KHV The Musical - Phase One: Plotting

Discussion in 'KHV Musical' started by Plums, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. Neku_Sakuraba Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2012
    Houston, TX
    I'm late, but here's goes nothing:

    Setting: A physical version of the KH-Vids website (It could be a regular town with the admins being the governors)
    Characters: All of the KH-Vids members and one noob (either an original character or me :p)
    Plot: The noob comes in, and everybody makes fun of him. The noob, with the help of two other members, tries to prove he's a cool guy.

    ..... Yeah, I'm tired. Still think a physical version of this community would be a good idea. Or is that the sleep talking?[DOUBLEPOST=1348983547][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Yeah, you stole my idea. :P
  2. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I'm still trying to read through the ideas, however, I do want to say that for those of you who've found an idea that you really do support, it's highly encouraged that you work with the maker(s) of the idea(s) and really flesh it out.

    We still have the rest of October to finish the process, but the faster you come up with a fully drafted idea, the faster we can critique and offer improvements, and ultimately decide which idea we're going to go with.

    Again, not saying you must do this immediately after reading this, but it's something to be kept in mind.
  3. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Alrighty, so Jayn and I were talking the past two days, and we agreed upon setting the deadline for brainstorms to be in by

    Wednesday, October 10th.

    This gives about another week to think up ideas. After this, one of us will link to all the ideas presented thus far in a post, and you guys can choose which ones you'd like to help develop to completion for the poll to ultimately decide which idea we're going to work with.

    Open for any questions/clarifications if needed. <:
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Alright, gonna rearrange some of my original ideas to put them into a more coherent form for those who liked it already and want a more detailed/explicit form to work with.

    Premise: This site remains a website we visit. The windows into the story will be three main characters. A new member, a veteran member and either an old member, returning old member or a banned member(there's a lot that can be done with this third person but it is difficult for me to express exactly what). The real world still exists as just that and our characters live in both. Each character is presented with a real world problem and the overarching site problem. The site problem and the real life problem develop simultaneously until experience with one helps the character solve the other and take that back to their final remaining problem. This should be more fun for most people because it's more of an exaggeration of what is rather than a totally fictional setting with random cameo appearances and shenaniganry.

    Storytelling: I have two options here: 1) we do this in three acts(or routes) and have each act dedicated to one protagonist showing a linear progression from new to old and reviewing the same online events three times from different perspectives, showing something about how information and perspective mean everything. This allows us to keep their real world events nice and neat and separated. It does mean going through some of the same material over again so it might hinder the whole musical aspect since the musical bits are the online bits which are all in common. It might serve as motivation to have each person's online activities more distinct than I'd initially thought. 2) we do this all in one go and bounce around from protag to protag from scene to scene, like a book or play might. Now this allows everything to happen once and only once. But we only get each event from one perspective or a group perspective possibly. This might make storytelling a bit less personalized for each of the characters. It also makes time management a little different.

    Characters: While pretty much all participating members are fair game for fixtures, we need protagonist(s). Everyone seems awfully taken with the idea of an original character and I understand why. However, the proposed storytelling method has this new member accompanied by a veteran member and another character. The veteran member should be someone who is well known here but doesn't necessarily need to be an old member. Their role in this is to provide perspective from someone who is a part of the the main community already and sees things through that perspective. The third member is a bit of an issue for me because there needs to be some kind of balance to the new member. The veteran is more of a middle ground. This third member needs to represent the side of the side that is both older and less likely to be a part of every change. Someone who is clearly a little out of step with the current mainstream but more in touch with the core of what it is to be a member here.
    All of the characters can technically be made up but I would only suggest that the new member be made up. The other two would need to be picked based on the actual person's willingness. Though I suggest asking directly rather than letting people volunteer, at least for the third spot.
    The idea with the spectrum of characters is to best show the site how we see it. To best make this something that we can look at and have someone to identify with or root for. In many ways it's just as much about perspective of the viewer as it is the perspective of the characters.

    Tone: I don't like "dark" or "gritty" I like comedy and barring that realism. I'd prefer we try to keep this more or less reasonable. It can have ups and downs but there is no need to have one outweigh the other in a significant way.

