Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ Codes (Closed 1)

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by axel8th, Apr 11, 2007.

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  1. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    With Sora weapon mod too.
  2. Darxae_22 Twilight Town Denizen

    May 19, 2008
    Ti doesn't work.When I started the game with this code, it froze
  3. ahl Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 17, 2008
  4. sorakingdomheartsruler Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 28, 2007
    so...what's the digits for the weapon mod? im to lazy to find it...
    and one more thing: will using these codes glitch up the game if i use certain abilities, like limits?
  5. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    I added a Joker of L3 so,press L3 and walk to somewere else to activate the code,if it doesn't work i can't do anything more.
    Revert back to/Play as Roxas(Press L2 while walking to a new area)
    E001FEFD 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 0000005A

    Revert bacl to/Play as DW Roxas(Press R2 while walking to a new area)
    E001FDFD 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000323

    Revert Back to/Play as Sora Normal Sora(Press L1 while walking to a new area)
    E001FBFD 0034D45C
    11CE0B68 00000054

    I don't have the codes of the video.
    Sora Weapon Mod
    1032E020 0000XXXX
    Kingdom Key Mod
    11CD4390 0000XXXX
    0029 = Kingdom Key
    002A = Oathkeeper
    002B = Oblivion
    01E0 = Star Seeker
    01E1 = Hidden Dragon
    01E4 = Hero's Crest
    01E5 = Monochrome
    01E6 = Follow the Wind
    01E7 = Circle of Life
    01E8 = Photon Debugger
    01E9 = Gull Wing
    01EA = Rumbling Rose
    01EB = Guardian Soul
    01EC = Three Wishes
    01ED = Decisive Pumpkin
    01EE = Sleeping Lion
    01EF = Sweet Memories
    01F0 = Mysterious Abyss
    01F1 = Fatal Crest
    01F2 = Bond of Flame
    01F3 = Fenrir
    01F4 = Ultima Weapon
    0180 = Struggle Hammer
    01E0 = Star Seeker 
    01E1 = Hidden Dragon 
    01E2 = Save the Queen
    01E3 = Save The King 
    01E4 = Hero Crest 
    01E5 = Monochrome 
    01E6 = Fallow the wind 
    01E7 = Circle Of Life 
    01E8 = Photon Debugger 
    01E9 = Gull Wing 
    01EA = Rumbling Rose 
    01EB = Guardian Soul 
    01EC = Wishing Lamp 
    01ED = DeCisive Pumpkin 
    01EE = Sleeping Lion 
    01EF = Sweet Memories 
    01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 
    01F1 = Fatal Crest 
    01F2 = Bond of Flame 
    01F3 = Fenrir
    01F4 = Ultima Weapon
    01F5 = Struggle Wand 
    01F6 = Struggle Hammer 
    002C = Detection Saber
    002D = Edge of Ultima
    021F = Acrossing Two
    0220 = Winner's proof
    0846 = Axel weapon(Needs Mulan Moveset)
    02c0 =Auron weapon(Need his moveset and i don't have it,sorry  )
    0842 =Saix weapon(I think it also needs Mulan moveset)
    Mulan Moveset
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F001A
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    I never used these mods for thsi(Only for,but they should work,the only problen is the finisher,i think you can't do then when using Weapons that Sora/Roxas can't equip.
  6. Darxae_22 Twilight Town Denizen

    May 19, 2008
  7. razor234 Chaser

    Jun 20, 2007
    Hello everyone, im back
    I bet none knew i was gone
    well i was and have some bad news
    My computer broke down(at this point you guys are probably thinking spam) but the thing about it was that means the two hours worth of footage i have to use for my KH Exhibition three, is just sitting on a memeory card, which menas Kingdom hearts II code exhibiton III will be delayed until an unforseen date
    sorry everyone who was looking forward to it,
    if i do manage to pull it off it wont have the ussual music or something like that

    Now to business
    does anyone have a code to slow down time, or can anyone make one yet
    also i need six finishing plus
  8. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Infinity Jump (it T-stances Drive Forms when you jump or press square shouldn't use Drive Forms during the code)

    Cerberus replaces Donald

    Sora is on the carpet(Not sure if it works)

    Too bad,i was really wanting to see it:(

    And i believe this code will help:
    E002FDFF 0034D45C(R2 Joker)
    D034D45C 0000FDFF
    21C6C948 0F0F0101
    When you press R2 you will unleash lot's of Finishers(I think something around 8 or 9)but you won't do normal combos.

    Is this the other one you're looking for?
    Low Game Time
    2032DF74 00000000
    2032DF84 00000000

    or this?
    Game Time Mod
    1014CCF4 0000????

