Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMix teased?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    With all the early copies of the 1.5 collection and the hardcore gamers that have already beaten them, something has been revealed. During the end credits of the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix, scenes from Kingdom Hearts 2, Coded, and Birth by Sleep can be seen. 2Ch and FF-Reunion users are among those who described these 3 games in the end credits of the collection. More information to follow...

    Credit to Libregkd for the news update

    Update: The scenes can be seen in the credits of Leta_jp's livestream here.
    The credits roll from 6:50:00 - 6:53:45
    Kingdom Hearts 2 scenes (6:50:00 - 6:51:52)
    Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded scenes (6:51:53 - 6:52:18)
    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep scenes (6:52:19 - 6:53:18)
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Mar 14, 2013.

    1. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      See, if all of Days had been like the opening, I would have liked it way more. As it stands, there was so much focus on Xion, Roxas and Axel, that we never really saw much after that. And honestly, it was a huge missed opportunity, and kinda illustrates Square's lack of understanding on how to do character development.
      You seem to fall into a group of Days fan I see frequently who liked the game more for its potential than its actually results, I can respect that.[DOUBLEPOST=1363322255][/DOUBLEPOST]
      Which would be a really bad way to go about it, since pretty much nobody liked the story but the gameplay is loved by many.
      Hm... Coded is more like BBS though... maybe they could port the gameplay in this case? Days would require the panel system, and a bunch of stuff that wasn't in any other KH but Coded... not so much...
    2. libregkd
    3. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      KH2FM alone is a great package. I... honestly think I'd take that alone over an HD collection of the other six KH games.
    4. Cloud4012
      I wish they would quit it with these remix games and just focus on the new games
    5. libregkd
    6. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I am so happy with this news! But at the same time I am thinking "They promised that would port all handled games to the console so most fans could experience all KH saga", yet every handled so far is receiving a movie treatment (Minus BBS and Chain that were already at sony's possetion, or had already being made for console).. If their idea of "porting for console" is only showing us a huge cinematic, in the end it isn't different from seeing someone else playing in the Youtube.
      Even though I do think they're bringing the most important games for the Ps3, and this is great for Ps3 players like myself, If they continue to not port the Nintendo's titles they wont be living to our expectation with their statemant, probably would make more sense "for experience playing" that they ported 358/2 days and Re:codded over KH 1, Chain, KH2, and BBS. Because this titles were never at playstation!
      And if you think about It, the Ps4 is saying that ALL playstation games (Ps1, Ps2, Ps mobile, Ps3, Psp, Pspgo, Ps Vita) will be playable with streaming (probably they could give some trophy support) so eventually we would get this games, but the "nintendo's titles" even though are lammer than sony's are now lost for ever, as I highly doubt they will have a "second remake" to the Playstation.
    7. CloudStrife2k9
      Although DDD has just been released last Summer, do you guys think that maybe 2.5 could have KH2FM+ BBSFM+ Re:Coded and then possibly Dream Drop Distance as well? I mean to put the hand held game onto a main console would be really cool.

      I do understand that it JUST came out, but I dunno. Three games and then a movie? (Coded cutscenes) It would probably sell a lot more. I know that the chances of seeing DDD in this package are slim to none, but .. y'know.. just hoping :c

      I really want to play Dream Drop Distance without buying a system that I will only play for ONE game.. I did the same thing with Birth By Sleep and I am now regretting it -.-

      Blah, anyways, I'm REALLY excited for this HD Collection. A LOT more excited than 1.5. KH2 was by far my favorite Kingdom Hearts game.. and my KH2 disc just recently stopped working :''''''''c *sniffle*
    8. libregkd
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I agree! 2.5 would include my two favorite KH games, so I actually don't mind waiting for this new HD ReMix!
    10. CloudStrife2k9

      Ahh, that's cool. Hopefully square does this. Didn't Nomura say he wanted "all of the handheld games to reach consoles sometime in the future" ? I really hope he makes this game onto a console. Even if it is a standalone. Because DDD looks extremely fun and I really don't want a 3ds at all.. lmao. If they do port DDD to a console, it will probably be sometime after 2.5 is released sadly. Hopefully not TOO long though..
    11. Hidden Smithery
      Hidden Smithery
      If Nomura's definition of "reaching consoles" is to take one of the games and turn it into a HD Theatre mode, I think he's missed the point.

      But enough of my whining.
    12. 61
      If DDD did get an HD remake (which I doubt) I think it's more likely that it's release will be in some way tied into KH3, or released a little bit before that game to get people excited. We pretty much already know that it's not going to be on the next HD remix, so if it does get remade for consoles it will have to be on it's own.
    13. libregkd
    14. Krowley
      Fine with the previous statements of having BBS and KH2 playable with coded cutscenes.
      Really hoping to see updating models from BBS (Aqua in glorious HD)
    15. libregkd
    16. 61
      I just don't see them putting their new game up for a remake considering it already looks good and is their "current" KH game, so to speak. It doesn't really need to be on consoles aside from the fact that more people would be able to play it. Not to mention that it would kinda take away from the KH3D part of it, but seeing as how other 3DS games have been remade for consoles, I'm sure there is some way to work around that.
      I suppose it's possible in the distant future (like I said around the time of KH3's release) but if it happened any time soon I would be surprised.
    17. libregkd
    18. 61
      Since you know more about this topic than me you're probably right, though 2014 seems a little early for a remake of DDD.
    19. libregkd
    20. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I hope square-enix learn to love their fanbase more, and recognize we are not all japonese, Nitendo's Pokemon will have a launch worldwide, so It's something that is possible, and the game is already made so they just need to translate so I hope someday we will have KH available to all regions from day one :(!

      As far DDD goes... i surely hope that it gets a stand alone remake, if it end up in some bundle like 2.5 there is a high probability that end up like a movie like all previous Nintendo DS portting :(... *If codded really end up being a movie*