    Set: The Real- it's the real world. Each character has to deal with it every day and there will be scenes dedicated to important parts of it.
    The Site- it's where the main story occurs. Instead of just putting a pure text wall down we can play with the setting since a lot of what goes online is abstract and subject to more imagination than the real is. So we can take a background skin from the site to start with and then embellish upon it and work with it to make a little make believe world. Within that world we have all the sections, each with their own flavor and corresponding change in art style or design. The musical numbers happen here so we have a reason for people to be bursting into song (the reason being because it's a world of pure imagination but whatever.)
    The Megachats- I've decided I would really like to have a few scenes where people go off site to talk. Things are wilder here, a lot more things can happen and a lot more characters can talk disjointedly. So we keep the same idea as the site but maybe make the thing exclusive to a few musical numbers rather than main dialogues.
    The idea here is to show the full spectrum of events that go into what makes things happen on the site.

    Dialogue: Carried out normally in the real and the site. Carried out through music on the site and megachat conversations.
    This is just the simplest and most coherent way to go about this.

    Art: The characters will have real world versions of themselves that are more or less true to form. However, they will also have online versions of themselves which will be decided by the artists or by committee as we progress.

    Music: As with all musicals each number should progress the story and tell you what the singers are feeling or thinking.

    Plot: A kid in, let's say middle school, joins the site one day. He or she will travel around the site and through a musical number discover what it's all about. This kid becomes a regular to escape the real/have fun/be themselves/find themselves/whatever their real life deal is. There is a huge to be determined problem with/on the site. The new member follows the development and handling of this issues and possibly helps to solve it. A member who's been here for a bit and is all up on the latest trends and gossip is visiting the site when the nonspecific issue arises coincidently with a personal problem. They fight with both issues and with the help of music they succeed. Nothing for the last undecided guy, sorry.

    Specifics(?): I'll leave all those up to you guys.

    This is all I have to say.
  5. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    If I may suggest, we could have the staff as the main cast as, without them, this place wouldn't be what it is. I also recommend the setting be in the Kingdom Hearts universe as that's what has drawn us all together. Maybe they could go to worlds that they never put in the games and maybe a few they did. that way we could do some already written songs. would also five us a chance to show off our keyblade creating skills. just throwing this out into the brainstorm
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    (Unrelated to anything: Please remember to like the posts of the plots you like by the 10th!!)

    Alright...So based off of some of the plots mentioned so far, I present my plot idea for the KHV Musical /dramatica music
    I have massively simplified some of the overly-complicated stuff so that it's more realistically do-able. NOTE: Not ALL plots are fuses here. Just the once that /CAN/ be obviously and easily fused.

    / / Main Characters

    A new member (original character, most likely).
    An un-banned member.
    A normal member.
    A premium.
    A staff member.

    Why: Representation. Not all staff, not all normies, not all OCs, not all prems, etc. Main does not mean only, it just means maybe a bit more of a key role in the plot or a bit deeper character development. The only real main character, I believe, should be the new member/OC. Fair on all fronts, yeah?

    Using this random generator, I got a lesbian female for the main character named Aaliyah LOL. I'm just going to use that for now for the purpose of the plot, but things can be replaced/moved around.


    KH-Vids will be a physical place. Fusing this with the school/university idea, I've made a small and unfinished map.

    As you can see, it's almost like a university setting. Similar. Also, I'm kind of joking about the whole ominous staff
    thing. The playground is separate from fun and games. Instead, it's a literal field just a bit away from the buildings going South, where games are played and stuff. It's set up a bit like a camp. Allow me to explain. (Note: These aren't the actual names for all of this places yet, hah.)

    Staff Headquarters Obviously the place staff hang out, discuss issues and make major decisions. I believe there should be sleeping quarters here for them too, just to spice things up. I put trees around it because I think it would be really cool to expand on the hidden-ness of it and make it seem a bit cut off from the rest of the forum, in an exciting way. Traversing though a dark, thick forest and arriving at the Staff HQ sounds neat. /imagery

    Registration Another obvious place. When arriving to KH-V, new members register here at the registration office. Members leaving will also have to put in a resignation/departing notice here and physically 'leave'. Banned members or exiled members are just ... kicked out and unable to return for ... some reason I don't care to think up at.

