Kingdom Hearts 3 has been officially announced!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    For those who tuned into today's E3 Sony press conference (June 10th 2013), you will find that Kingdom Hearts 3 has been officially announced for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One by Square Enix themselves.

    E3 Trailer

    YouTube video down? Try the official Sony upload.

    Footage and details to follow.
    Let the fangasms begin.

    Update: Kingdom Hearts III will also be available for the upcoming Xbox One:
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 10, 2013.

    1. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~
      Excuse me while I curl up in a ball and rock back and forth as I silently scream inside my head.
      Incredible graphics. The heartless looked very much like clouds of shadows. Everything is very smooth and realistic even!! Plus, how awesome was Sora's maneuver at the end??? Cannot wait for this!!! I'LL BUY YOUR PS4 SONY!!!
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      PS2... Seriously? You're still stuck in the year 2006 Amaury
    3. Amaury
      It's all I have in the PlayStation console series. I currently don't have a job, and my mom can't afford a PS3 or PS4. I'm on my own the next time my PS2 goes out, as a matter of fact.
    4. kingdomheartsgeek
      I've dont have a ps3 too
    5. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I found out about this on Tumblr last night and then it was like the hole Kingdom Hearts fandom came back from the dead or something because my entire dashboard was filled with Kingdom Hearts gifs and It was so so beautiful.

      I am super excited since I've been waiting for this game was so long! I've loved Kingdom Hearts since 4th grade and that love will never die!~
    6. CloudStrife2k9
      Wait guys I don't know why, but because it's all CGI, I'm assuming there won't be any of these annoying things.

      Do you guys think there will be?

      Also, SHAMELESS plug to SlyFoxHound (;
    7. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee

      Never said anyone must have one. I was just commenting how laughable it is to think during 2013 that there is a chance for KH3 to release on the PS2. That's like expecting a VHS release for a new movie.[DOUBLEPOST=1370959016][/DOUBLEPOST]

      BBS and KH3D didn't have those kinds of scenes (thank God), so I'm expecting KH3 to do the same.
    8. Heart2Heart
      First, just gotta say, WOW. I'm about as excited as I can be until the release begins to approach (while in possession of a PS4) Anyway, just a few things about the trailer and potential game content.

      1. Is there anyone who can translate the "command menu" to ensure it's nothing more than Attack, Magic, etc, or if it contains Summon, Drive, and/or Limit?
      2. Does the gauge near Sora's HP read "EX"?
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee

      1. Just "Attack", "Magic", and "Items"
      2. Yes it does. What does it mean, I don't know
    10. Ars Nova
      Ars Nova




      That trailer looks gawj, by the way. Really nice to see more companies showing actual gameplay, especially SE who's notorious for all cinematics and no substance.
    11. Pein
      so exited man I remember when I heard about the second game. I went and listened to simple and clean everyday. Hopfully the menu screen is still dearly beloved. I didn't really play kh 3d I know what happens but hopfully the into shows past events like in kh2. And hopfully utada makes a new song. recycling simple and clean is well.......
    12. CloudStrife2k9
      BBS didn't have those bubble scenes? Sheesh, I didn't even know that. Wow, it's been a while since I've played that game xD haha and yeah, I REALLY hope KH3 doesn't have them. They're just soo annoying. /:
    13. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee

      It would be a crime against humanity if it wasn't.

      Simple and Clean has been overused way too much. Sanctuary less so. Still, they better get a new song dammit!
    14. CloudStrife2k9
      Omg I seriously hope they get a new song. I'm thinking they will. It seems like the numbered titles get new songs while other games get remixed versions of past songs, and when I say past songs, I mean Simple And Clean. xD
    15. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee

      At this point, I think that even if it means replacing Utada for a new song, just f***in' do it!
    16. Railos
      Oh god I can't take this anymore, I'm the only person in my house literally jumping for joy, and screaming into my pillow, and that gameplay sealed the deal. :')
    17. Sebax
      The KHSOS Skype chat was turned into a gaggle of squealing fangirls last night; me included. That is not exaggeration... I /squealed/; I was forced into such excitement that I lost it. Hero of Time came in and said "KH III was announced at E3" and we lost it. It was beautiful, and I'll never forget it. x3

      As to the likelihood that Simple and Clean and Sanctuary will not be recycled and that a new song will be done, I hope so as well. At the same time, I really hope it is Utada. But I had to look back at something here: I thought Sanctuary was used more than Simple and Clean. KH I: SC; KH II: Sanctuary; KH RE: CoM: SC; 365/2: Sanctuary; BBS: SC. Huh. I was wrong.

      Also, this was on the HOT PAGE of REDDIT (FREAKIN' REDDIT, PEOPLE! They've been really occupied with r/atheism, the NSA and the failure of the Xbox One to realize anything else happening, and then this shows up; granted, it has something to do with Xbox Failure, but just slightly.) Xmre0Aj.png
    18. Krowley
      Took a whole lotta tryin',
      Just to get up that hill.
      Now we're up in the big leagues,
      Gettin' our turn at bat.

      In other news, some key art has been shown for some of Square Enix's featured line-up. Here's Kingdom Hearts 3's
    19. Darkandroid
      So it has been announced for the Xbox One.

      Not sure what to say about that.
    20. Sebax
      Dat Shading.png

      Saix I know.png

      I wanted to know what Goofy and Donald would look like with new Graphics, and I wasn't disappointed.

      IS THIS FOR REAL?? Bah. Won't happen/catch on/sell; any or all of those three.