i like to imagine her finger is constantly hovering over a giant red button encased in glass any one of these posts could be one shitpost too many for her sanity
Read a book. Go outside. Play a video game. Watch a movie. Listen to music. Write a story. Literally anything but this.
Well... I have been wanting to start up an RP based on the Fate series. Though I don't think there is enough people who'd be interested.
I had a good idea for a Street Fighter/Final Fight RP but does anyone besides me really care about either franchise
And before, I remember that people would look at an RP based off of a franchise of which they weren't aware, but might still join. I don't know if that happens anymore.
I'd give it a go. So you have one. KHV is a black hole. Only those of the blackest souls remain untouched by the swirling darkness that sucks everyone else in.