1. KH-Vids buy kh-vids mugs, tshirts and magnets I kingdom hearts forum with videos from said games. The majoirty of the staff have issues and most of the members are noobs. The few mature members have either become inactive, become trolls, or have just faded from spot light. They are known for thier pointless e-drama in the kingdom hearts community concerning such things as unbanning permanently banned members, trying to take over the site and convert it into a dictatorship, pop-punk fans insulting hip-hop music and culture, and pointless personal arguments caused by the stunts of /b/tards who pretty much run the place. CockgoezHea69: Hey, the mods should unban Mr.Bubbles000 cuz KH-Vids is nuthing without him Noobs: Sure why not /b/tards: Yami Flood I am so proud of you KHV. SO PROUD. <3
A noob or n00b is someone that lacks intellegance or common sense, most people think that noob is a word used only in the online gaming world, but in reality it is becoming an ever popular word with teenage society. a noob could be simply a level 100 running round shouting ''WTF DO I GO!?'' or someone calling someone else a noob and then getting hit with a brick, anyone can call anyone a noob, but normally they are noobs themselves
As I expected, copypaste from Urban. Meh, would had liked your own opinion (or at least thought) better.
Actually, noob is just another spelling of the word newb, meaning someone who's new at something. Everybody who uses noob as the definition you posted is doing it wrong.
incorrrect although n00b is derivedfrom newb it actually means an experienced pperson who acts like a newb l2internet