    ???? Replace with below
    0000 = Stop Time
    0001 = Normal Time Running
    000A = 10x Normal Time
    0014 = 20x Normal Time
  9. omar32 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 24, 2007
    At My Room
    yo Everyone can someone help me with this i am having roxas (boss) ally code and when i replace him he stars to fight me
  10. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    He tries to hit you,but he can only hit enemies.
  11. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    You really need a other Sig, that one is stretching the page.
    I dont think people are going to like that ^^;
  12. Alpha Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 30, 2008
    Wandering Around The World
    hey is there like a way to have two bosses as allies and fight a 1000 heartless?like roxas boss and xemnas boss?
  13. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    It freezes,but it's possible to make two of the same bosses or a boss and a Powerful ally.
  14. Alpha Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 30, 2008
    Wandering Around The World
    752 i just gotta find some good codes because i havent played final mix in awhile due to losing ma slide tool and playing accel 2,but now im ready so if anyone has good codes,i would like to have some because im not sure ma codes are still there,and i will also help u test new codes i got all the time.
  15. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Hey guys!

    Here are some codes i hacked.

    KH1 Sora with Green outfit
    11ce0b68 000006c1
    01caec30 0000005f
    21caec31 5f43504e
    21caec35 45455247
    01caec39 0000004e

    KH1 Sora with Blue outfit
    11ce0b68 000006c1
    01caec30 0000005f
    21caec31 5f43504e
    21caec35 45554c42

    KH1 Sora with Red outfit
    11ce0b68 000006c1
    01caec30 0000005f
    21caec31 5f43504e
    21caec35 00444552

    and here for the ARMAX users

    KH1 Sora with Green outfit

    KH1 Sora with Blue outfit

    KH1 Sora with Red outfit

    Have fun you guys!:D
  16. razor234 Chaser

    Jun 20, 2007
    great job 00roxas00
  17. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Thank you very much! :D
  18. Shift Chaser

