Kingdom Hearts 3-The Encounter

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Roxas24Sora, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    Ok guys, so this is an "Alternate Future" of Kingdom Hearts about a mysterious new figure.....anyway here's the first Chapter!

    Chapter 1: The Seperation

    "Yes!" Sora exclaimed loudly. The original Destiny Islands Trio had been sent a letter from King Mickey himself. Tidus and Wakka paused their practice to see what the shout was for. Sora directed his attention towards Kairi." I knew Roxas and Namine could just share our body forever!"

    In his letter, the King revealed that on the next full moon, Roxas and Namine would seperate from Sora and Kairi for a period of two weeks. "It's almost like..."Kairi finally said,"...having a fraternal twin!!"

    Riku didn't say a single thing the whole time. He was amazed that it could be possible. Finally, Riku gave a slight grin." Well, I guess we need to find out when the next full moon is..."

    "Please tell me you two know when the next full moon is?" Kairi pleaded. However, she actually knew when it was, she just wanted to show that girls truly do know more than guys. Nothing to her suprise, Riku and Sora gave a shrug."Do you guys ever pay attention in class?" Kairi tried to hold back a HA."If you were listening to Professor Haiku's lecture about moon phases..."

    "Uhh...."Sora interrupted."...if it was a lecture, then why would me and Riku listen to it?" Riku snickered, remebering that while Professor Haiku was lecturing, he and Sora were debating who would win in a battle: Jack Sparrow or Jack Skellington.

    "Ok,Sora, first of all, it's 'Riku and I',"Kairi smirked as Sora pouted at her comeback."Second of all, you should listen because,well,duh, it's school! And lastly, you interrupted me!" Riku jumped in front of Kairi so that she couldn't kill Sora, since he was after all mocking her while she talked, turning his nose up to resemble a pig.

    "It's ok, Kairi..."Sora gave her a one armed hug." ...don't you know boys mess around with their girlfriends?"
    Kairi could only blush when Sora mentioned them as a couple. They had been going out for only a few weeks, but Kairi knew Sora liked the fact that she was his girlfriend." Oh Sora..."Kairi whispered in her cutest voice.

    "O-kay that's enough gooey stuff, lovebirds." Riku had to interrupt the lovefest."We need to find out exactly when you two are gonna seperate from your nobodies." Again, Kairi could't believe that Riku didn't know the answer.

    "Do you two ever read either?" She heaved a heavy sigh as she started to quote the letter."The seperation will involve no pain or decapitating of any sort. The process will begin at approximatley..."
    Kairi stood at the letter with a blank stare.After a minute, Kairi finally said," at seven o'clock!" Sora looked at his watch to see that it was already a quarter to seven.

    "Are there any safety precautions?!" Sora asked Kairi in his most nervous toned voice.Kairi skimmed the page, until she came across the words SAFETY PRECAUTIONS in big, bold letters.

    Kairi read aloud the precautions."No poking the other person in the transformation, no..."Kairi reared back in disgust."...why would we be making sexual conduct during the transformation?!?! Nevermind..."Kairi resumed the precautions." using the restroom...ewww....and no talking...."before Kairi could finish, a huge light came over Sora and Kairi's hearts.

    "Well,"Sora said." goes nothing." Suddenly a light shot from the sky and blinded Riku. When he looked back up, there were four figures: Sora, Kairi,....and proving the King's words......Roxas and Namine.
  2. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    Chapter 2-After Effects

    "Sup, dude?"Sora did the common fist-pound greeting with Roxas.Kairi greeted both Roaxs and Namine."Hey Namine!"Namine gave Sora a hug and Roxas an even bigger hug."Do you guys have something goin' on?"

    Namine rolled her eyes."Well,"She stated."...if you and Kairi are going out, then that means your nobodies are going out to.I Thought you were smarter than that, Sora..."

    "Yea,"Riku interrupted."...until he fell out of the hangout at the top of the big tree."The whole group thought this was funny, except for Sora.He probably would normally laugh, but for some reason, he was ticked off.

    "Shut up Riku!"Sora blurted, drawing the keyblade, Oblivion.Everyone was shocked with Sora, even Sora himself was shocked.Sora couldn't control what he just said, it was like he didn't even have control over his body or mind at that moment."Whoa...whatjust happ..."He had the feeling again."You take that back...NOW!!!"