    Living Quarters Sort of like dorms. A physical building with bedrooms and stuff. Everyone gets their own room.

    Banquet Hall We eat here. No matter what drama is going on, we have three scheduled times. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. We can eat there or in the Playground (not pictured) during those times.

    Community Center This is where events take place. Things like Mixtape Mania, KHV Chorus, Podcasts, and other things. We'll of course have to expand on how these things would go physically. For instance, KHV Chorus would obviously be a choir, etc. Should also have a mini-theater for KHV Movie anime/night, etc. There will also be a counseling office there. (Help with Life).

    Prem Hangout I think this building should, in honor of our beautiful prem section, pretty much be empty and terrible LOL. Some raggedy couches, dust piling up. Barely anyone goes there.

    Creativity Corner Where our creative members roam. The RPers (or actors), the singers and artists, writers... There should be a lot of art rooms, and computer rooms here with graphic programs. Studios for recording and composition, instruments, a stage, etc.

    Interests Where are quirky and knowledgeable members hang out. A debate hall and discussion hall, video game rooms, a library, maybe some more computer rooms and other interest-related ones.

    Hacks & Codes Pretty much a building with even more computer rooms (LOL) and ... stuff on hacking, I don't know anything about this section tbh.

    Fun and Games And here we have pretty much the Spamzone. Loud, obnoxious (in a fun way) and very borderline. In summary, a large hang out room. Snacks, chairs and couches, music, partying and fun. We also have Forum Families -- or in other words, along with the large lounge in the front of the building, we have multiple rooms for 'rent' where groups of people (family) can go to talk and mess around , yadda.

    //Member Types
    Here is my idea of how to present us as physical members. Instead of posts, I believe we should receive physical coins or currency. You get them by engaging with the community. Attending events, and talking to certain people. Those with over $1000 become premium members and can exchange them instead for a badge or license that states so. They then get special access to the Prem Hangout and also some Prem-exclusive events held in the Community Center.

    Banned (banished/exiled) Banned members are those who have done something bad or committed a crime. As punishment, Staff has ... pretty much kicked them out of KHV.

    Alt Accounts Member who were either banished or gone for a while, returned with a new 'alias' and in some cases a disguise or a new look. Very mysterious, usually.

    Normals Obvious. Members who haven't gathered enough coins to become prem, or don't want to.

    Premiums Members who have been around and earned enough coins to get their Premium License (or badge).

    Sectional Moderators Moderators who usually stay in one area of KHV. For instance, you would be most likely to find What? working at the Registration Office.

    Super Moderators Staff members who wander around in all areas of the forum. There's no definite place to find them, but they're usually around somewhere keeping things in check.

    Admins Misty and RvR will mostly be found at Staff HQ keeping things in check from the top. Sometimes they'll make appearances in other places, but there's always someone back at HQ.

    Note: You can tell who is staff by the color of their clothes.

    Okay, so here are the main things that I will try to fuse and summarize in this plot, along with my own ideas. This is in no way official, just my idea and attempt to gather some of us together and bring some unity about before the 10th.

    • One by one, they approach their professor for advice on their problems, ranging from anything like relationship problems to fears of financing their studies to suicidal thoughts. Troubled by the students despair, the professor decided to turn the class into a support group. (Janson)
    • So what if we were to write a story about a member who has just joined the site and being taken around the sections of the forum, where people apparently break out into song, and he gets to know the culture of KHV. The songs could be about certain sections, members and/or memes of the forum. (GS)
    • My only idea is a world set a bit into the future. Where the Kingdom Hearts series has finally stopped without their ever being a conclusion. (FuzzyBlueLights)
    • announces the cancellation of the KH series and that KHV is being shut down since the for it have been cut off.
      Members are starting to leave, friends are saying goodbye, loves that have formed are being tested, groups say their finals farewell. Some characters still linger for a bit finishing up with KHV before it's finally shut down.
      Now at this point, a new member joins KHV, the Protagonist, who starts talking to the clicks and people who are all giving up on the site. The Protagonist resolves to help bring the site back up, and proposes....(PaW)
    • Also, there's a side plot with two members in love who are dying to meet each other (because every musical needs a love song). (Tummer)
    • Anyways we'd explore how the site activity is influenced by their everyday life and how their everyday life in turn goes through some dramatic change due to their time spent online. All the musical numbers would be representations of online communication to create a distinction between the online world and the real one. ... (Jiku)
    • The classes could easily tell each other apart by the color of their workclothes (which will be just the member/staff team colors (white for Regular Members, pink for Preminum Members, red for Moderators, etc.)) (Flowergothic)
    • OC has become a “Returned” - a free member after dropping his permaban sentence due to the appeal passing by one vote of an unknown staff member, the Savior, who constantly haunts OC as the “granter of their freedom”. Though OC is technically free, their “Returned” status makes them a social outcast. (What?)
    //Plot Summary
    I'll go into great detail about some things. Others I'll rush through just to get the point across and move on, heh.