    Jun 10, 2008
    Here,have some:
    Master Code
    903088e0 0c0c21e0
    Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members 
    201C9A80 0000102D
    Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 
    201C99A0 0000102D
    Sora Can Summon When Alone
    201C9B5C 0000102D
    Valor form is Tron version (press R2)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    11CAD056 00000002
    11CE0B70 00000669
    Wisdom Form is Tron version (press R2)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B72 0000066B
    11CAD116 00000003
    Master Form is tron Version (Press R2)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B76 0000066D
    11CAD1D6 00000004
    Final Form is Tron version (Press R2)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    11CE0B78 0000066F
    11CAD296 00000005
    Play as Roxas
    11CE0B68 0000005A
    Play as Dual Wield Roxas
    11CE0B68 00000323
    Play as Mickey (hooded)
    11C6CC20 0000005A
    Play as Mickey (unhooded)
    11C6CC20 00000318
    Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo)
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 2401000E
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0005
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    Play as Riku 
    11CE0B68 0000089B
    01CB8C77 0000002E
    21CB8C78 7465736D
    21CB8C7C 00000000
    21CB8C80 00000000
    01CB8C96 00000023
    2032F0AC 12020100
    Terra is an ally
    01CBD98C 00000009
    11CBD9D4 000013B5
    21CBD9D8 42C80000
    21CBD9DC 0B010819
    Roxas (boss) is an ally
    01CBCE4C 00000009
    Saix is an ally
    01CBFA2C 00000009
    Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos)
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F000A
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    All Sora Weapons
    0032F0D1 00000062
    1032F0D2 00006262
    1032F0D4 00006262
    0032F1AB 00000062
    0032F1AC 00000062
    0032F1AF 00000062
    4032F1B0 00040001
    62626262 00000000
    0032F1C8 00000062
    0032F1C9 00000062
    1000 Heartless Fight (Walk to somewere else holding R2)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    1032BAE8 00000042
    Max AP:
    0032E028 000000FF
    All Bosses are Allies
    2036C3E8 0016F1F4
    Infinity Jump 
    20191C70 00000000
    Unlock All Drive Forms 
    2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF
    1032EE24 00000029
    1032EECC 00000029
    1032EF04 00000029
    Donald is replaced by:
    11C6CC22 0000????
    Goofy is replaced by:
    11C6CC24 0000????
    Terra replaced by
    11C556E0 0000????
    Limit Cut Xemnas replaced by
    11C59BA8 0000????
    Limit Cut Xigbar replaced by
    11C4ACBC 0000????
    Limit Cut Demyx replaced by
    11C4D054 0000????
    Roxas replaced by
    11C5BD14 0000????
    Zexion replaced by
    11C5BDD8 0000????
    Vexen replaced by
    11C5B344 0000????
    Replace ???? with:
    Party & Partner
    0054 - Sora
    0055 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form)
    0056 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form)
    0057 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form)
    0058 - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form)
    0059 - Sora (Anti-Form)
    005A - Roxas
    005B - Micky / Mickey (mit Kutte / with Coat)
    005C - Donald
    005D - Goofy
    005E - Biest
    005F - Jack (Halloween Town)
    0060 - Jack (Christmas Town)
    0061 - Simba
    0062 - Aladdin
    0063 - Mulan
    0064 - Ping
    0065 - Auron
    0066 - Sparrow
    0168 - Sora auf Teppich / Sora on Carpet
    016A - Hercules (Partner!)
    028A - Sora (Löwen-Form / Lion-Form)
    029E - Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    029D - Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    02B5 - Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    0318 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat)
    0323 - Roxas (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (aka. DW Roxas)
    0396 - Donald (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere)
    0397 - Goofy (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere)
    03BE - Sora (Atlantica) (Könnte wo anders abstürzen / May crash elsewhere)
    03E7 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    03E8 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    03E9 - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form) (Halloween Town) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    03EA - Sora (Anti-Form) (Halloween Town) (Glitchy)
    04BB - Minnie (Partner!)
    04DC - Axel (Partner!)
    04F5 - Goofy (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    0551 - Timon (Partner!)
    0552 - Pumbaa (Partner!)
    0554 - Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    055A - Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    05CF - Donald (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    05EF - Donald (Möwen-Form / Gull-Form)
    0601 - Sora (Karten-Form / Card-Form)
    0602 - Sora (Würfel-Form / Dice-Form)
    061B - Goofy (Schildkröten-Form / Turtle-Form)
    061C - Squall / Leon (Partner!)
    0656 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    0657 - Sora (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    0663 - Winnie Puuh (auf Soras Schultern) / Winnie the Pooh (on Sora's Shoulders)
    0669 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    066A - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    066B - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    066C - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    066D - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    066E - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    066F - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    0670 - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form)(Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    0671 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy)
    0672 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy)
    0688 - Cloud (Partner!)
    06B0 - Yuffie (Partner!)
    06B3 - Tifa (Partner!)
    06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume)
    06C2 - I-Ah / Eeyore (Partner!)
    06C3 - Tigger (Partner!)
    06C4 - Piglet (Partner!)
    06C5 - Ruuh / Roo (Partner!)
    0764 - Micky / Mickey (ohne Kutte / without Coat) (Partner!)
