I do not, I have no romantic feelings whatsoever for him, and I'm getting married in December to my Jason.
Fuck no! Christ! I just don't know if I should still be his friend or not. Jason doesn't like the idea, and neither do I :c
Dude... :'C See, that's what I'm thinking, but I've found that I don't say accidentally say things when I'm drunk unless I mean them somewhere deep down.
Wait till he's sober then ask if he meant it If he says "Fuck No!" then your in the clear If he says "Well...Ummm...Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" then sorry your fucked
While it is true that people don't accidentally say things when they're drunk unless they mean them somewhere deep down you shouldn't let it get to you. Why? Because when a guy who likes girls meets a girl for the first time the impressions she leaves on him last forever. If part of the impression was that he could see himself falling in love with her then that stays with him forever. From there four things can happen. 1. Nothing happens for some time and the conscious mind gets over it. He says to himself that when he first met the girl he did think he could be more than friends but he knows that nothing has happened so nothing probably will happen. However subconsciously the impression still exists and that is where the confession is coming from because the distinguishing lines between subconscious and conscious blur, as you probably know, when someone is intoxicated. 2. Exactly the same as 1. - but he consciously wishes things turned out in the way he always hoped. However he knows that nothing has been going on so he keeps quiet when he's sober. 3. He asks the girl out. The girl says no. He shows the tendencies in 1. or 2. 4. He asks the girl out. The girl says yes. They live happily ever after. However these are generalizations so don't try to fit your friend into a box. He won't like it. I got in trouble last time I tried putting my friend in a box... P.S. Can I pwease have Jason? *puppy pout* XD
It's true that people can say very truthful things when they are drunk, it's also possible that they over dramatise things. Maybe what his real feelings are is that you're a good friend and usually good friends tell each other that they love them? Maybe he just over did it? I've seen guys cling to each other crying and saying that they loved each other, but they both had partners.
You do the same thing I did when my drunk cousin's step half-sister tried to kiss me. Use it as blackmail whenever you want a favor from him.
I am c: I do it for fun. I'm sorry ; ; noo c: I love Jason too much, but if Gerard Butler ever comes up to me some day and asks me to marry him, you can have Jason. Thanks for the help guys. He actually apologized for putting me on the spot last night. That's mean ; ; I'm not that mean :\
You really cant get your head around the fact that its comments about this type of thing that cause all your threads to end with you on the ass end of an ass kicking