Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Cover & Back)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 25, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, Kouli from Gamefaqs has posted images of the leaked Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days copy. The two images feature a preview of the cover and the back view of the game. I'm not sure how the game was obtained, but I guess that certain people got the Japanese copy from somewhere (laughs).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: TGBUS and KHU
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 25, 2009.

    1. Kenni-Chan
      Good find <3 Can't wait for this to finally come out. <3
    2. Luxord93
      It's possible that this is real, or mabey a trick that someone mocked up. Plenty of people faked it. I'll only believe it if they show video of them playing it. Or possibly the booklet.
    3. Mike
      I'm not sure, but TGBUS is a Japanese website and they are the source.
    4. Ultimecia
      this looks even more promising now.
    5. Marluxia55
    6. Roxas101
      what's up with the bar code on the back of the book
    7. xkh2x
      aww! The cover looks so cute! I can't wait for it~~~~~~
      4 more days :D
    8. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      huh...that's how it looks like eh?

      O well, can't wait to see some cut scenes in about a week or so.
    9. smartguy_05
      Nice! Just a few more days until it is released.
    10. Dark Link
      Dark Link
      My boss has it already XDDD anywho looks intresting thank you Mike
    11. Shizzy
      Oh, this is awesome! The cover art is interesting. I like it. It reminds me of the original "Indiana Jones" posters, what with the montage and all.
    12. Roxas The 13th
      Roxas The 13th
      I really want this game to be out now! I can't wait till its actually released in 5 days! :D
    13. Brisk
      I am starting to regret not importing this game. At the same time... $70 is a lot to shell out for it, especially when I probably won't spend 70 hours on it. I hope the wait for August/September goes by quickly. I have a feeling I'm going to spoil everything for myself by the time it comes out.

      Best cover art of the series so far, though, I think.