    0819 - Riku (nur Party / only Party)
    081D - Sparrow
    08D1 - Riku (vom Xemnas Kampf / from Xemnas Battle)
    08D2 - Sterbender Sora / Dying Sora (Wenn er von Xemnas Elektrisiert wird / when Xenmas electrifies him)
    08F2 - Squall / Leon (Partner!) (Buggy)
    08F3 - Cloud (Partner!) (Buggy)
    08F4 - Tifa (Partner!) (Buggy)
    08F5 - Yuffie (Partner!) (Buggy)
    0955 - Sora (Christmas Town)
    0956 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor Form) (Christmas Town)
    0957 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Christmas Town)
    0958 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master Form) (Christmas Town)
    0959 - Sora (Ãœber-Form/ Final Form) (Christmas Town)
    095A - Sora (Anti-Form) (Christmas Town)
    095B - Donald (Christmas Town)
    095C - Goofy( Christmas Town)
    095D - Limit Form
    095E - Limit Form (Halloween Town)
    095F - Limit Form (Christmas Town)
    0960 - Limit Form (Space Paranoids)
    0961 - Limit Form (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0015 - Shan-Yu
    0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yus Falke / Shan-Yu's Falcon)
    0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2. Battle)
    007E - Oogie Boogie
    007F - Furcht / Lock
    0080 - Angst / Shock
    0081 - Schrecken / Barrel
    0133 - Twilight-Dorn / Twilight Thorn
    015C - Dschafar / Jafar (Djinn)
    015D - Hades (1. & 2. Kampf / Battle)
    015E - Hades (3. & Paradox Hades Cup-Kampf / Battle)
    015F - Zerberus / Cerberus
    0160 - Hydra
    0161 - Torwächter / Thresholder
    0162 - Dunkeltroll / Dark Thorn
    0163 - Kettenbalg / Shadow Stalker
    0165 - Sturmreiter / Storm Rider
    0166 - Illuminator
    0167 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River
    0284 - "Kettenbalg Kronleuchter" / "Shadow Stalker Chandelier" (Objekt / Object)
    0285 - "Kettenbalg Säulen" / "Shadow Stalker Pillars" (Objekt / Object)
    0299 - Shenzi
    029A - Banzai
    029B - Ed
    029C - Scar
    02CE - Das Biest / The Beast
    031B - Demyx (Arena des Olymps / Olympus Coliseum, 1. Battle)
    035E - Sark
    039A - Hydras Kopf / Hydra's Head
    03C4 - Sark (Groß / Large)
    03DB - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    03E5 - Xaldin
    03F7 - Barbossa
    040B - Vulkanlord / Volcano Lord
    040C - Blizzardlord / Blizzard Lord
    0459 - Bodenbeben / Groundshaker
    04A0 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone
    04B8 - Das aggressive Programm / The aggressive Program
    04D7 - Hayner
    05CE - Gefängniswärter / Prison Keeper
    05D0 - Die Marionette / The Experiment
    05F8 - Luxord (Keine HP Leiste / No HP-Bar)
    05FF - "Luxords Karte" / "Luxord's Card"
    0607 - Sensenmeister / Grim Reaper (könnte abstürzen... / may crash...)
    0622 - Xigbar
    0639 - Dschafars Wasserklon (unverwundbar) / Jafar's Water Clone (invincible)
    063C - Riku
    0646 - Xemnas (1. Battle)
    0647 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River Battle)
    0678 - Cifer / Seifer
    06BB - Karlo / Pete (Megara Battle)
    06BC - Karlo / Pete (Hercules Battle)
    06C9 - Saïx
    06F2 - Sephiroth (Block-Pose / Guard Stance)
    06FA - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object)
    0710 - Die Marionette / The Experiment (Kopf / Head)
    0711 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("linke / left Hand")
    0712 - Die Marionette / The Experiment ("rechte / right Hand")
    0754 - Roxas' Shadow Doppelgaenger
    0812 - Hades
    081F - Xemnas (Finale) / Final Xemnas
    082F - Setzer
    0847 - Shenzi
    085C - Xemnas (Rüstung / Armor)
    086C - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat)
    08B5 - Axel (Twilight Town, 1. Battle)
    08B6 - Sephiroth
    08D0 - Vivi (Spielabsturz nach dem Sieg / Game Crash after defeat)
    08F6 - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone
    08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion, 2. Battle)
    08F8 - Squall / Leon
    08F9 - Cloud
    08FA - Tifa
    08FB - Yuffie
    090E - Hades (Moiren-Cup / Goddess of Fate Cup Battle, Hades-Paradox Cup Battle)
    090F - Karlo / Pete (Hades-Paradox Cup Battle)
    0910 - Hercules (Titanen-Paradox / Titan-Paradox Cup Battle)
    0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette)
    0923 - Marluxia (Absent Silhouette)
    0933 - Vexen (Absent Silhouette)
    0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora
    0935 - Lexaeus (Absent Silhouette)
    0951 - Roxas
    0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette)
    096F - Terra
    097B - Zexion (Absent Silhouette)
    097D - Zexion's Book (Objekt / Object)
    09C4 - Axel (Limit Cut)
    09C5 - Xigbar (Limit Cut)
    09C6 - Saïx (Limit Cut)
    09C8 - Luxord (Limit Cut)
    09C9 - Xemnas (Limit Cut, Memory's Contortion)
    09CA - Xemnas (Limit Cut, The World of Nothing?)
    09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut)
    09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut)
    09FA - Demyx Wasserklon / Demyx's Water Clone (Limit Cut)
    09FC - Saïx-Schwert / Saïx-Sword (Objekt / Object)
    Gegner / Enemy
    0001 - Böllerwampe / Fat Bandit
    0002 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost
    0003 - Schoßhund / Rabid Dog
    0004 - Flederhaken / Hook Bat
    0005 - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster
    0006 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane
    0007 - Bombenmolch / Minute Bomb
    0008 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame
    0009 - Zentaurier / Assault Rider
    000A - Schreck-Geck / Nightwalker
    000B - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller
    000C - Mondräuber / Luna Knight
    000D - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod
    000E - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun
    000F - Schädelbulle / Living Bone (ohne Schamane / without Shaman)
    0010 - Transbot / Devastator
    0011 - Lanzensoldat / Lance Soldier
    0012 - Drilling / Mole Driller
    0013 - Shamane / Shaman
    0014 - Flugboxer / Aerial Knocker
    0047 - Silberling / Silver Rock
    0048 - Saphirling / Emerald Blues
    0049 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz
    004A - Luftpirat / Air Pirate
    004B - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor
