I have begun to think that I am an accidental pervert. You know, I am so much of a klutz that these things just happen? >.> <.< Honest! I could not help tripping on my feet, just as the nearest thing to grab to prevent taking a header into the floor was your boob. It's not my fault that I was never informed that the hotsprings were girls only. And how was I supposed to know that the hole in my wall went all the way through to other side and into your room? I swear, your diary just fell open to the page with you and your boyfriend! And it is not my fault that I just happened to look! I am a teenager what with the hormones and the curiosity and awww you know what I'm talkin' about. I swear, it was my dad's flash drive that I took that had all that hentai on it.
So the bee and I are the same! There was no way the bee could have known that you were taking a shower. Why, it must have been so shocked by your beauty that it simply hovered there in disbelief.
lol and you just thought it was a bee it was really a camera bug now i have something to do on sater....ummmm nvm hahaha did you get stinged
It's also possible that it was me with my shapeshifting powers. I mean, I am a shapeshifter after all. I'm sure you all remember my female form from the staring contest.