    KH-Vids is a place on the Internet. Our story follows a new member, a premium member, a staff member, a normal member and a returned banned member. There are two major settings. One is, obviously, KH-V. The other is our physical world. The only members to be shown off-site will be our main ones. Events on the site will be dramatized and translated into physical happenings (KHV Chorus happening will be translated into a physical choir, and so on).

    We'll start with the new member (original character) and in the physical world. Aaliyah (15), is struggling in the physical world. Her parents are going through a divorce, her grades are slipping and she's being bullied (because she's a lesbian according to this generator). To deal with what's going on at home, Aaliyah has formed a semi-unhealthy habit of neglecting her responsibilities to cruise the Internet, play video games and make AMVs. She's really passionate about this, btw, over 5k subs on YT and everything.

    A girl that she has a crush on (also her best friend) has introduced her to the Kingdom Hearts series and encouraged her to play the games, especially the first two, since they're her favorite. Upon finishing the games, she's decided she wants to make an AMV for this girl's birthday. She Googles 'Kingdom Hearts Cutscenes' and is brought to our very lovely KH-Vids.

    This is our first introduction to KH-V as a physical place. Aaliyah steps foot in KH-Vids, and wanders around the site. She views members interactions, and just kind of gets a general feel for the place. Initially, she's not considering actually joining, but as she flails around looking for the Cutscene Archive (not pictured), What? steps in and directs her to the Registration Office, unintentionally guilting her into signing up with his babbling on (<3) about how great new members are, and how wonderful the forum is, yadda yadda [#1]. She's greeted pretty passively by other members and logs off feeling pretty neutral about the site. She falls asleep listening to her parents fight.

    A day or two later, Aaliyah logs on again. She had been so swept up in joining KHV that she never downloaded the cutscenes. When she arrives, the forum is in a bit of a panic. It has been announced that Kingdom Hearts won't be continuing as a series, and that there will not be a conclusion or ... well, anything more to it. Let's just say Nomura has a break down or something and ragequits, LOL. In this flurry of events, it has also been announced that KH-Vids is being shut down. The owner no longer thinks he'll make a profit off of the site, considering what it's based off of is now dead, and no one from KH-Vids has enough money to buy it from him. The owner is very seriously considering a deal with someone who wants to make it into a porn site.

    Aaliyah is kind of thrown into an awkward position. KH-Vids doesn't really mean much to her at the moment, and she's finding it hard to empathize, due to her 'real life' problems. She considers leaving, heading back to the Registration Office to 'depart', but she stumbles upon a staff member. Staff is in a meeting right now at HQ, but this staff member seems to be in an emotional fit. Instead of being at HQ, staff member is sitting on the grass in the Playground area fuming or crying (depending on which staff member it is). They express how much KH-V means to them [#2], and their determination to keep the site up. They say that staff is currently discussing the shut down, but they'd rather avoid talk of giving up. They ask for Aaliyah's help, and once again guilted, she agrees to do so.

    The staff member brings them to HQ and is at first met with rage and 'y u do this tho', but after expressing themselves, they get staff support to try to keep KH-V alive. They come up with a plan to raise money to buy the site from the owner.

    During dinner that night, staff make the announcement. Most members are either neutral or supportive, but there's one member (the unbanned) that's raising a fuss for some reason. They're completely against trying to raise money to keep the site up. They believe that if it's time for the site to go, everyone should just let it go. [#3] Unbanned logs offline.

