Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix: Trailer Impressions

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. As shocking as it is, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has been confirmed with a release that's scheduled for release around 2013, hopefully early 2013. As you've already heard, the HD Remix will include Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days cutscenes will be remade in HD to appear in some form of Teather Mode.

    There are some other interesting tidbits I would like to point out.

    - aibo_ac7 has revealed that some text scenes from 358/2 Days will be made into HD cutscenes.
    - has revealed that although there were English voice overs used in Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix will contain Japanese voice over - including EXRTA scenes.
    - Tokyo Game Show has their own page dedicated to Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix.

    goldpanner from KH13 has also provided translations for Rebirth Wings's trailer impressions.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 22, 2012.

    1. libregkd
    2. Plums
      It likely it would have existed anyway. I think most people assumed all three would be remade and skipped over the factor of the Days cutscenes only being remade in Theater Mode, which Wolfie did state:

      Plus it's pretty easy to gloss over it, especially for HD remakes a good chunk of the fandom's been waiting for for a while. xD

      I think most people are expecting it to because
      Secret Message at the end of DDD internationally hinted at the HD remakes.

    3. DigitalAtlas
      Yeaaaah. I don't really see that as efficient evidence.... I mean...... Crisis Core.
    4. NarutoSuperKubii
      For one that wasn't my whole post and I said "if" not will I don't know why you are so intended on bashing mike and dpwolf but if you actually read my post you would understand it and not try to twist my post.
    5. libregkd
    6. DigitalAtlas
      I found no purpose in showing them the whole post as it may stray from my point. And yes, you said if. Grats. The if wouldn't be there if the first sentence said '....and the cutscenes of KH 358/2 Days Later'

      Why you mad bro?
    7. Explode
      He's holding out hope that they might change their minds and remake the whole thing (either now or later). Which while unlikely, I confess I'm doing the same thing.
    8. DigitalAtlas
      Seeing as it's due out probably in what, five months? That's... Not happening.....
    9. Miles
      Who knows really. they could be reusing there source code. I'm pretty sure taking out content that most likely not even 1/4 of the game wouldnt even faze them. There will be an hd collection
    10. DigitalAtlas
      This is SE you're talking about sir. I would say them and Capcom are the worst about localizing wanting titles.
    11. libregkd
    12. DigitalAtlas
      Correct. It's why Panzer Dragoon won't EVER be ported. Ever.

      Bluepoint is pretty much a godsend to porting.
    13. Miles
      I know. But that sh and konami and not the original devs. Ever other kh game has came too NA. Why not this one. It even says in DDD there will be one.
    14. libregkd
    15. Miles
      Well I'm sure when they were adding on the final mix content to the originals they didn't reverse engineer it.
    16. DigitalAtlas
      Dear god please use the edit button.

      And bullsh*t every KH game has come to America XD And that message could literally mean ANYTHING

      ^That's actually why FFVII-FFIX haven't been ported in HD, and probably never will be unless they're fully remade. I actually think that was the reason FFIII got it's full remake too, IIRC.

      On that note, isn't it only because Eidos leaked the source code for FFVII that they could rerelease it for PC?
    17. Miles
      Quit acting like that. I was typing on my phone and doing other things. Anyway they have released every other game beside the final mix which is the same as the originals.
    18. DigitalAtlas
      >Implying KHII: FM wasn't a clearly superior and better version of the game that made it an actual RPG
    19. Miles
      I don't really like your sarcasm. I never said that. It would be like saying a games DLC makes it a different game.
    20. DigitalAtlas
      ..Yes, it does. Fallout 3? Persona 3 FES? Mass Effect 2? Every special edition?