Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J) Code thread

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by AntiWeapon, May 29, 2009.

  1. lpfighter3 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 10, 2006
    on earth
    You mean how did we figure out what the files were?

    We did trial and error by swapping files with the Roxas player model.
  2. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    But how? Where do the digits come from?
  3. lpfighter3 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 10, 2006
    on earth
    Using the name of the file
    00.z is: 00 = Xemnas sitting

    I think we should have a separate Topic for hacking, maybe even a separate part of the forums for hacking... Or is it just me?
  4. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    So those are the digits...
  5. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I agree. I'll PM Cloud for the okay, if he says it's fine I'll make the topic.
  6. ivan_devil Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 5, 2009
    how and where use World Fade Modifier :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  7. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    Sorry, no clue what it even does.

    Also, what you guys have to know is that all character models in this game have basic animations hard-coded into the models, for some reason. this means that those ones that say "sitting" or "walking" are just because that's the only animations they have. That's also why models like ven freeze the game when jumping, because if the game can't find an animation to use, it'll just crash, and not t-stance for some reason. there should be a way to swap only things like bone data and basic anims. i think i know how to do it, but i cant modify models directly, because they're nearly impossible to decipher on their own. so anyway, yeah, There are different animation files for different animation types. the types are as follows:
    Axxx = Basic animations (stored in model)
    Axxxwe = Basic animations for weapon (either stored in model or in W_.p2)
    Bxxx = These have to be battle animations (Stored in am.p2)
    Bxxxwe = Probably battle animations for weapons (Stored in am.p2)
    Caxxx = (Not sure what these even are. Stored in ab.p2)
    Caxxxwe = weapon equivalent of previous (not sure where stored, proabably same place)
    Dxxx = (Dunno what these are, either... Stored in maX.p.z and it.p.z)
    Dxxxwe = weapon equivalent of previous
    Exxx = (...o.O? i cant even find these, but apparently they exist... so yeah...)
    Exxxwe = weapon equivalent of previous
    Lxxx = Most probaly limit animations ( stored in li.p.z)
    Lxxxwe = Most probaly limit animations for weapons (most probably stored in li.p.z)

    that list is kinda vague anyway, and i didnt really check over it, but yeah...
    It's weird how a model interacts with an animation file which isnt its own. it doesnt seem to know how to move in the map it just doesn't... i'mma try and fix everything at some point, unless someone beats me to it, which they no doubt will
  8. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Hey, I'm gonna try another ROM hack involving language. Gonna see if I can get the shop translated.
  9. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    Well. All that I see going on with this whole "romhacking/editing" is basically what happened with Halo: Combat Evolved. SO many people modded it SO much, that they made a "Custom Edition" that was VERY moddable. So what im basically gathering from this thread, is that basically a "Custom" moddable version that functions differently from that normal rom will be neccesary, along with a special modding program. We couldnt do this on the PS2 because, FIRST of all, we cant edit that ACTUAL game, 2 Its exspensive and nobody wants to destroy their KH2, and 3 there arent really any programs that mod ps2 games. BUT on the NDS its VERY possible, it may take time and effort, but it has happened with other games.
  10. lpfighter3 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 10, 2006
    on earth
    Well, there is normally never a program. At least not until people decypher tons of code, figure out files and their formats. Once all that is figured out all it takes is some people with C++ knowledge, and the hacking information to make a program for the specific purpose of hacking.

    It's possible for this game to be modified and the same goes for the PS2 games, it's just the fact that nobody has really taken the time to sit down and do the work.

    Look at the Sonic the Hedgehog hacking community, They have the source for the original two games ripped apart and mostly documented. They also have multiple programs for different purposes: Level editing, sprite editing, music editing... yeah.
  11. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    well, It probably doesnt require anything extensive, but we have so many possibilities because we can load the rom onto our PC's (or macs, in my case) and do all kinds of stuff with it. Somebody mentioned earlier that they had hex edited ALOT of stuff in the game to make cool mods. I think that because the game is so simple, yet it has the BIOS, arm7, and arm9 systems, of a ps2 game. Its not like a Snes game or GBA game that can be decoded and edited by any coder worth his salt. It still only came out 18 days ago... and when you look at the KH2 thread, it took how many YEARS to sora to hold his keyblades backwards?
  12. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    depends what you want to rebuild, games use alot of custom archieves and files on ps2. especially square enix games. they even make the rebuilding process harder by encryting alot of lba info on files.

    it uses nothing of the ps2, the vids are just pre-rendered and played through the ds.
    DS reguires a universal directory system for the rom to be read correctly. we can use this info on all ds roms, thats why DS modding is so popular because tools can be made around this universal info in the rom. while on psx, psp, and ps2, it can all be custom made by the developers.

    PS2 games are far more complex than a simple ds game.
    emulation is easier to and has alot better hacking tools and techniques.
    while back when kh2 hacking started pcsx2 was no where in the position it is now (kh barely ran on it at all) but now adays we have figured out how alot of it worked as the emulation progressed.
  13. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    I know that the NDS uses nothing of the PS2, BUT this isnt your simple DS game. It has inredible Graphics (for a DS) and its really good for a ds)
    Its not like... umm.. Super mario RPG, SO basic. SO simple. and i know that a DS game will never stack up tp the complexity of a Ps2 game. But it seems that teh game is complex in a different way... Not as in the Graphics or anything, but the fact that... For example. DW Roxas's weapon is actally 1 sword, BUT his model and weap. file tells it to render the Oathkeeper and Oblivion. So when you hack them to Axel, ot wont work, because axels model and weap. file dont contain that data; it has to be hex edited. So my point is that most of the people asking for codes here, dont understand that its not as simple as KHII, because due to that LIMITED hardware of the DS, Square has had to make ALOT if changes to the way that the game works. Like in KH2, you can make sora have 2 keyblades by modding the moveset. but in this one, its harder because of what i said about roxas above.
  14. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    It just uses a differently coded engine. things arent going to work the same, its not the same game or the same console.
  15. ivan_devil Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 5, 2009
    how to open z archives in \NDS_UNPACK\data\mi\ch\ ???????????
  16. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    the fact they put alot of detail into how it looks isn't very relevant. just because the game plays and looks better than your casual DS game doesn't make it harder to work with. hell the main problem with codes with this game is that because the DS lacks alot of RAM not alot of files are in the ram at once. (fun stuff atleast). i dunno if this game uses DMA for the files (more than likely does) but still that would be the major buzz-kill of hacking any DS game for fun stuff like khv does.

    thats expected, are people here thinking it would be done the same as it would on the kh2?

    and by hex editing files im assuming your talking about romhacking? (which is a whole nother ball-park). i've been assuming everyone here's been doing ram hacking the whole time?
  17. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    That's true, up until recently, when some people started using ndstool to extract and re-pack files.
  18. Silent Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    just wondering if there is any way to use the limit weapon (how your weapon shines as Roxas when you use your Limit) as a normal weapon, if so please tell me either a code or a file to romhack into my Roxas folder, thanks :D
  19. sora-final-riku The Summoned

    Jul 8, 2008
    Is there anyway to use limits whenever?
  20. Silent Angel Gummi Ship Junkie

    look back a few pages, but i don't want the limit moves, i just want the weapon >.>