Kingdom Hearts 2 Conquest Continued

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Oblvion_x, Apr 1, 2007.


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  1. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    Riku's kidnapped but we don't know where and Organization XIII And The Keybearers are here to save him! But they don't know where he is and how they're going to get to him. Which world is he in The World That Never Was? Pride Lands? Disney Castle? And some of the Darkness might get in the way too. Maleficent and Pete will probably get in the way too.
    Hope you enjoy it! Now there are rules (Bit of a bummer but we all gotta have them)
    Rule 1: No loving or kissing or anything like that it scares me @_@
    Rule 2: No stealing other peoples characters because its mean
    Rule 3: You can choose any person you want if it not taken
    Rule 4 (Most Important): ..........Have Fun!!!!!!
    Rule 5: You CAN make a name up.
    Rule 6: You can be 3 types Keybearer and Organization XIII and Darkness Or you can be 1or 2
    Rule 7: You may join if you haven't done first part you will catch ;)
    Template Keybearer



    Catch phrase :





    Where come from:

    Battle Name (By that i mean Sora The Keybearer or something):

    Template Organization XIII


    Sword or Power:






    Where come from:


    Template Darkness

    Name or Heartless Or Nobody:

    Heartless Rank (If you heartless and by that i mean Soldier or whatever):

    Personality (If you person):

    Heres mine.

    Name: Grove

    Sword or Power: Sword Of Fire

    Element: Fire

    Personality: Generaly happy and kinda in your face

    Number: I

    Likes: Cheese and watching other Organization XII Members go to battle

    Dislikes: People dieing (Don't we all?) and eating green stuff

    Where come from: The Darkness

    Origin: Can't Remember

    Grove sits and waits patiently for the other members to come so he can tell them Riku is kidnapped. He looks at the fire torch next to him "Maybe just once." He whispered. He started to play with the fire with his Sword he swings it around and it makes it control the fire.

    OOC: It would be good for some ppl now lol.

    Grove couldn't wait anymore.
    He ran to his Gummi Ship outside but just before he entered Axel walked in.
    "Hey! Where you taking the Gummi Ship?" Asked Axel scratching his head and playing a GBA Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories. "I'm going to go to........Hey is that Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories?" Asked Grove watching over Axel's shoulder. "Yup." Said axel trying to concentrate. "Anyway, i'm going to Twilight Town you found Roxas there so i might find a keybearer." Said Grove launching the Gummi Ship. "Yeah sure whatever....." said Axel still trying to concentrate.
    Axel put his GBA away and waved at Grove as he flew off to twilight Town.

    OOC::p I thought that was good lol
  2. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    Name: Rabbit

    Keyblade: Dark Sanctuary (basically a longer and more powerful version of Oblivion)

    Catch phrase : "You lost or something?"

    Personality: Quiet and serious. But goofs off at times. Refuses assistance on his journey unless absolutley neccassary.

    Likes: Defeating Heartless, sleeping, messing around with people's minds, Nobodies, and watching Keyblade battles to learn new techniques.

    Dislikes: Heartless, Gummi Ships, Worlds being lost

    Origin: Rabbit's world was taken by the Heartless after he got his keyblade. He's lost his memories of his home world, but still remembers the friend he lost on that day as well as the cruelty of the Heartless, so he has vowed to avenge his friend by destroying the Heartless and, if possible, getting his friend's heart back.

    Where come from: Unknown

    Battle Name: Rabbit The Dark Warrior


    Rabbit was sitting on the top of the Train Station in Twilight Town. How long is this going to last? At the current rate i'm going, i'm never gonna get rid of the Heartless...or find her heart... He shook his head to clear these thoughts.'s way too boring...i wish something would happen...

    OOC: Okay, someone take it from here.
  3. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    Grove landed in Twilight Town soon to be approached by Hayner Pence and Olette. Grove saw them and Grove made a dark hole and went through it he didn't know where it went but it must of been better then here. Grove got shoved out of the black hole falling on his face. He saw some Nobodies,he got his sword out. Luckily saved by the heartless. He ran for it.
  4. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006

    Sword or Power: Dual keyblades (Twilights fury & Death of heart both made by me)

    Element: Darkness & Twilight

    Personality:A Young boy who never talks his sword skillz are amazing along with his power over darkness


    Likes: Dark & Twilight also likes the peace and quiet of the night & the moons reflection in the ocean (Larxene XD)

    Dislikes:Everything else

    Where come from:???

