Kingdom Hearts 10 Year Anniversary Bundle + Prices!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Thanks to Siliconera and KHinsider for the info!

    So, it seems we've found what Nomura had planned for the ten year anniversary. A bundle containing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance. Said bundle is available for pre-order in the Square Enix e-store. With a whooping price of 15,000 円, which is approximately $195 USD

    The box will contain the following:

    Additionally, the special KH edition 3DS is priced at 21,090 円, which is around $280 USD. Dream Eaters, you say? More like wallet eaters!

    What do you think? Do you think we'll be seeing more things for the ten year anniversary? Or do you think this was the big unveil? Wanted to see more, or feel it wasn't up to par?

    Discuss away!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Jan 27, 2012.

    1. lillovedoctor
      I hope thats not it for the 10 year anniversery...If it is thats very dissapointing (to me anyway) I dont own a handheld at all and can't afford one. Ive been missing out on all the KH action recently. Even if i did have a DS this would still be a little dissapointing if this is all us fans are getting. What i was hoping for was a HD collection of KH for PS3 or maybe even bring BBS to the PS3 that would be cool. Thats just what i want anyway.
    2. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      What pointless drivel. If I recall, it was said in a past interview that it is becoming hard for new fans to get into the series due to increasing complexity, so that issue should be addressed. To me, it would then be sensible to release the first 3 initial installments so players can get a concept of the series's roots. Like many others, I too was hoping for an HD collection of the first 3 games. But an overpriced collection of games that haven't even been out for more than a couple years? Get real. :l ​
    3. starseeker3
      I did not know this and they shouldent have been left out (epecily since I have heiratage from practly 73% of europ) but that i did not know now im 3333000 times more enraged than before thank you for the information though
    4. Misty
      Have to agree that this is majorly disappointing. Hopefully this isn't all Nomura has planned, I still want an HD re-release--some cheesy bundle is hardly worth it to me. :/
    5. EvilMan_89
      as others has said, this bundle is very underwhelming. they put the two weakest titles in this Anniversary bundle and expect people to fork over cash for it. i hope they have an HD Collection planned for PS3 later on since the year just started.
    6. Llave
      Only if it's in the bargain price range, right? :lolface:

      But yeah, this isn't entirely worth it. It could be a glimpse. There may be more... But not sure until it is official.
    7. VentusRoxas
      I agree with pretty much everyone. the bundle was just disappointing. i love my ds but i already have days and recoded; because of that i dont plan on getting an 3ds.
    8. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      I hope theres more to it than just this...
    9. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      Damn it! >.< I totally love the whole 10th anniversary bundle, but I already have 358/2 Days and Re:coded! O_o I so want those picture cards and all that good stuff that comes with it, but there's no way I'm paying that much and getting two games I already have. :/ I think Square Enix should release another bundle for fans who already have the older games and who want 3D and all the other stuff--and no doubt it should be cheaper. (Should be like $90 cheaper.)
      Another thing that sucks is that I already have a Nintendo 3DS, but I really want that epic KH 3D bundle... *sigh* This is unfair... :'( Wish I knew about this years ago so I wouldn't have bought all that already. T~T

      Anyways, all this is great and I totally love it. <3 I also don't think this is it for the 10th Anniversary--I bet there's somthing much bigger coming. -^.^- I'm thinking its gonna be an HD Bundle Set of previous KH games. <3

      *squeal* I LOVE YOU KINGDOM HEARTS! X3
    10. NemesisPrime
      Well this sucks...


      Although if they offer the case for the games separately I'd pick it up. I want a place to store my KH DS games.

      I REALLY hope this isn't all Nomura has planned. Guy's been known not to put all his eggs in one basket...
    11. Uchitoru90

      Aww, i had hoped it would be a Kingdom hearts HD remake...:'( ah well.
    12. libregkd
    13. reptar
      I am actually genuinely interested in the Postcards and the design stuff. But it seems very underwhelming like everyone said, I was hoping for an HD collection so bad (or on an EXTREMLELY slim chance; an HD bundle of the Final Mixes).
    14. Beucefilous
      I have to say if that's it, that's kind of a letdown. I own 2/3 of those games and will own the third. I was hoping for a 1, 2, and BBS HD collection (As i'm sure everyone else was too)
    15. Cloudrunner62
      For the 3DS? Sony games for a Nintendo system? I wish it would happen, but it sadly never will.
    16. libregkd
    17. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Guess I'm the only person who wasn't disappointed by this. Probably because I was never planning to get the 10th anniversary box in the first place. Also, I was actually expecting the box to be full of nothing but stickers and decals. This turned out to be MUCH better than I thought. I know some people who became KH fans after playing 358/2 Days, so this will hopefully attract new fans. But as I said, I have zero interest in this bundle. I just want KH3D, nothing else.
    18. srs
      But they are all in Japanese!! why cant it be in english :'( (the special bundle)
    19. redhairedking
      I was really hoping, like so many others, for an HD collection on the PS3. This bundle of DS games is really disappointing, especially considering the games are EXACTLY THE SAME as when they were first released. I honestly can not see this selling well outside of Japan.
    20. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      the 10th anniversary bunndle is dissapointing in my opion since i already have days and re coded so i wont get it but i may get the extra stuff online with any luck and the kh 3ds depends how much money/munny (yay kh reference) i have and if it gets released where i live.