly follow your every word. I honestly don't believe that Doxyc wanted to help them, and if he did, he went about it the total wrong way.
  10. Dark Link Banned

    Dec 12, 2008
    In your dreams
    Awesome I liked it very much