Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMix English Gameplay

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    With the recent trailer released, a direct feed video of English gameplay from Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMix has also been released, with gameplay content from both KH2FM+ and BBS: FM, and clocking in at more than 9 minutes.

    Source: Gematsu
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, Jun 6, 2014.

    1. libregkd
    2. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      nooooo why are the flood unversed purple ;__;
    3. libregkd
    4. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      They looked better blue. Just because you're making a Final Mix doesn't mean you have to CHANGE ALL OF THE COLORS >:|
    5. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      It could be that the remastered music just isn't ready yet, but I'm not going to hold my breath (though KH1.5 trailers did have a weird fixation on the old KH1 soundtrack). BBS does look noticeably worse than KH2 for whatever reason, though honestly the thing that kinda bugged me more was the fact that the fingers are still glued together. Speaking of new models, is it jsut me or did they give Sora a new model in KH2? His pants look... smoother
    6. TheRyanStorms
      Ultima Cannon against Wheel Master? How? What? Why?
    7. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      It does if it means less work for them.
    8. Calxiyn
      Ugh everything looks soooo good I'm like, so hyped. :P
    9. kngdmhrts2
      I thought I could handle the extra wait for its release...

      Nope! *weeps in corner with 182 days to go (for EU)*
    10. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Well they have to swap the old textures for HD ones, they could've changed it to the less ugly ones, but nope, gotta screw with continuity and make the enemies look different in every game!
    11. Twero
      Sweet! The graphics are sooo smooth.... Except for the HUB of BbS, seems a bit low-quality and ripped-off direclty from the PSP instead re-worked.

      But it just a detail, everythings looks fine. :D
    12. Explode
      Officially used to Aqua's new hair. Looks much better. As do the keyblades.

      And it looks like they did in fact create high rez textures for everything, and then scale them down for the PSP. Almost every environment texture looks noticeably better, even in Disney worlds (like Castle Of Dreams). As I mentioned before, the Keyblade Graveyard looks especially improved.

      Attached image comparisons of everything I mentioned.

      Anti-aliasing isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good.

      Noticed they changed the "Command" menu to "Commands" for KH2, I guess so it's consistent with BBS. Also, they spelled "Magic Pulse 2" wrong. I'm hoping it was just a rush job for E3, and they'll fix it. I liked that 1.5 fixed all the typos in ReCoM ("Lethal Flame"->"Lethal Frame", and other subtitle fixes). So I hope they're careful of that. Bugs me.

      Nitpicking aside, looks great. Looking forward to the release!

      Attached Files:

    13. Iskandar
      After a minute of looking at those it felt like my eyes were switching from being zoomed in to zoomed out. And that's mostly because of looking at the ground, since one had barely any detail while the other had more detail than you'd think of. But it's also a nice way to see some difference, because I didn't even see any change with Star Seeker until I saw that picture
    14. Antidote
      I love seeing these comparison images. Definitely a good deal of improvement.

      With BbS, I'm just glad that the keyblades are no longer flat! They actually look like they have some decent detail and life to them.
    15. Misty
      @iwantedtoexplode this seems like what it would feel like to put on glasses
      Thanks for the comparisons! Really nice to see. Something still feels odd about Aqua's hair to me but I suppose I'll get used to it.
    16. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Oh yeah, I completely forgot to comment on how nice the BBS keyblades look now
      I'm not sure what, but there's something in particular I like about Terra's... it looks... I dunno... solid?
    17. super_rocker_90
      all we need now is the cover art for the game lol.
    18. Twero
      T-t-that HD.... is truly gorgeous..
      I gonna cry. Ç___Ç