    "Sora..."Kairi was worried about Sora.She had never seen him this fact, she had never seen him mad.Roxas, Namine, and Riku noticed Kairi's emotion: she was also scared to death.

    "Gosh, Kairi! Butt out!!!"Sora couldn't control himself what so ever.He tried to talk, but couldn't.He realized he was prisoner in his own body.He hated to see Kairi cringe also.

    "Hmmm..."Riku observed Sora quickly to see if there was anything different.Then he spotted something unusual about Sora.After every outburst, Sora's eyes would glow a dark, blood-like red."'re not Sora..."

    Roxas also noticed it and drew Oathkeeper."Riku's right. Namine, Kairi, get behind me!" The girls hurried behind Roxas, but Sora pushed Kairi onto the ground with extreme force."What the heck's wrong with you?!?!"

    Sora's face grinned, but Sora himself wanted to pummel whatever force made his body push Kairi.He noticed Kairi started to cry, looking at him like he was a complete stranger.Roxas and Riku lunged at the imposter, but he dodged their blows. He swung at his attackers, sending them straight to the otherside of the island.
    Namine had helped Kairi up and they ran towards where their freinds just landed.However, Sora was faster and stronger, so he cut them off and hurled them onto the beach."Now to find a Gummi ship..."Fake Sora said to himself. He used Riku's boat to get to the mainland, leaving the others for dead.

    * * * * * * *

    " sea salt ice cream for me, mommy..."Riku never realized he talked in his sleep.Sora always told him the day after he would either go to Riku's house or when Riku came to his house.However, he never believed him."Huh.....I'm on the island?"Riku indeed woke up to find himself on the island beside Roxas, who was still asleep."Oh yea......Sora went beserk and attacked..."Riku paused to realize something else that was more important."Kairi!Namine!"He jumped up and raced to the other side of the island, leaving Roxas to slumber.

    "Uhhh....."Kairi awoke in unison with Namine.They got up and brushed the sand off themselves."SORA!!!"Kairi remebered what happened the night before and collapsed onto her knees.She wept, for last night she lost the Sora she knew, the Sora she dreamed about.....the Sora she loved."What's happened to him,Namine?!"She gasped for breath."He's never hit me!"

    Namine realized Kairi's pain and knelt down to hug her."Now Kairi..."Namine said in a soothing voice."We know that wasn't Sora, he would never do such a thing like he did last night. We know he would never get angry for something stupid like Riku said, by the way is that true...cause I think that would ussualy crack a skull..."

    "Is everything okay?"Riku suddenly burst onto the beach and knelt beside Namine."She's upset, isn't she?"
    Namine gave a nod."Kairi listen..."Riku looked Kairi in the eyes."...Sora would never do something that cruel, now would he?"Kairi gave a little nod."So why are you upset?"

    Kairi took in a deep breath."Cause Sora's body did it, which hurts the same..."Riku noticed Roxas runnung down the pier to get to them.Riku stood up to face Roxas.Roxas had a distressed look on his face."What's wrong,Roxas?!"

    Roxas inhaled."Sora took one of the boats..."Riku cursed to himself, but Roxas wasn't finished."...but that's not all he took!"

    Riku looked up in concern."What else?"

    "Your Gummi Ship."
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Writer's Critique...

    Hmm...I'd have to say it's not a bad start. You might want to work on your punctuation a bit, though. There are a few places where you use quotation marks where there really doesn't need to be.

    It should be something like:
    Also, you don't really need multiple exclamation points. One is good enough.

    There needs to be a bit of work on spacing. Some of the sentences look squished together and it makes it unattractive to the reader's eyes.

    Other than that, I didn't really see anything major. You just need to polish it up a bit and you'll be all set. :)
  4. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
  5. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Hey, I thought that was awesome. I laughed a lot, specially at the start with the whole "safety precautions" thing.

    Keep it up! I can see this turning into something phenomenal!

    Oh wait, one thing... your punctuation, like DF said. You need to use spacing!

