Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix Boxart revealed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    This original and ever so eye pleasing boxart to the 1.5 HD collection has been revealed! While no set date has been confirmed for countries outside Japan, it was recently teased that there will be localization on the way!

    Credit to Roxam and Libregkd for the update.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jan 24, 2013.

    1. Misty
      Console wars are the worst, if you like Xbox that's cool, if you like PS3 that's cool, but there's no reason to argue about which is "superior." Comparing exclusives is important if you're purchasing a console, but otherwise, there's no reason to tout a console exclusive series like it somehow makes you look better.

      I would be very surprised to see Square continue to do multi-platform releases like they did with FFXIII, simply because the Xbox is not very popular in Japan.
    2. Serenacake
      Yeah Yeah I know that. Console Wars are stupid, but I'm so easily butthurt by all the good things people have to say about xbox, and I almost never hear anything good about the PS3. Plus a few of my friends want me to get xbox's and I hate it because it's so awkward for me to use. /sigh Hence why I referred to it as a Pet Peeve, rather than something that could be considered something I'd really like to change or fix. It really, in the grand scheme of things, does not matter. I understand that.

      Yeah, some of the same friends above think KH3 is going to be released on xbox. I'm not quite sure myself, but now that I know xbox isn't too popular in Japan, I can guess that it might be an exclusive.
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I like Sora's crown and the keyblade throne. ​
    4. Krowley
      Both Console games were on a Sony system, so I get why it's on the PS3. (As Misty said, Xbox isn't very popular in Japan) This makes me glad to own a PS3 and happy you will get to enjoy it in all your Sony Girl splendor.
    5. libregkd
    6. 61
      I'll probably get crucified for this, but I hope that it doesnt come to the 360. I'm not an avid sony fan, but kh just does not seem like it should be on anything microsoft. No particular reason, it's just that the 360 has this air about it that I dont think would blend well with KH.
    7. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      In the game of thrones you win or die, there is no middle ground @_@!!!
      LOVE IT!
    8. DualBladeRoxas
      Truly amazing. Love with the card separators for CoM, and checkers for 358/2 days, and how the backrest of the throne is all the different Keyblades Sora can use. With a little bit of humor with Kairi touching Sora's crown. xD
    9. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      this game.... is going... to ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      I was about to say this, but yes this box art is indeed appealing.
    11. Xalxe
      Kairi: O_O pretty crown....
    12. Vagineer
      OMG!!! I just found out that in this picture, Sora's pose on the throne is similar to Noctis' pose on Versus XIII!

    13. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I am kinda desapointed that the english version of KH probably won't be this one with the throne, all the "pre-order" images are only the KH logo and the title in white.
    14. libregkd