KHV users have created the next Kh enemy, Desouls. how does it look when they die?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 17, 2009.


How should it look when a Desoul dies?

Poll closed Apr 7, 2009.
  1. Going up in flames (of any color)

  2. Turning to dust that is quickly taken by the wind

  3. Simply vanish quickly (like in the KH games)

  4. Disappearing instantly, during a single frame

  5. Evaporating (like the Organisation members)

    0 vote(s)
  6. Turning into a sort of gas which quickly dissipates

    0 vote(s)
  7. Stay motionless for a few seconds, becoming more and more transparent

  8. Other (please specify)

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Wait, what? well, first off they aren't more powerful versions of heartless. Desouls are completely different from heartless.

    second off, when a new enemy is introduced to the game, then they should be the major enemy. it only makes sense.

    Also, only one new type of enemy should be introduced per game (like bbs, kh, kh2). So if the story were to come soon after kh2, then that game would act as a closure to the heartless trilogy, meaning that the rein of the heartless would end in that game. This, however gives me an interesting Idea plot wise. It's time to create the thread for the storyline. the main idea for the desouls is complete, only little details remain. We can take care of that while creating the story.

    oh one more thing, to make things a tad more organize please be sure to place your posts in the appropriate. I appreciate your ideas, it just makes things easier if they are in the right thread. at the moment there is no storyline thread (which is where this one would have gone) so I'll make one now.

    Nice Idea, I'll add it to the first post.
  2. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    I can't believe I haven't thought of exploding!

    I'm glad to see people are voting. And yes, mixing several deaths together can be fun, as long as it's not an extremely long death.

    While I still prefer goign up in flames, if not shattering, explosion sounds great.
    What about an enemy that quickly explodes, and leaves a few flames on the ground? And a few very short-lived flames in the air. It would look cool to see the flames fade away for a second or so, and it won't overload the player's vision. Not to mention mass-killing Desouls would temporarily set the ground ablaze. This will also work if we replace the explosive death with the shattering death.

    Keep the votes and ideas flowing, everyone!
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    not a bad idea. I'll add it to the list!
  4. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Going up in flames because that sounds awesome XD But I prefer ShiningDreams' idea better.... Give me his brain!!
  5. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Great idea there. We'll have to keep this in mind for the Make Up KH3's Storyline Thread. Bosses that appear this way, and also vanish this way, will look awesome.

    This makes me think, there could a consistency with the appearance and death. Desouls could, for example, appear out of flames, and die likewise. Or maybe appear as many shards who unite, and die by shattering back to pieces.
    and likewise for every death in this poll.
  6. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Like Xaldin did in Kingdom Hearts II, but without the evaporating. After the roar of pain, he should explode.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    hmm, good idea!

    Edit: for those who are unaware, we have a wiki up now on all of this. here is the link.
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