  6. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    holy crap, thanx dude!:D That means alot! I'm writing chapter three now

    Chapter 3-Women and Love

    Roxas told the gang that Sora had a Gummi Ship, so they headed toward the boats.There was one itsy bitsy problem: Fake Sora took a boat, so there were only two boats and four people. They discussed who was in which boat. So Roxas and Namine were in one boat (Roxas liked this because Namine had to sit in his lap) , and Riku was with Kairi in the other. Kairi sat on the floor, curled up sobbing. Riku couldn't help but say what they had been telling her all this morning."Kairi, we know that wasn't Sora,so what's wrong?"

    Kairi didn't budge. Riku was never good with girls. When Tidus broke up with his girlfriend Yuna three years ago, Yuna came to him, not Kairi, not Selphie, not Rikku (her cousin), not her friend Paine, HIM! He told Yuna to give him some spice. She went to a store and bought some basil, which Riku approved of. Kairi took over and told Riku that's not what the situation called for. Ever since he had never been good with girls. He mumbled under his breath,"Women."

    Kairi didn't notice and kept crying. Riku bent over and hugged her."Pie snill camp peleine pe fit knee." Riku looked at Kairi as if she were drunk and proud of it. The combonation of sobbing and her mouth covered by her shirt caused her a very disorted and muffled voice, pretty much her own language. He made it out as,"I still can't believe he hit me."

    Riku heaved a sigh and replied to her comment."Kairi, we all know Sora would never touch you..." Riku paused in disgust at the think of the thought."...unless..."

    Kairi responded to this right away. She bolted upright from her position, pointing a deadly finger to Riku's face." Don't ever say what you were about to say! Don't ever think it! Don't even invision it! " Riku was afraid Kairi would pimp-slap the mess out of him.

    Kairi then found another subject to think about (" Thank you thank you thank you! " Riku mumbled over and over) ."Where's Namine and Roxas?"

    Riku suddenly gasped when he saw them fifty fee behind not moving at all."Awww..." Kairi clasped her hands over her heart. Riku had no idea why she awed, but soon he realized why they had stopped. Roxas and Namine decided to have a make out session in the middle of the ocean.

    Roxas leaned over to whisper in Namine's ears."I missed you so much." Now Namine started to cry on his jacket."What's wrong, babe?" Namine didn't answer. She just leaned her head on the only person she loved's chest.

    "I don't want to go back into Kairi's heart, I just want us to stay out and do this all we wanted. We could touch each other and love each other" Namine started to cry again."I know it's aweful to say, but......I love you, and I never want to part you." Roxas kissed Namine's head, hair sticking to his lips."I love you too."

    Roxas then picked up his paddles and went towards the other boat. Namine fell asleep on his chest, snoring ever once in a while. He apologized to both Kairi and Riku and told them what happened.

    Kairi's eyes gleamed from her tears of emotion."Awwww....I love you two too.!" Riku rolled his eyes and started to paddle again.

    After a few minutes, Kairi brought another matter up."Riku, does Sora love me like Roxas and Namine love each other?"

    Riku snorted, because he thought Kairi knew better than to ask that."Well, there must be some reason why he talks about you when me and him are practicing. He only talks about you. I don't even talk that much about my girlfriend."

    "Awww..."Kairi expressed in a cute voice." I love him..."She bolted up again."You have a girlfiend?"
    "Yea,"Riku said."but I'm not saying her name."
    "Say it."Kairi gave Riku puppy eyes.
    "Yes."Kairi pouted." pwease Wiku..."She batted her eyelashes."Pwease?"

    Riku sighed."Yuffie. First time I saw her rip through a heartless, I felt my heart taken away."

    Kairi let out another awe."You two need to see each other. Oh! We can go to..."

    Roxas interrupted them with a small squeal. They couldn't tell why he did it. Riku just guessed."Did you "go" when we were back at the island?"

    Roxas went from excited to annoyed."Actually, I did. That isn't why I squealled. Today's my birthday!"
  7. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Ha another good update. Good use of paragraphs and he such, and I can see an improvement in grammar for definate.

    Awww really cute scene with Roxas and Namine. Why does Riku have to be useless with girls??? Lol.
  8. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    With the Riku thing I thought it would be funny if at least one character had problems like that, I know how he feels :sweatdrop:
    besides that, thanx!
    the funniest part to right was Roxas' squel :D
  9. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    Aw surely somebody as cool as you doesn't have problems with girls??

