Kingdom Hearts 10 Year Anniversary Bundle + Prices!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Thanks to Siliconera and KHinsider for the info!

    So, it seems we've found what Nomura had planned for the ten year anniversary. A bundle containing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance. Said bundle is available for pre-order in the Square Enix e-store. With a whooping price of 15,000 円, which is approximately $195 USD

    The box will contain the following:

    Additionally, the special KH edition 3DS is priced at 21,090 円, which is around $280 USD. Dream Eaters, you say? More like wallet eaters!

    What do you think? Do you think we'll be seeing more things for the ten year anniversary? Or do you think this was the big unveil? Wanted to see more, or feel it wasn't up to par?

    Discuss away!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Jan 27, 2012.

      Is any of this confirmed to come stateside?

      And in regards to the bundle, are Days and Re:coded still for DS, or are they being ported for that fancy HD test on the 3DS?
    2. kngdmhrts2
      I think it would be best to assume for the time being that this could be only part of the 10th anniversary celebrations with it being only focused on the Nintendo side of the series, and then there being a Sony part to this aswell.

      Saying this because I expect a lot of us (ok, almost all of us) were hoping for a HD collection of the PS2 games.
    3. Bledsoe34
      Eh... to be honest I'm a tad disappointed. I honestly don't see the full point of having both Days and Re:Coded in the bundle, I'm sure most everyone got them already. Although I do like that postcard thing and am curious as to what the special box and KH edition 3DS will look like
    4. Noroz
      Overpriced by a thousand years. The 3DS Console will be a flop if it's the same price. Close to no one will buy that bundle. Laughable excuse for a 10 year anniversary "surprise."

      If there's nothing else happening for the anniversary, I'll be majorly disappointed.
    5. Rhiscx
      Agreed. I already have 358/2 days and Re: Coded, why on earth would I like to spend a ton of money on 3/4 of something I already own? The post cards and design for the 3DS sounds cool and all, but I'm not a big enough fan to get into all the little stuff. Like Noroz says, if this is all they are doing, I'll be disappointed as well.
    6. starseeker3
      Sadly to say, (and i am a MAJOR fan of almost all Nomura's work) but this was MAJORLY upsetting as a 10th anniversary gift to the players. The MAJOR upset it that the games I have ALREADY bought. What was Nomura thinking? I mean the rest sounds decent, but most KH players have at least played through the first world an all games well except maybe 1 or 2 considering their age, but none the less i am QUITE dissipated with this. What is worse: the price tag! $195 USD for that! I would rather buy coffee (which I DON'T drink) with that money. Also as Kndmhrts2 says:
      I also was expecting/ hoping for HD re-release of KH games and more importantly: FM versions FOR AMERICA! Nomura, what was going on inside your head, huh? [/RANT!]
    7. kngdmhrts2
      Don't go forgetting Europe when you say that, we already got screwed for never having Re:CoM over here...
    8. Shikou
      Can I buy the box without the DS games instead?
      I kinda want to keep my copies of 358/2 and re:Coded safe with DDD Lol xD
      It's usually this kind of thing that doesn't come out of Japan so no :/
      Plus, it says
      My translation for it would be
      So no, no 3DS or HD port of any kind, they are just a re-release.
    9. Droid
      I hope this isn't all he has planned or I'll be disappoint. I already have days and I don't care to spend 200 on those games, then have to buy a freakin 3DS. Sure the little postcards are probably nice along with a sleek cover, but I'm cool with a 5 dollar Zelda case. I'm already kinda irate that to play DDD I'll have to get a 3DS someday, I've got better things to spend money on than following KH to ever console they can shake a stick at. Just look at the PSP, they made one game(yes, a great game) for it and then abandoned it. Kingdom Hearts was Sony's to begin with, I wish they had just used their own consoles so these titles weren't stretched all over the place.
    10. NamineArtistOfLove
      Nandayo!? I already have Re:Coded and 358/2 Days! Grr...>.<
    11. Miles
      WAIT? This was the unexpected 10th aniversary special??!?
    12. Excasr
      I still don't have KHD and KHre:Coded! 8D

      But again, I think I will buy the DS XL, because it's cheaper... Good news though, if I don't get enough money in time...
      Oh well, thanks for the updates Chev. c:
    13. ChaosFinale
      I hope this isn't the surprise. I was hoping for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 HD re-makes for the PS3.
    14. Maggy
      I already have 358/2 Days and Re:Coded! I ALSO HAVE A 3DS.

      Come on, Nomura, you can do better than that :<
    15. greater_bloo
      As everyone said I really hope this isn't all there is to the 10 year anniversary. I mean Nomura said something about an HD test, these games have nothing to do with HD. Though I think the price is normal over there, the price for things in Japan when converted to US Dollars is a bit more than what it is for North America, so basically while the bundle would be $195 dollars there will be cheaper if it were to be sold in the US.
    16. Llave
      There is no point to have copies of 358/2 Days and Re:Coded in this without any form of remastering them. I am really disappointed. I didn't wait 10 years just to buy 12 Kingdom Hearts Postcards, a case, a special box, and 2 games I already own for $195 along with KH3D. There really isn't much to say here.
    17. AMRES
      I don't think they should remake the games but then again it would be nice.
    18. Cloudrunner62
      Gotta say...I'm not too happy with this little bundle, although I might get it because I lost my own copy of days and I can give the copy of Re: Coded to my gf. I do like the idea of a protective case, I tend to somehow break things easily.
    19. Daxa~
      That price. :c
      But I already have Re-Coded and Days.
      So that is one lovely waste of money.