Kingdom Hearts 2nd Generation

Discussion in 'Archives' started by TwilightTownShadow, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. TwilightTownShadow Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 23, 2009
    Twilight Town
    Chapter 1: Island Mornings

    "Zion can you please wake up? School today remember?"
    Zion groaned as he heard his mother Kairi turn off his alarm clock and took out his uniform for school. He kicked the blanket off of him and put the pillow over his face and resumed his light snores.
    Taking out his tie out of his dresser, "This is your very last warning, your late enough as is Zion!! The next time I come in here your not going to like it! Now get dressed!!".Kairi walked out his room and closed his door.
    Walking into the kitchen Kairi put on her apron and resumed finishing up breakfast. She emptied the eggs and popped toast into a plate and turned off the stove. She gently bent down and opened the oven to check on her passion fruit muffins. She moved her long ponytail out the way and grabbed a mitten to take them out. She smiled and took a small bite of the muffin and put it in her plate.
    Sharing the muffin's out, "Just like grandma use to make them."
    "Just like grandma use to make what? Wow it smells great in here!"
    Kairi turned around to see Sora walking into the kitchen wiping his face with a hand towel and placed it around his neck. He quickly snatched a muffin before his wife could slap his hand and bit into it. Kairi stared at him and rolled her eyes as she went back to sharing out breakfast.
    "You and your son is testing me today aren't you?" Kairi said moving past Sora to put the empty pan into the sink.
    Wiping his mouth and smiling, "And we will always love you, hun! It what you call a family, we do those things to you." Sora quickly blocked Kairi path and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips.
    They slowly departed and they both looked into each others eyes. Kairi slowly turned away and smiled to herself as she put the plates on the table and got the water boiling for tea. She still couldn't believe even after all these years Sora still got to her, no matter how mad she was.
    "So where is the little squirt anyway? Isn't he suppose to be down here by now?" Sora said while getting some juice.
    " My best bet is he's still in bed sleeping. Did you know he slept through his alarm clock and I had to go wake him up? Can you please go get him, I warned him already if I had to go get him he's not going to like it."
    "I got the best alarm clock in the world for him", he said while filling up a bowl full of ice cold water, "my mom use to do his to me all the time when i was going to school!!"
    Kairi smiled and shook her head.
    "He's all yours, go for it."
    For a while there was silence then all of a sudden there was a loud yelp. Kairi laughed as she waited in to entry way of the kitchen to see Zion's shocked and soaking wet face. Quickly past her, Sora ran laughing and ran out the sliding door into the backyard. Zion soaking wet and hopping mad tried to go past his mother to get to his dad who was waving his arms and taunting him.
    "Move mom!!" Zion said through chattering teeth.
    Kairi stared at her son in amusement as she watched water drip down his face and onto his bare chest and back. She then grabbed his shoulders and turned him around.
    "I told you you were'nt going to like it. I hope you learned your lesson. Now, you march right into your room right now and get dressed. You can get your dad later."
    Holding himself and walking to his room. "Your on my hit list dad!! Don't come out that backyard!!". He slammed his door behind him as both his parents laughed.
    After taking a hot shower, Zion started putting on his uniform pants and brushing his mahogany colored hair at the same time. Going to his mirror he looked at the small muscles in his arms and chest.
    "Oh yeah!" he said to himself while flexing his arm muscle, "I'm going to win Mayveen's heart in know time."
    "Don't flatter yourself. Mayveen doesn't even look in your direction to begin with."
    Startled Zion turned to his window to see a young light skin boy with one green eye and one blue eye. He had whispy spikey black hair with silver tips and he wore the same uniform Zion did. It was his best friend Leo.
    "You perv! You were looking at me getting dressed the whole time weren't you!!" Zion yelled while snatching up his shirt and putting it on.
    Leo jumped into the room and threw a pillow at Zion's face as Zion got his head through the hole of the shirt.
    "In your dreams Jerckules." Leo said while walking around the room.
    Playing with Zion's lava lamp

  2. ouroborosgeneral Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 28, 2009
    Somewhere in the Between
    Intresting concept, Kairi and Sora all grown up...with kids. The horror. Although Kairi with a ponytail is fun. Keep this going, I want to see where it leads.
  3. TwoBecomeOne Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 14, 2009
    Virtual Twilight Town
    yeah and really funny too though i dont get Leo having one blue and one green eye