    Btw "squel" is spelt squeal.

    Say, wanna be buddies??
  10. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    &lt;&lt;insert witty comment here&gt;&gt;
    Wow, it's good.
  11. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    thanx guys!
    ObsessedwithSora, sure I'll be your buddy and trust me...I am NOT cool, thanx for the squeal thing too
    yosha, thanx!

    Note: Guys I just wanted to thank you for reading this story. I didn't think a single soul would read it. Now, however, I'm inspired to make more of a story then I thought I would.

    Chapter 4-Presents

    "Whoa...." That's all Namine could say after seeing Sora's Gummi Ship."That's not a Gummi Ship, that's a freakin' Gummi Yacht!" This was true. Sora had saved most of his munny over his trip to buy a nice Gummi Ship for emergencies, like if he needed a nice vacation. The vessel was complete with eight bathrooms, four bedrooms, a kitchen, indoor pool, and two hot tubs. The cockpit looked as if it were made from big Millenium Falcon fans. Overall, Roxas summed it down to one word...

    "Niiiiice!" Everyone then smelled something funky and turned on Roxas."Oh yea, I need to take a shower before we go. You guys can go buy supplies we need." Roxas then entered the ship and the others headed for town.

    Kairi, Riku, and Namine knew, however, that they needed to get Roxas a few presents for his birthday. So Riku went to the weapon store, Kairi went to the clothing store, and Namine went to the manga shop. They also went to the grocery store so Roxas wouldn't notice anything unusual.

    "Oh gosh, that water felt good." Roxas had just stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He put on his usual vest, jacket, and wierd part gray/khaki pants. However, he noticed a hole in his jacket from Sora's bash to the torso. He sighed and took it off, wearing just his sleeveless vest. He realized a bright side to this."Maybe Namine will like a little look at the muscle.."

    A half hour later, the others came in, hands filled with bags."Whoa..." Roxas was kind of terrified with all the bags they brought, one filled to the brim with tampons."Did Riku feel a shopping spree urge or did the girls just not resist the half off sale at Macy's?"

    Riku smirked and turned to Roxas, dropping his bags."Well, Roxas, you should be thankful for some of this stuff."He pointed to the bag labeled Needs, which Roxas could see standed out the most.

    * * * * * * * *

    "...happy birthday to you!" The crew had taken off a few hours ago and now were celebrating Roxas' birthday. One year ago, Sora had given up his heart for Kairi, resulting in Roxas' birth...sorta. Roxas was now laughing, thinking they really didn't care when he shouted it. Namine gave him a birthday kiss on the cheek and handed out slices of cake. The cake read "Happy First B-day, Roxas!", had red icing all over, and had icing Oblivion and Oathkeeper in the dead center.

    " didn't have to do this..." A tear streaked down Roxas' face. Namine couldn't help but hug him and let out a cute awe( He also felt her rub her hand over his right shoulder, which made him feel even better ). Riku rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket for something.

    "Birthday present numero uno." Riku threw Roxas a small bag that he guessed weighed around a pound. Roxas opened the present as fast as he could to reveal a chain with the nobody symbol dangling at the end.
    He already knew what it was. He summoned Kingdom Key, took the Mickey chain off, and put the new chain on. The keyblade set off a dazzling light that blinded everybody for a minute. Everyone looked up and all at one time and let out a long awe.

    The keyblade's hilt was outlined like Axel's chakrams, eight points all around. The bottom where the chain connected to the blade was designed like Zexion's lexicon. The chains now turned into seven little silver weapons: Vexen's shield, Lexaeus' tomahawk, Saix's claymore, Larxene's kunai, Xigbar's snipers, Xaldin's lances, and Luxord's cards. The blade itself started as a design like Oathkeeper's with an Oblivian chain down the middle. It soon changed into the neck of a blue sitar with a watery paint job, resembling Demyx. Next it changed into the Superior's design, an aerial blade covered in white and black nothingness thorns. To top it off, the point on the side was the blade of Marluxia's sycthe, rose petals resting underneath.

    Roxas was still in disbelief."Riku......this is AWESOME!" Roxas gave him a thumbs up and put the keyblade away."Kairi's next!"

