Killing off the humans

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Kelly630, Aug 22, 2011.


Kill humans to save the world

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Nuke somewhere else

  1. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    The fuck did Africa do? Also, you're obviously not thinking. There are laws like that in China, and I don't think we have to worry so much about our ozone breaking down. Leaving them with enough money to barely survive? The hell is wrong with you?
  2. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I wants 2 keel humanz liek Sprothe. Iz I kewl?

    Your post is downright ******ed. You go on about how we're polluting the planet and then you suggest to nuke the least polluting contintent of said planet? Right. And if you know it's wrong and selfish, why do you agree? That doesn't make sense.
    And even so, who cares if we are killing the planet? It's going to perish eventually. Why struggle to keep it alive for a couple more millenia? We could live with the brakes on and care for the environment, OR we could squander everything we have in a few generations and at least go out with a blast.

    I sometimes find myself hoping they will.
  3. きんたろ Banned

    Feb 28, 2011
    Backwater Gospel
    Antarctica pollutes less then Africa bro. Just sayin'. Also, giving up entirely is real nice. Dump the problem on the next generation until it's to late. Our parents did that to us, are you going to default to the same tactic or man up and do stuff your parents couldn't do because they were to lazy?
  4. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I wouldn't say it's so much as being lazy as it is having different values/beliefs than we do.
    Like, the post WWII generation.

    Their parents valued work and steady careers and stuff, but that new generation valued the importance of the individualism and finding themselves.

    I mean, I'm not happy with how the way the world is now
    but I can sort of see why nothing is getting done about it too.
  5. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    I'm sorry, but you are practically begging for this reference. Don't know how many of you have watched YYH, BUT, kudos to any who caught it.


    In all seriousness. I am as centred as all other humans. That I can't deny. Occasionally my own kind fills me to the brim with disgust. Still, what right do I have to judge my own? How could you say such a thing? You are no better than those you scold, make no mistake. Still I suspect you know this. Dismiss humanity and dismiss the self. Your hate for them only parallels your hate for yourself! The sword is double-sided, the bottled up hatred consumes.

    You are a part of humanity. Humanity is a part of you.

    An animal hating its own kin. A sad, sad sight.
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It just had to be a smartass again...
    Alright. Challenge accepted.

    No matter what option you pick, "giving up" or "manning up", it'll come down to the same thing. Earth and its creatures will fall in a state of decline eventually. Even with your environmentally friendly ideas, do you really think Earth will be all "Plants and animals and fungi oh my!" when Andromeda swallows us (or the sun runs out of hydrogen, or we get sucked into a black hole, whatever happens first). Get real, please.

    That is, assuming that it's not too late to start caring at all. There's no guarantee that our efforts wouldn't be too little, too late. If you attended the same Ecosystem Management class as I did, you'd know the odds are against us. For all we know, we have passed the point of no return and every holier than thou environmentalist is wasting their (and our) time. And unlike vegetarianism, acceptance of homophilia and other ideological evolutions, discarding our (naturally programmed) egocentrism isn't something we can do one mindless tree hugger at a time. Do you even know how long it will take to flip from "destroying less" to actually reversing what we've wrong so far?

    Humanity's not going to be around forever, and frankly I don't care how long we will be around. The planet will become uninhabitable sooner or later, whether we buy ecologically manufactured shampoo or not. It doesn't matter. I'd rather waste than live with the brakes on. Generations who will never be born won't blame me.
    Call it giving up. I call it refusing to fight a hopeless battle.
    Call me lazy. I'd rather be lazy than futile.
  7. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    K guys, as ignorant as some things may be, please keep in mind this is the Discussion Section and posts should be contributing to the debate. Calling the OP ******ed isn't that constructive; if you disagree the at least say your reasoning rather than "you are ignorant etc. etc."
    Please stay on topic in your posts as well, image macro and YouTube video responses are both not valid points for discussion.

    You are more than welcome to debate, but do so in a respectful way, regardless of how you feel on the subject. We don't need a flame war in here.
  8. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I have to say that wolf is right guys, to shout slander is the argument of someone who has lost :P
    Even though in the defense of everyone else, the OP wasn't exactly intelligent and began talking about something which she had no comprehension, if there is anything that annoys people trying to have an intelligent discussion, its someone who pretends that their opinion is an educated one when it is blatantly obvious that it is far from it.

    On another note, this topic is really interesting because Styx is getting extremely fired up, and i like it XD But i am afraid i would have to disagree with you my friend on your opinion. And What you believe is that which has been ingrained into you due to the abrasive nature of the latter argument. But attitudes like that are the reason that it is "futile". We need to reverse the damage by changing the supposed "human condition". If we don't then humanity will die sooner rather than later. If humanity learns how to help the planet rather than slowly poison it to death i believe that humanity could progress further than it could imagine. I believe humanity has the capabilities to be immortal(not in the sense of an individual but as a society) except its too stupid to understand that killing and destroying everything that isn't convenient, it goes after this inconvenience that infringes its sense of self and freedom and erases it. Its the reason half of history is unknown to us. Change the human condition, to believe otherwise is to except the cheap nature of life for future generations.
  9. Kelly630 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 24, 2011
    To start off i would like to say sorry to any that was offended in this thread and to everyone that was born in the region that i was planning to destroy. Truly I deserved every last comment that was made for me.Why did I do it? Really, I did not realize what i had done in this post in till the morning after i had written it (if you look at the first post it was written at 5:00am eastern time). Even then i did not realize the feelings that had been hurt. I was just so caught with "The Day the Earth Stood Still" that mine was racing with facts in the movie and i just had to do something with. I know this won't heal wounds that i had caused but i just wanted to be known why the thread was started.