    004C - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe
    004D - Würfeleis / Icy Cube
    0076 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight
    0077 - Gigg-Schack / Wight Knight (Halloween Town)
    0078 - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow
    0079 - Tetrabot / Magnum Loader
    007A - Morgenstern / Morningstar
    007B - Tornado-Tänzer / Tornado Step
    007C - Crescendo
    007D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant
    012E - Schattenlurch / Shadow
    012F - Adowampe / Large Body
    0130 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster
    0131 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight
    0132 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot
    0134 - Dragoner / Dragoon
    0135 - Meuchler / Assassin
    0136 - Samurai
    0137 - Scharfschütze / Sniper
    0138 - Tänzer / Dancer
    0139 - Berserker
    013A - Spieler / Gambler
    013B - Beschwörer / Sorcerer
    013C - Beschwörer v2 / Sorcerer v2
    013D - Kriecher / Creeper
    013E - Dämmerling / Dusk
    0158 - "Funke?" / "Sparkle?"
    0159 - "Weißes Feuer" / "White Fire"
    016F - Gargoyle-Ritter / Gargoyle Knight
    0170 - Gargoyle-Krieger / Gargoyle Warrior
    0453 - Untoter Pirat A / Undead Pirate A
    0454 - Untoter Pirat B / Undead Pirate B
    0455 - Untoter Pirat C / Undead Pirate C
    045A - Telebot / Strafer
    04C4 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town)
    0556 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (1000 Herzlosen Kampf! / 1000 Heartless Battle!)
    0557 - Propellerdrohnen in Massen / Crowd of Rapid Thrusters
    0558 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster
    05BC - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight
    05BD - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot
    0627 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower
    0628 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower
    064A - "weiße Flamme" / "white Flame"
    0686 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe
    0687 - Würfeleis / Icy Cube
    0689 - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe
    068A - Würfeleis / Icy Cube
    068B - Tetrabot (Weiß) / Magnum Loader (White)
    06B5 - Tetrabot (Blau) / Magnum Loader (Blue)
    06B6 - Tetrabot (Gelb) / Magnum Loader (Yellow)
    06B7 - Tetrabot (Green) / Magnum Loader (Green)
    06BF - Berserker-Schwert / Berserker Sword (Objekt / Object)
    06E0 - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller
    06EE - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard
    06EF - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Halloween Town)
    06F0 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town)
    06F1 - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard (Christmas Town, Halloween Town)
    071D - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower + Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (in Massen / in Mass)
    0723 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost (Halloween Town)
    0724 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0725 - Bombenmoloch / Minute Bomb (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0726 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0727 - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0728 - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids)
    0729 - Drilling / Mole Driller (Halloween Town)
    072A - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Halloween Town)
    072B - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster (Space Paranoids)
    072C - Schattenschalk / Neoshadow (Halloween Town)
    072D - Schauderplanze / Creeper Plant (Halloween Town)
    072E - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Halloween Town)
    072F - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Space Paranoids)
    0730 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0731 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Halloween Town)
    0732 - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0733 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    0735 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight (Halloween Town)
    0737 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (Space Paranoids)
    0739 - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    073C - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids)
    0753 - Telebot / Strafer
    075F - Flederhaken / Hookbat (Agrabah)
    0760 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz (Agrabah)
    0761 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Agrabah)
    07E9 - Adowampe / Large Body (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River)
    081C - Gruselkürbis / Graveyard
    0833 - Scars Geist / Scar"s Ghost
    085A - Bienen / Bees
    085B - Bienen / Bees
    089A - Niemand vom Endkampf v1 / Nobody from Final Battle v1
    08BE - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons)
    08BF - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Das Land der Drachen / Land of Dragons)
    08ED - Niemand vom Endkampf v2 / Nobody from Final Battle v2
    08F0 - Bolzenturm / Bolt Tower (Schloss Disney / Disney Castle)
    0926 - Mushroom No.1
    0927 - Mushroom No.2
    0928 - Mushroom No.3
    0929 - Mushroom No.4
    092A - Mushroom No.5
    092B - Mushroom No.6
    092C - Mushroom No.7
    092D - Mushroom No.8
    092E - Mushroom No.9
    092F - Mushroom No.10
    0930 - Mushroom No.11
    0931 - Mushroom No.12
    0932 - Mushroom No.13
    0963 - Magic Phantom
    0964 - Perplex
    0965 - Iron Hammer
    0966 - Mad Bumper
    0967 - Silent Launcher
    0968 - Reckless
    0969 - Lance Warrior
    096A - Aerial Champ
    096B - Necromancer
    096C - Spring Metal
    096D - Air Viking
    096E - Rune Master
    09CD - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor (Halloween Town)
    09EB - Dancing Mushroom
    Objekt / Object
    0239 - Speicherpunkt (mit Weltkarten Option) / Save Point (with World Map Option)
    023A - Speicherpunkt / Save Point
    DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    01C9F62F 00000001
    Roxas can perform Reaction Commands
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    01C9572F 00000001
    Room modifitor
