Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX - TGS 2012 Trailer!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009

    Hey guys!

    I know you've been waiting for this for a while, but the promotional trailer for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix is finally online. You can view it here on Square Enix's site.

    Alternatively, for those on mobile devices or without flash:

    Big thanks to axel91 for the update!

    Update: 9:00PM (GMT -5) Video now available for download! Check out our cutscene archive.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Plums, Sep 24, 2012.

    1. libregkd
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Wow! That is definitely an improvement!
    3. Krowley
      Found some Comparative Photos;




      [​IMG] [​IMG]


      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    4. Hayabusa
      Dat updated texturing....feels good man. Also, improved depth of field. I'm ok with Sora and Kairi looking...whiter, it's not really a big deal at all.

      If only Silent Hill got this kind of treatment in the HD, but I'm still upset about that >.>
    5. Krowley
      They did give a lot of texturing an upgrade by making everything visible. This, in turn made them lighter. It also looks far more smooth.
      Now if only the play arts looked like this... I may actually consider purchasing them...

      To prevent spamming Giant images, I'll just leave links;



    6. libregkd
    7. Hayabusa
      Too true. Konami don't give a damn about Silent Hill anymore...sigh...

      Also, can you point out what AA would look like in cutscenes? Just want to be sure.
    8. libregkd
    9. Hayabusa
      Ah, ok. The fact that I could barely tell in the HD version is good enough for me, especially with the larger frame rate.
    10. Miles
      I can't wait for the smooth 60 fps. It's gonna make the game feel so real.
    11. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      This looks amazing. If this doesn't get released overseas, my soul will be crushed. ​
    12. CloudStrife2k9
      Anybody else kind of upset to the fact that it's only a PS3 game? /: I was hoping it would make it's way to xbox. I guess I should have expected this considering that the original was on the PS2. But still, they have to realize that they would make more money if they were to make it multi-platform. And seeing this, just leads me to believe that Kingdom Hearts 3 will as well not be on 360 and only PS3 /: Looks like I have to go buy one... along with a 3DS /: ._.
    13. libregkd
    14. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Didn't the MGS HD collection release in Japan as a PS3 exclusive while released in NA as multiplatform?
    15. libregkd
    16. Hayabusa
      I really, really doubt we're ever going to see Kingdom Hearts on the Xbox. As Libregkd said, Microsoft does not do so well overseas, along with just how few Square titles actually go to the Xbox. It'll just be counter-productive to spend the money to port it to the Xbox, along with not knowing how well it would run on it. In a point, if Kingdom Hearts is ever going to be on a console, it's most likely the Playstation, and maybe the Wii U.
    17. libregkd
    18. Hayabusa
      Yeah, I should have specified >.>

      And oops...coulda sworn it was...I'll be editing that now <.<

    19. libregkd
    20. soramasterkeyblader
      I want to get this game so bad. I can't wait