    Truly i am ignorant, not for writing the post but "for choosing some else life over mine".

    This isn't really a debate it's a message of how human i am and isn't really worth for DPwolf and daxma to step in and stop it. Sorry.

    If any thing i can do for the people that been hurt please PM me. To make up to them.
  10. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    That was a good apology Kelly630, we all do silly things when we have a lack of sleep XD

    Anyway, I think at some point we'll end up killing ourselves and the environment. We can try and try but my thoughts are there will always be some people who don't believe in the global disasters or are just too lazy to do anything about it- this doesn't mean I'm giving up though, we can sustain this world for as long as possible and that's the goal. Maybe I'm wrong and just being pessimistic but I have a feeling the environment is doomed with all us humans around.
  11. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I both agree and disagree . . . there are some people who I would probably just say "Don't Care" but there are people who actually help contribute to this world. Rather than look for a solution to stop the CO2 we should look for a solution to getting rid of it. Such as towers that collect CO2 from the atmosphere and release the Oxygyn . . . don't know what to do with the Carbon though that is another problem all together. Anyway, if the worst got even worsterer I would fall back on this as a last resort (kill a few to save the billions kind of thing)
  12. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    That's basically what plants do now. They take in CO2 and produce oxygen.

    Unfortunately, it's not enough, so I agree that building some transference towers to transfer CO2 into clean air (oxygen) would benefit not the only the environment, but the human population as well.
  13. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    I would have to disagree with you.
    We as humans simply need to really...Do better.

    And, it's not just humans causing Co2, it's pretty much everything that breathes.
    And, we do take up more room than we really need, but it's usually for the better. Farms and such spring up here and there forcing us to cut down trees, but we really have more trees now than we did a a few centuries ago, or so a teacher told me.
    We simply need to do alot better taking care of the earth. Recycle and all that jazz.
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It has never been the land that has been divided, that is the work of man.

    Nature will surely decree if we should die or not. She created us, so I believe if anything, if we don't kill each other, nature will do so. Not to sound all druid and nature worshipping, but it's true that nature dictates how humans develop, so if it wants us gone a simple natural catastrophe and we'll be gone. But I will add we are very adaptive and can survive a lot. So even if we were killed off, it wouldn't be simple, it would take a long time and a lot of resistance. Even nuclear weapons wouldn't wipe us all out that easily, we are forewarned about nuclear launchs generally, the fallout would be the worst thing to survive through. Anyway, if you want to kill us out quickly and easily, a deadly pathogen that is easily spread, and incurable. Would kill pretty much everyone in the space of a year.

    But, meh, this thread is not very productive.
  15. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    hey, we're all going to die at some point. It's just a matter of when.
  16. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    . . . Contagion . . . lol, but seriously though I wouldn't really want to kill ALL humans. If we kill all humans then that is the end of us, all that work and effort for nothing. You at least need to have a Noah's Ark Contingency Plan. Also, we could just evacuate the planet (if the idiots would ever realize the only way you are going to be able to make it in space) there are other planet's out there with the basic standards we need to survive. It may seem like science fiction but I look at it like a door yet to be opened . . . and they keep trying to go through the window. Space Travel= Giant Space Ship+Green House+Farm+Water+Refillable (from space) Fuel Source. Maybe someday . . . anyway, killing all humans will not stop the problem only delay it. It would be about like giving up on a project. We need to fix it, even if eventually this is what it means.
  17. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I definitely DO NOT want humans to be killed off, even if it will help the planet. However, i do agree that we are the cause of the planet's dying, and killing off humans probably would help it. But again, i DO NOT want to kill off humans to solve the problem. Find another way!
  18. Accalia Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    Humans are slowly killing off the planet.
    Yes there are too many people living on the planet but humans are not the only thing destroying the world.
    Killing the entire human race will only add to the problem.
    There are other species on the planet adding to the problem.
    No species should be eliminated for any reason.
    Killing is morally wrong and shouldn't be done. Also, the Earth is going anywhere anytime soon. The ozone layer is intact therefore we don't have to worry.
  19. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    How so?

    Which ones?

    Ironically humans are arguably the only species that don't just kill for their survival.

    Do you honestly think the ozone layer is the only problem Earth has to deal with?

    Thanks for agreeing with us but your post could have been a little more thoughtful.
  20. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    It's for the common good, why should we bring every species on the planet with us to death? Logically we are the bane of everything's existence and we should probably be exterminated for the greater good. That won't happen though unless we like nuke eachother and then just let the planet regenerate after a while. It doesn't seem likely that we will be killed off with the intent of saving the other species though, but it might happen by accident due to wars, y'know?

    So tl;dr: We are all monsters and should be killed.