    The story is now taking place from Unbanned's point of view. We get insight on their at-home life which is pretty ... bland, to say the least. They're not in a very good spot, financially. We later learn through Aaliyah's prodding (back on site) that their hesitance to raise money comes from the fact that they don't have anything to contribute. They feel that whoever donates will be hailed as the 'saviors-of-KHV' or something dramatic like that, and they feel a bit ashamed that they have nothing to give. Aaliyah assures them that that won't be the case and says there are many way to help such as being positive and supportive, BLAH MORE DETAIL NEEDED END ARK.

    After that resolution, Aaliyah has another problem. She's feeling pretty depressed about things and has found herself logging onto KH-V a lot more often now to escape from her physical troubles. It seems her best friend has obtained a boyfriend, which depresses her in more ways than one. Her father has also left the house and her mother doesn't know if he'll return. The staff member from earlier suggests that she visit the counseling office. She doesn't want to, but is eventually roped into it by the unbanned member (she is now friends with both of these members). The head of the counseling office is a premium member. Not officially, but the premium member lurks around enough to practically be moderator there.

    Aaliyah vents to the premium member, and premium member gives advice about being happy, persevering and keeping your chin up. [#4] Aaliyah feels a bit better (or at least functional) and leaves to participate in a game at the Playground with unbanned member and staff member. When she leaves, premium member logs off and we now get a glimpse of their at home life. It is riddled with busy! Not negative or bland like before. They're juggling a lot with school and work and friends, and KH-V is more of a way to unwind after their busy days.

    When we're back online, we're in the perspective of Aaliyah who's sitting in a meeting with the other members discussing how far they've come with donations and how much more money is needed. At this point, we're almost at our goal, but time is running short. During the meeting, a member suddenly stands and runs out of Community Center crying. A normal member stands up, but hesitates, sitting back down and sighing dramatically. After the meeting, Aaliyah and Premium member approach the normal member, who is still sitting down as everyone else leaves.

    They ask him what's wrong, and the love story begins. Apparently, he's decided to donate money that he's been saving up to KH-V. The money was going towards meeting his long-distance girlfriend (crying member) over the summer. She's crushed, but not against it. Aaliyah and premium member try to cheer him up and he's grateful, but still bummed. He explains his long-distance romance. [#5]

    He eventually logs out and we see some nice long-distance relationship stuff such as him having a talk with his girlfriend, asking if she was okay from earlier when she logged off. They talk, and eventually come to understand that it'll all be okay.

    With his donation, KH-V reaches it's goal! Premium member, unbanned member, staff member, normal member and Aaliyah are now really good friends at this point. Everything is great and the site is bought successfully. Happy number. [#6]

    We return to Aaliyah's life at home. Things aren't magically fixed (though her dad does return home), but throughout her experience she has gained the confidence and strength to continue with her life without sinking into ultimate despair. She realizes that no matter how alone she may feel, she never is. It's a simple matter of logging on.

    / End.

    Now at this point I'm thinking it is only the end of Act 1. If so, then Act 2 should expand on the return of the KH series / the road trip or appeal PaW suggested. However, I am also thinking it could act as left room for a sequel to expand on that! I think we should leave room for a sequel and end it here, because this is a really BASIC skeleton of my idea, and we already have 6 original song numbers to be composed, five main characters to expand on, and much more to add--For instance, we will most likely add onto community events and happenings around the forum...

    Also, the numbers = potential musical numbers.

  7. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    It's not a huge plot idea or anything, but there's this idea I saw a while back where one of the characters in a musical is fully aware that everyone around him/her is singing and dancing, and is completely freaked out by it.
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Friendly reminder that there you have TWO more days (excluding this one) to get your plot ideas in before the tenth!
  9. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    So my name is Nutheadbros and yes I'm a lurker and yes I'm an unknwon and YES I'm old and yes I'm only seen in the RP section and YES AGAIN that is my name, looking this over [more like taking a link if you ask me] I feel as though I might be able to contribute to character design and plotting/ are some of my ideas

    !: What if the designs were different between both the Real and Internet worlds, after all if KHV is becoming buildings then I would assume everyone wouldn't look like their real selves

    Elaboration: Since the internet is a rather large place and people like to hide their identities, why not simply allow for any member to resemble what they would want to be [Examples: Female member with large breasts, someone with spikey FF hair, Sabby as a cake-loving princess, and so on with the limitless possibilities]

    2: What if the plot had something to do with multiverses and evil KH fansites that want to take KHV out.