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 0000YYXX 
    XX - World
    01 - World of Darkness
    02 - Twilight Town
    03 - Destiny Islands
    04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion
    05 - Beast's Castle
    06 - Olympus Colisseum
    07 - Agrabah
    08 - Land of Dragons
    09 - 100 Acre Wood
    0A - Pride Lands
    0B - Atlantica
    0C - Disney Castle
    0D - Timeless River
    0E - Halloween Town
    0F - World Map 
    10 - Port Royal
    11 - Space Paranoids
    12 - The World That Never Was
    13 - Insta-Freeze
    YY - Room Digits
    World of Darkness
    00 - The Dark Margin 
    Twilight Town
    00 - The Empty Realm 
    01 - Roxas's Room 
    02 - The Usual Spot
    03 - Back Alley
    18 - On The Train 
    22 - Station of Awakening 100
    Destiny Islands
    00 - Beach [NE]
    01 - The Main Road 
    02 - Main Island: Shore 
    Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion
    00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army below)
    02 - The Great Maw
    03 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    04 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    05 - Ansems Study
    06 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    09 - Borough
    0A - Marketplace
    0B - Castle Corridors
    0C - Heartless Manufactory
    0D - Merlin's house
    0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid)
    0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid)
    10 - Ravine Trail
    11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Conditions)
    12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)
    15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    19 - Transport to Remembrance
    1A - Garden of Assemblage
    1B - Room of Sleep and Stairwell (found by AntiWeapon) (Not 100% solid)
    1C - BSOD
    1D - BSOD
    1E - BSOD
    1F - BSOD
    20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area)
    21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area)
    22 - Zexion's fight area
    23 - BSOD
    24 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    25 - BSOD
    26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area)
    27 - BSOD
    28 - BSOD
    29 - Instant Freeze
    Beast's Castle
    00 - Entrance Hall
    01 - Parlour
    02 - Belle's Room
    03 - Beast's Room
    04 - Ballroom
    05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?)
    06 - Courtyard
    07 - The East Wing
    08 - The West Hall
    09 - The West Wing
    0A - Dungeon
    0B - Undercroft
    0C - Secret Passage
    0D - Bridge
    0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?)
    0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?)
    10 - Freeze
    11 - Freeze
    Olympus Colisseum
    01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed)
    02 - Collesem gates (destroyed)
    03 - Underworld entrance 
    04 - Collesium foyer
    05 - Valley of the dead
    06 - Hades chamber
    07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance
    08 - Where you fight pete.
    09 - The underdrome
    0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber
    0B - Underworld cavern: enterance
    0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove lock dosent do anything)
    0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul pit place.)
    0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night)
    0F - Cave of the dead: Passage
    10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road
    11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium
    12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing)
    13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights)
    14 - Insta freeze
    00 - Agrabah
    01 - Bazaar
    02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?]
    03 - The Palace
    04 - Vault
    05 - Above Agrabah
    06 - Palace Walls
    07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance
    08 - Freeze
    09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ...
    0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room
    0B - Ruined Chamber
    0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone
    0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges
    0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafars Invincible.
    0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?]
    100 Acre Wood
    00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection? [P]
    01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called]
    02 - Pooh Bear's House [NP?]
    03 - Rabbit's House [NP?]
    04 - Piglette's House [NP?]
    05 - Kanga's House [NP?]
    06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up Text, Blue Screen) [NP?]
    07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area) [NP?]
    08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. Text) [NP?]
    09 - The Spookey Cave [NP?]
    Pride lands:
    00 - Pride rock
    02 - Kings den
    03 - Long gourge place.
    04 - The savana
    05 - Elafant graveyard
    06 - Gorge
    07 - Wastelands
    08 - Jungle
    09 - Oasis
    0A - Pride rock (restored)
    0B - Oasis (Night)
    0C - Overlook
    0D - Peak
    0E - Scar's darkness
    0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title and I couldent leave the area)
    10 - (Where Mufasa died)
    01 - Treasure Room 
    02 - Undersea Courtyard [P]
    03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored) [P]
    04 - Freeze?
    05 - Sunken Ship [P]
    06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime) [P]
    07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?) [P]
    08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening) [P]
    09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula) [P]
    0A - D (Wedding Ship?) [P]
    Disney Castle
    Room 00 - Audience chamber
    Room 01 - Library
    Room 02 - Colonnade
    Room 03 - Courtyard
    Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone
    Room 06 - Gummi Hanger
    Room 07 - Gathering Place
    Room 08 - Instant Freeze
    Timeless River
    00 - Cornerstone Hill [P]
    01 - Pier
    02 - Waterway [P]
    03 - Wharf [NP]
    04 - Lilliput [NP]
    05 - Building Site [NP]
    06 - Scene of the Fire [NP]
    07 - Mickey's House [NP]
    08 - Villians Vale (Black & White) [NP]