    Kairi looked at him as if he just slapped her."What if I didn't give you anything..."

    "Namine next!" Roxas shouted.

    Kairi hit him on the shoulder."You know I got you something." She pulled out a Macy's box( "Knew it." Roxas mumbled. )and gave it to Roxas. Roxas opened it to reveal an outfit resembling Sora's, but it wasn't Sora's. Kairi found one in Roxas' normal outfit colors. Instead of white on the inside and on the pockets, there was maroon. Beige replaced the black, black was the color of the shoulder pads, the shorts were designed like his pants, and the gloves were crafted in a checkerboard pattern.

    Roxas looked at it up and down."You think Sora will think I'm stealing his style?" He looked at Kairi, who gave him the stink eye."Gosh Kairi, just jokin' with you, don't need to get so upset. I love it. Thank you." He gave Kairi a hug and turned to Namine."Did Mama get Daddy a present?" Roxas told this to Namine as if he was announcing her the winner of a game show.

    She rolled her eyes, brought up the tampon bag, and dug around in it. Roxas cringed at the sight of the bag."Don't worry." Namine reassured Roxas."Mama didn't give Daddy something for his monthly 'present'."
    She pulled out a book. It took awhile for Roxas to realize what it was...

    "A Death Note manga?" Roxas was dazed to see his favorite show in printed sketches."I didn't know they made these...thanks, babe." He hugged her and winced as his eyes came across the table once more to the Needs bag."Uhhhh....can we get that off the table...please?"

    Everybody rolled their eyes as Namine removed her and Kairi's key to not make a mess on their clothes.
    Riku picked up another bag and gave it to Roxas. Roxas opened it to find a new wristband from Spencer's.
    It had the logo of Bullet For My Valentine on it, his favorite band."Sweet, thanks Riku!"

    Riku nodded and motioned towards Kairi, who had a present with a checkerboard pattern. He opened it to find a collection of CD's from Hot Topic. It contained Bullet For My Valentine, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Underoath, and a Best of Nirvana soundtrack."Guys, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight with him playing that screaming junk."Kairi added.

    "Don't worry, Princess." Roxas shot back."I brought this thing that's called a portable CD player. It has these devices called headphones, where you and only you can here it. It's really convenient."

    Kairi rolled her eyes and let out a yawn."Okay guys, I'm hittin' the sack." She got up from her seat."Night, birthday boy." She gave Roxas a friendly punch on the shoulder.

    "Right behind you!" Riku got up and did the same. He put the ship on auto-pilot and headed to bed.

    Namine, however, got up and whispered in Roxas' ears."I'll give you my other present if you come with me to my room." She left the room, leaving a seductive aura in the air.

    Roxas sat in his seat, thinking about all that had happened in the past few minutes. He finally stood up and stretched his tired muscles.Well, he thought to himself, time to go see what else Mama has in store for Daddy.
  12. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    LOL at the ending.. that was very un-namine like lmao

    you are cool! You like bullet (suspisciously, its Roxas' fav band) xDD

    It was nicely written, you can tell that you are a natural at writing. You have the writers.. erm... style. lol.

    Keep it up!Im loving the regular updates!
  13. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    thanks Obsessed, BFMV is one of my favorites:party-smiley-013:
    what I didn't realize before I wrote this is Destiny Islands had a Spencer's........o_o.......
    this is off-topic, but what do you guys think about my sig?

    Guys, I was waiting until about four chapters to do this, so here is a big suprise!

    KH Encounter Short Stories
    It's like those books illustrated by Shira Amano(not the manga), but these are Roxas24Sora style! Here's Short Story 1!


    Roxas, Kairi, Namine, and Riku got a note from King Mickey to attend a Kingdom Hearts Comic Con thing in Traverse Town. So they headed straight to Traverse Town to please their fans.

    "Wow." Kairi was amazed at all the people that attended the convention. She saw booths for the upcoming game demos, manga, action figures, replica keyblades, and even for a screen room for the new anime."We're that famous?"

    "Apparently..." Roxas chimed in. He jetted straight for the manga booth. Namine went to the novel booth, featuring the new How To Draw Kingdom Hearts Characters. Riku went to check out the replica keyblades, seeing if they were top notch or not. Kairi went to see the preview for tha anime, soon realizing that it was a full-fledged episode.