    What if every KH forum existed as apart of a singular multiverse [as Universes obviously] and that eventually other forums get into KHV and threaten to destroy it/take it over/some kind of evil plot and the members would have to step up and protect KHV providing a dose of action

    3: Some kind of subplot involving a member who is rather quiet.

    What if there a member who was like a ghost and not seen very often around KHV and rumors spread about his existance having little posts and yet is also an older member raising the question and causing a mystery to start

    4: Powers?

    Once again, if this is taking place in the internet why no simply throw out realism and have each member develop a set of powers depending on their form within the internet in order to enforce the system and battle one another

    that's all I got at the moment
  10. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Powers would be a bit...hard to pull off, I think. We'd have to make sure they were all balanced, and also have to adjust the plotline (and very likely, music), to fit with it. I do think that f it were done, it could be really well done, but considering the timeframe we're working in, it may be too ambitious.

    Also BUMP


    After that, there'll be a post with the plot ideas with the most 'Likes' so far, and you can each choose one to develop more fully before we have the poll at the end of the month to decide the idea we'll be making the screenpplay with.
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    From the suggestions, it seems like many are thinking of something fairly similar plots, and I myself like bits and pieces from each of them. Aside from what has already been mentioned in terms of plots or characters, I would only suggest perhaps a Narrator for quick plot summaries for introduction and ending. This is an optional idea, but helpful for introducing new acts/segments. (Not really sure the exact style of musical that is being decided)

    I have a bunch of other suggestions regarding lyrics and character building but I'll save that for future phases.
  12. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    About normal member: How long is this long distance relationship? Is it possible for the girlfriend to drive cross country and surprise him after KHV reaches its goal and/or in Act II?
  13. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Aaaaaand plot brainstorm submissions are _CLOSED.

    So far, these are the ideas that seem to have the most interest:

    Jiku Neon

    I suggest re-reading over all the ideas first, then pick one you want to help develop more completely. Ideally, you want to shoot for having a completed plot idea down by the last week of October, where we'll have a poll to decide which will be the plot we'll work with.

    After that, Stage 2 will begin.


    1. Read over all of the linked plots above.
    2. Post here saying which one you want to help develop/complete.
    3. Have these prepared by the final week of October.
    4. Poll goes up, decide which plot will be used.

    Have at it, kids. <3
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    That would be cute. v: But I don't know. That would be a thing to elaborate on (among some others) upon plot planning.
  15. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    I like the idea Janson had, but it's one of the least developed of the ideas. Anyone else wanna help flesh it out?
  16. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Heyo, kids. Jayn and I got to talking, and we decide we're going to make separate threads for the four ideas listed above (so it'll be more efficient and we can easily be "yo reply 2 ur thread >:c").

    We're about to make them now, so just letting you know~
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    All threads are up. If you are supporting a specific plot and want to help develop it further, put you input in, ask questions about the plot and fill any holes and voids PLEASE DO SO. All you have to do is go to the thread and ... Well, talk and discuss!

    Janson's Plot

    Jayn's Plot
    Jiku's Plot
    What?s Plot
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Just a friendly reminder that we're narrowing down on time here. We're almost to the end of October and have about a week left before voting so please help develop the plots. If your plot is up there then it's a bit of your responsibility to lead the discussion and development since you know yourself better than anyone else!
  19. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Hey hey hey!

    Quick reminder: Voting is going to start later today (October 25th, 2012) and conclude on October 31st!

    The following day, Novermber 1st, 2012, Stage 2: Screenplay will be posted in this section, and KHV Musical Stage 2: Logo will be posted in the Graphic Arts Forum.

    I suggest you hurry and finish polishing up the plots you chose:

    and get ready for the next stage of development!
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