Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX - TGS 2012 Trailer!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009

    Hey guys!

    I know you've been waiting for this for a while, but the promotional trailer for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix is finally online. You can view it here on Square Enix's site.

    Alternatively, for those on mobile devices or without flash:

    Big thanks to axel91 for the update!

    Update: 9:00PM (GMT -5) Video now available for download! Check out our cutscene archive.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Sep 24, 2012.

    1. Shiki
      ermagherd hertlis
    2. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Wooo-hoo! Can't wait, but do you guys really think is video has bette quality than e one misty posted? *SHOOT* *SHOOT*
    3. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      It could be worse, they could put the new game (or even worse KHIII) at Xbox just to make the fans go crazy (If the Nintendos' game wasnt enough).
      Still For a game born in japan there are to ways possible Nintendo or Ps3, Xbox is a plus... but developers that make Ps3 games don't like to do "multiplataforms" it seems to me that the programing of the Ps3 is waaaay different than Xbox, that makes games that were originaly from one don't work proply in the other.
      It's better that they maintain it exclusive if it is for the quality, better than what Batheseda is doing over SKYRIM, lauched the game for Xbox/Pc/Ps3 and now gave up lauching the DLCs for the Ps3, saying "that is too hard".

      If you are going to make a ****** job, don't do it! And we have to defend the "exclusive content" in a way they are the things that makes us choose a plataform or another.
    4. Miles
      What scene was that days clip from???
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      It was when Axel asked Roxas and Xion if they want to go to the beach the next time they get a day off.
    6. Miles
      Do you have a YT link. I cant seem to find it.

      Nevermind I found it
    7. libregkd
    8. Miles
      Oh yeah i remember. but I couldnt figure out thow to play it... still trying to figure it out
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I believe you need to create an account. That's what I did
    10. Miles
      oh okay. Well i dont need to see it anymore now. Thanks though.