    * * * * * *

    After a half hour of animated versions of herself and her friends, Kairi left the anime booth, disgusted by the showing."That was aweful!" Kairi told herself."They used some Hayden girl to voice me over, and chose a drug addict to voice for Sora." Soon, Kairi bumped into Roxas, who had his arms filled with KH junk."Did you pay for that stuff, Roxas?"

    "It's all free!" Roxas rummaged through his arms."This is for you!." He pulled out a Play Arts action figure of Kairi, wearing her usuall attire and holding her flower keyblade."I got this for Riku!" It was another Play Arts figure, but it was Riku's old attire, and he had Soul-Eater, not Way to the Dawn."They had one of me, too! They gave me a prototype of Namine, so we'll have to come in October to get the real one." Kairi sighed as she progressed to find Namine and Riku.

    "You guys got Way to the Dawn?" The cashier at the weapons dropped his jaw when he saw Riku. Riku had no clue why they hired this guy as the cashier for the weapons. He was as skinny as heck knows what, he had a pink shirt from Aeropostle on, and a very high and feminine voice.

    "You're, like, Riku! You have the best hair out of, like, the whole KH cast!" He bolted under the desk and pulled out what looked like a bat wing stapled to a handle with a string at the bottom. Riku took this in disgust. His weapon was the lamest out of all the replicas. Everyone of the replicas looked just like its original, except for his.

    "Nevermind..." Riku left unsatisfied and started looking for the others. Soon he felt a bump on his back and found a small plastic Soul Eater poking his belt."What the heck is that?"

    "Your action figure!" Roxas blurted with excitement."there are some wierd people here. There was a guy with a wristband just like mine. He also had a shirt that had a huge twenty-four on it like a Jeff Gordon design, with my name on the left and Sora's on the right..."

    "So it pretty much said, 'Roxas24Sora'?" Riku replied.

    "Yea..." Kairi said."...and a girl came up to me and asked me to break up with Sora so she could have him. On her shirt it said, 'I'm ObsessedWithSora'. Why didn't she seperate the words? These are the questions I ask myself..." Riku and Roxas didn't know how to reply to her question."where's Namine, Riku?"

    Namine was trying a demo of Birth by Sleep, not knowing the others were looking for her."Just beat this boss, Namine." She was now losing her mind, obsessed with the PSP screen.

    Roxas entered the booth and literally dragged Namine away from the screen."Buh...I uh...." She thought of excuses to stay in the booth."I will be back in October, my precious!" And with that, the gang returned to their mission of finding the fake Sora.

    Sooo....yea I'm gonna use people on KH-Vids in the short stories
  14. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    &lt;&lt;insert witty comment here&gt;&gt;
    Haha!! I know what your talking about [I think] Kingdom Bites?? Haha!!
  15. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    Yea! That's it! This is Kingdom Bites: Roxas24Sora Style!...................:D.....................
    off-topic: I found out what lmao meant! After Obsessed put it down, I was like, "What the heck is that?!" so I put up a topic in the Spam Playground asking what it was..........
    once again off-topic: anybody on here live anywhere besides U.S.A? Cause it would be funny if I was asleep, and somebody left a comment in the middle of the night! LOL!................I had alot of sugar today................14 year old who just got really into sugar this last month................
  16. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    I feel honoured (woop woop)

    Thanks for involving my name lol

    I live in the UK btw lmao
  17. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA
    R u serious?! That's AWESOME!!!! Is it cool there?
  18. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    &lt;&lt;insert witty comment here&gt;&gt;
    YES I WAS RIGHT!!! IN YOUR FACE OBSESSED!!! *couchcouchcouch*
  19. Ravenyuki Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 1, 2008
    Another world...
    Riku sighed."Yuffie. First time I saw her rip through a heartless, I felt my heart taken away."

    This part made me laugh out loud. (So did many other parts!) I like this story. It's funny, and it's also interesting. Keep writing! ^ - ^
  20. Roxas24Sora King's Apprentice

    Dec 31, 2007
    NC, USA

    Thanks! My next update will be tonight!!!