The game is out today. It came through the post yesterday but didn't get much time to play it, I have only done 2 stages so far. I'm not sure if it was the hangover or the controls but it took me a half hour to get used to the controls. It's a very cover based game, if you don't use L2 a lot you will be ****ed. The story so far is well...there is no story, you invade Helghan and that's it so far, though it is presented very nicely. Very chaotic, you get the feel of a full blown war from the get go as you travel right into the battlefield. The game also looks amazing. I just wish there was co-op, it's a very squad based game, you always have at least 1 person with you at all times, so it seems odd they didn't include co-op for the single player campaign. I haven't got that far yet, but my first impressions are good.
So far I've completed Corinth River. The controls also took me a while to get used to but after a while. It's really odd why they wouldn't add co-op when you always have at least 1 ally with you the entire time. Nonetheless this is a must buy for anybody who loves shooters and has a ps3. I instantly jumped online after beating the first chapter and found tons of games to play. The badge system is a nice touch. I went into a game acting like how I played Resistance 2 and found myself getting destroyed. After getting accustomed to how Killzone 2 online is I found myself getting better and soon enough I was up as one of the top players in the room. Finding cover is necessary to survive and you always have to mind your surroundings since an enemy can come from many directions. I found myself staying alive much longer when I was with an ally. The way the game changes game modes instantly is amazing. Such a simple addition yet a marvelous achievement.
I'm thinking of getting this. Since this is basically the PS3's answer to Halo 3 on the 360, I'm hoping it's pretty good.
I'm thinking of getting this. I've seen the gameplay on youtube and thought it would make a good game for me to make montages well as COD and all that.