    Space Paranoids
    00 - Pit Cell
    01 - The Canyon
    02 - Game Grid
    03 - Data Space
    04 - I/O Tower
    05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower
    06 - Simulation Hanger
    07 - Solar Sailor Simulation
    08 - Central Computer
    09 - Central Computer Core
    0A - Solar Sailor Simulation
    The World That Never Was
    00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    02 - Fragments crossing
    03 - Memories skyscraper
    04 - The brink of dispair
    05 - The soundless prision
    06 - Nothings call
    07 - Chooked asention (Going up)
    08 - Chooked asention (Going down)
    09 - Twilights view
    0A - Hall of empty melodies
    0B - Something of empty melodies (Where you meet up with kairi and riku)
    0C - Naughts skyway
    0D - Proof of existance
    0E - Havoks divide
    0F - Where you fight Saix (Full kingdom hearts moon + beam hitting it
    10 - Naughts aproach
    11 - Something something passage (Where Maleficent and pete fight the heartless swarm. )
    12 - The alter of naught (Oddly the kingdom hearts moon is still full and there is no door.)
    13 - Memory's contortion (where you fight Xemnas 1)
    14 - The world of nothing (the final fight area, with exit)
    15 - The world of nothing (where you fight Roxas)
    16 - Station of awakening (where you fly around in the litte thing with riku and sora)
    17 - Armor 2 fight (with attacking dragon (crashes))
    18 - Armor 1 fight
    19 - Core (with attackable core! (Crashes if you attack it enough) )
    1A - Twin cannons (With working reaction commands)
    1B - First area of final battle
    1C - Second area of final battle
    1D - Alter of naught (no kingdom hearts moon)
    4032F064 00130001 
    NNDDWWMM 00000000
    NN = Slot 4
    DD = Slot 3
    WW = Slot 2
    MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky)
    Slot 1 Characters
    00- Sora/Roxas (Roxas in his part).
    04- Sora Valor/Roxas Two Keyblades (Roxas in his part).
    05- Wisdom
    06- Limit Form
    07- Master
    08- Final
    09- Antiform
    0A- Mickey
    Other Slots
    01- Donald
    02- Goofy
    03- World Character(In worlds where you dont have a world character it will be riku.)
    12- None
    Roxas in Pajamas
    21C95750 58455F50
    21C95754 5F303131
    21C95758 5F43504E
    21C9575C 414A4150
    21C95760 0053414D
    DW Roxas in Pajamas
    21C9F630 58455F50
    21C9F634 5F303131
    21C9F638 5F43504E
    21C9F63C 414A4150
    21C9F640 0053414D
    E0?????? 0034D45C 
    ??=the numbers of lines the code have without the joker
    Battle LVL Default
    2032F254 00140401
    Battle LVL End Game
    2032F254 0015FDF9
    Battle LVL Deadly
    2032F254 001FFFFF
    Quick Level Up (All Characters)
    2032F210 0098967F
    Moveset Swap Mod
    Enable Code
    200F9014 240100XX
    200F9018 502F0001
    200F901C 240F00YY
    x's Status / Move Palette is y's Status
    200F9000 10400008
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100xx
    200F900C 502F0004
    200F9010 240F00yy
    200F9020 A44F004C
    200F9024 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    xx - Change Status from (e.g. Auron) to
    yy - (e.g. Sora)
    01 - Sora
    02 - Donald
    03 - Goofy
    04 - Mickey
    05 - Auron
    06 - Mulan
    07 - Aladdin
    08 - Jack Skellington
    09 - Beast
    0A - Jack Sparrow
    0B - Simba
    0D - Riku
    0E - Roxas
    0F - Ping
    Camera Angle
    00348750 000000??
    ?? - Effect
    00 - Normal
    01 - First Person
    02 - KH1 styled Camera / Locked on Camera view
    03 - Weird Camera angle. / Locking onto something adjusts the Camera
    04 - Same as 03
    05 - Overhead Camera
    06 - Centered Camera (In the middle of the field)
    07 - Freeze
    08 - Fixed Camera (Moves wherever Sora is faced at)
    09 - Same as 03
    0A - Freeze
    0B - Same as 03
    0C - Same as 03
    0D - Same as 03
    No BGM
    202BD264 0000302D
    202BD2AC 0000302D
    HP very long bar
    0032E025 000000FF
    a double bar of MP
    0032E027 000000FF
    Difficulty Modifier
    0032DFC8 000000xx
    00= Beginner
    01= Standard
    02= Proud
    03= Critical
    never become anti-sora
    201D6388 0000102D
    always turn into...
    201D6220 240200xx
    replace xx with...
    01 = valor
    02 = wisdom
    03 = limit
    04 = master
    05 = final
    06 = anti
    anti-points are maxed ( this means you should ALWAYS turn into anti-form except for final forms slot )
    201D6240 10000015
    speed mod (for sora only)
    21CE2FE4 xxxxxxxx
    3E400000 = Mega Slow Motion
    3E800000 = Super Slow Motion
    3F000000 = Slow Motion
    3f800000 = Normal Speed (Default)
    40000000 = Hyper Mode
    41000000 = Mega Hyper Mode
    41C00000 = fast hyper Mode
    40800000 = Super Hyper Mode
    Bigger Special Effects
    2035AA20 xxxxxxxx
    replace the x's with....
    3F000000 = small
    3F800000 = normal
    3F900000 = kinda big
    3FA00000 = big
    3FB00000 = even bigger
    3FC00000 = HUGE
    40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!!
    Full Party
    4032F064 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    Character Moveset Modifier 
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY [Note 1]
    200F900C 142F00ZZ [Note 2]
    200F9010 240F00XX [Note 3]
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    [Note 1] - The "YY" values.
    These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change... 
    01= Sora 
    02= Donald 
    03= Goofy 
    04= Mickey 
    05= Auron 
    06= Mulan 
    07= Aladdin 
    08= Sparrow 
    09= Beast 
    0A= Jack 
    0B= Simba 
    0C= Tron 
    0D= Riku 
    0E= Roxas 
    0F= Ping
    [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values.
    o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.
    02= Normal 
    01= Sky 
    [Note 3] - The "XX" values. 
    01= Sora 
    02= Valor 
    03= Wisdom
    04= Master Form 
    05= Final Form 
    06= Anti-Form *
    07= Lion Form
    0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 
    0D= Roxas 
    11= Donald 
    14= Goofy 
    17= Aladdin 
    18= Auron
    19= Ping?
    1A= Mulan?
    1C= King Mickey **
    1D= King Mickey ***
    1E= King Mickey ***
    22= Sparrow
    23= Riku ****
    Notes -