    Origin: He has forgotten most of his past except for one person the person who destryed his family and world XD

    No.VI the Silent wielder
  5. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    He ran along the highway soon to bump into Hiro and Sunset Station. Grove walked out of the train and bumped into Hiro and fell backwards. "Ow.......Oh hi Hiro. Did you find the Keybearer or Riku?"

    OOC: All chracters can have catch phrases i forgot to put catch pharse in Organization XIII so heres mine....

    Catch Phrase: ...........Fwee Splee!!!!!!!
  6. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Hiro shakes his head and walks off holding twilight's fury in his left hand

    OOC: i dont talk remember
  7. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    OOC: My bad but lets say that Grove can still understand you okay?

    Grove nodded and walked on with his Sword Of Fire in his hand.
    Hayner Pence and Olette where coming of the train again. He ran for it and tripped into a black hole that he didn't make
  8. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Hiro saw what happened and ran back he looked down in the hole you fell in the words 'Are you ok' flashed in groves head

    OOC:He can say word in other peoples heads so u read what he says instead of hearing him
  9. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    "Yes i'm fine." Said Grove trying to get up. He looked around and they were in Radiant Garden. He made a black hole and decided to give it a rest falling over numerous times he really had some scabs.

    OOC: I like that!!!
  10. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Hiro walked around radient garden and spotted a whole army of Heartless

    'Ready Grove'

    Hiro summonded one keyblade the death of heart

    OOC words in a ' 'and under lined is words flashing in your Head XD
  11. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    OOC: Lol i like they way your brain goes around.

    Grove made a black hole and said "Can you handle it from here? I'm heading for Twilight Town again to find the Keybearer." Grove entered the hole leaving Hiro with a army of heartless. Grove came out from the black hole not tripping over this time. He saw Rabbit on the Twilight Town Clock Tower he didn't know who it was but he thought he saw a bit of glimpse of heart in him. He ran for the Clock Tower.
  12. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere

    Name: Reks

    Heartless leader

    Looks like Org 13 member but has a cool coat and a heartless symbol on it and has a long rapier with the hilt that looks like a black heart

    *stands above heartless army"
    "The Radiant Garden shall be mine I will destroy it and turn it into a heartless world!"
  13. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Hiro charged into the army of 100,000 heartless and started to slice and dice after1 hour of battleing one remained and darkside heartless Hiro juped high in the air and plunged strait in to it head destroying it after he opened a portal back to twilight town
  14. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    Grove felt a sense in his head. Hek new there was something going on at the Radiant Garden. But he thought that Rabbit was the keybearer. "Riku can wait." He whispered and ran to a wall and made a black hole for he Radiant Garden. He entered and found the army of heartless surrounding Hiro. He slashed them right and left and before you knew it BOOM is sword was hot on fire. He slashed some heartless and ran to Hiro they went back to back turning around. "You alright?" Asked Grove.
  15. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Stares... "They were more powerful then i expected I will conquer the radiant garden some other time but now i must find the one who destroyed my army"
  16. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    OOC: My bad lol

    Grove ran up to Reks and tryed to smack him with his Sword Of Fire. At that very moment when he was in air he thought I shall call you Neverfire.
  17. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    counter attacks Grove with some rapier thrusts and Dark blasts then summons neo shadows to attack him
  18. Oblvion_x Moogle Assistant

    Mar 31, 2007
    Not telling because it none of your bees wax
    OOC: Took you long enough lol

    Grove falls to the ground and faints
  19. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    [hey sry i keep geting pulled away from computer by various people]

    "I will be merciful Grove and not make you into a heartless" Reks then walks and starts making a attack base at the old hollow bastion castle for Kh 1 and there he finds invisibles wizard and sheild [the heartless] that add to his army
    "soon all of the Radiant garden shall bow before me"
  20. waytothedawn Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 1, 2007
    uh..uh...uh..uhh..where is your cookie?
    Name: sky.

    Keyblade: normal.

    Catch phrase : " time to rock on! "

    Personality: is pretty bright and wouldnt give up ( stuborn )

    Likes: all keyblade holders and the drive form

    Dislikes: heartless

    Origin: sky's orignal home was destiny island but when the island broke up sky disappear he now lives in radiant garden

    Where come from: radiant garden.

    Battle Name (By that i mean Sora The Keybearer or something): sky the glider.

    sky spotted reks and grove fighting he had to do something
    he called his key blade and charged at reks
    ooc: sweet rollplaying!