I will soon be in possession of both a 3DS and a Vita. I need games to play and I keep forgetting games that exist. The games that will already be in possession will be in Glorious Goldenrod, the ones in Green will be what y'all suggested that I will get.: 3DS: Fire Emblem Awakening Tales of the Abyss Legend of Zelda LBW Pokemon Y Bravery Default OoT 3D PsVita: Persona 4 Golden Gravity Rush Rayman Origins. Zero Escape: VLR Soul Sacrifice Gimme other stuff.
Depends, what genres do you like? Off the top of my head; 3DS: Devil Survivor: Overclocked LoZ: A Link Between Worlds Tales of the Abyss Vita: Soul Sacrifice BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Tearaway Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward That's my two cents.
3DS: - Ocarina of Time 3D - Pokemon X/Y Vita: - The Walking Dead - Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time - PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale (it's best for its multiplayer, so don't pay more than maybe $20 for it) And an honorable mention to Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, which you could get for either.
No Games that exist on the ps3 will be a priority for the Vita, so stuff like The Walking Dead and PS All Stars are out, I also don't like fighting games so Blazblue is eh. Updated OP though.
i know approximately jack **** about the vita soooo 3ds games to maybe look into I dunno what you like so I'm sorry if these are awful suggestions KH3D The Starship Damrey Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Project X Zone Kid Icarus Uprising ?? not very familiar with it so idk Mario Kart 7 Animal Crossing Professor Layton Myst
...oh yeah and RE Revelations if you like survival horror, I guess that's also been ported to home consoles by now though so :v