    *This is Anti-Form, however, be careful, as it randomly T-Stances if you attempt to do an Anti-Form only move, such as his weird flying thing you get by pressing Square. o_O You also don't do any damage from what I can tell. *goes to check if he can equip Anti-form dummy to inflict damage*
    **This is King Mickey's Moveset, and it also forces the Reverse Kingdom Key into your hand. According to other sources, when the Keyblade "Fake" is equipped, it allows you to use Mickey's moves even as Sora. If "Fake" is not equipped, Sora will T-Stance every time he attacks or tries to use a finisher [I've suffered the T-Stancing, so that part's true].
    ***These are 'fake' King Mickey's Movesets. What I mean by fake is, while it does force the Reverse Kingdom Key into your right hand, IT DISABLES YOUR ATTACK BUTTON ON THE COMMAND MENU.
    ****This is Riku's Moveset... which doesn't differ much from Sora's. However, it has the neat little effect of forcing the Way to the Dawn into your hand. With regards to the Way to the Dawn, it is a very, very weird weapon. It allows you to use "Block" without a Keyblade, and some of your attacks are done Keyblade-less as well. It also crashes if you drive into Final [and possibly Master] Form while this is on.
    Additional Notes -
    1] Do NOT change your equipped weapon while using a code that forces a weapon into your hand. These include the Riku, Mickey and other ally codes. Change it before, or after using the code. It'll save you alot of resetting.
    2] Though I admit values need to be tested for this code, from what I've seen, this code has more repeats than the UCM...
    3] Telling you beforehand, don't combine Roxas with Final Form. I know you want to, but don't.
    ////////////////////////More Movesets////////////////////////
    01= Sora
    02= Valor
    03= Wisdom
    04= Master Form
    05= Final Form
    06= Anti Form *
    07= Lion Form
    08= SPECIAL **** +Attack doesnt do anything
    09= Sora SPECIAL***** (Works Fine) +Gives you a ''magical'' kingdom key. +Magic has Wierd Effects
    0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
    0B= >>No Keyblade, No Freeze<<
    0C= >>Freeze<<
    0D= Roxas
    0E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset 
    0F= Freeze SPECIAL***** +Mystery Moveset
    10= SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset, Runs %40 faster
    11= Donald
    12= Donald 2
    13= >>Freeze<<
    14= Goofy
    15= >>No Keyblade<<
    16= >>Freeze<<
    17= Aladdin
    18= Auron
    19= Ping?
    1A= Mulan?
    1B= >>Freeze<<
    1C= King Mickey **
    1D= King Mickey ***
    1E= King Mickey ***
    1F= >>Freeze<<
    20= >>Freeze<<
    21= >>No Keyblade, Doesnt freeze unless you use Magic<< +Gives Sora Godlike Running Capabilities +Freeze when switching areas
    22= Sparrow
    23= Riku ****
    24= Barbossa or Will Turner (Works Fine. Gives you a rapier)
    25= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    26= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    27= >>Freeze when you do stuff<<
    28= SPECIAL ***** >>Freezes when you try to jump<< +Alternate Moveset
    29= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Mystery Moveset
    2A= >>Freeze<<
    2B= >>Freeze<<
    2C= >>Freeze<<
    2D= >>Freeze<<
    2E= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Alternate Moveset
    2F= Freeze SPECIAL ***** +Gives Sora Godlike Jump Capabilities
    30= >>Freeze<<
    31- >>Nothing<<
    32- >>Freeze<<
    33- >>Freeze<<
    34- >>Freeze
    35- Hacked Sora +God Speed +Kingdom Key
    36- Alternate ***** (Works Fine) +You do not possess a keyblade until you attack in the air +Attacking on ground freezes you
    37- Stun4 ***** +Cannot attack +Magic=Freeze
    38- Alternate +Alternate Moveset +Do not use Magic
    39- Super ***** +No Keyblade +Guard=Freeze +You run SUPER SUPER Fast
    3A- >>Freeze<<
    3B- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3C- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3D- Stun ***** +Kingdom Key doesnt appear till you move +Attack/Jump=Freeze
    3E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    3F- Useless ***** +Cannot attack +Super-speed +No keyblade +Magic=Freeze
    40- Alternate Riku ***** (Works Fine) +Gives you Reverse Way to the Dawn +Unable to Attack +Magic, like BLIZZARD is Superfied +Higher Jump Height
    41- Alternate Riku2 ***** (Works Fine) +Unable to Attack +When driving or using magic, Way to the Dawn emerges +You're as fast as playable riku +You jump as high as playable riku
    42- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    43- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    44- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    45- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    46- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    47- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    48- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    49- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4A- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4B- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4C- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4D- -Assuming this is a Dummy-
    4E- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    4F- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    50- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    51- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    52- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    53- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    7A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    86- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    10A- Dummy +Cannot Attack +Magic=Freeze
    And nice codes 00roxas00! :D
  19. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Thanks alot..:D
  20. Alpha Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 30, 2008
    Wandering Around The World
    Goddamn!!!!!That's alot of codes...hey wat happened to that remove sora's crown code.

    yea man...i gotta start hacking,oh yea and uh does anyone know if its possible to put roxas as the leader of the party and have sora and riku as partry memebers?

    yea man...i gotta start hacking,oh yea and uh does anyone know if its possible to put roxas as the leader of the party and have sora and riku as partry memebers?
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