KHV The Musical - Phase One: Plotting

Discussion in 'KHV Musical' started by Plums, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    My general plot idea, a kind of drama adventure with comedy and humour elements, but also some gushy friendship and love sub plots in there. I thought I might as mould some of the ideas around the principals of the KH series.

    Remember a very general overview plot:
    Starts off with a normal day on KHV, the site now being like a kind of institute or public palce where KHV members come to visit when they 'log on' or walk in.
    Some people talking about random stuff, main/sub characters introduced, and such. A Reporter comes running in, and announces the cancellation of the KH series and that KHV is being shut down since the funds for it have been cut off.
    Members are starting to leave, friends are saying goodbye, loves that have formed are being tested, groups say their finals farewell. Some characters still linger for a bit finishing up with KHV before it's finally shut down.
    Now at this point, a new member joins KHV, the Protagonist, who starts talking to the clicks and people who are all giving up on the site. The Protagonist resolves to help bring the site back up, and proposes....
    I'm thinking a road trip to the SE HQ to help advertise their love of the series and stuff, maybe a little appearance by Nomura talking to the members and coming to an agreement of some sorts. At first SE won't let them in the front doors, so the Protagonist gets the KHV people together and starts singing or doing something to get Nomura's attention, they meet up and we agree to continue to support the KH brand and assist in reaching out to fans if they bring back the series.
    We all rejoice, final sing and the end. Happy Ending

    This way we can have an original character (maybe a group of Protagonists if we feel it'd be better suited) to shape, but also to have KHV members in it as well.
    And it wouldn't be a complete drama or complete humour, it'd mix in what it needed when and where is appropriate.
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    I don't think anyone will be too wrapped up in the voice-similarities because otherwise all non-original characters would have to play themselves and sing for themselves, which just isn't realistic (and makes auditions void). And because of auditions, so long as you captured the personality and fit, you'd have a good chance of being cast for that person. If your voice isn't anything like Wolfie's might sound, and wouldn't fit, you probably wouldn't get the part. ;P

    Similarly, is it not a pleasure project? If a random person watches it on Youtube, they may not understand the inside jokes/community but it's kind of made by KHV for KHV. It'd be nice if seeing how we as a community came together and did something like this motivated some people to join, but all-in-all it's kind of for us, imo.

    As for the artist thing, I don't think I've ever had anyone draw a picture of me on KHV that actually looked like me. LOL. On that same note, I don't think I've ever drawn anyone who looked like them, but people don't seem to care or mind? So long as they have a say in eye color, hair, skin tone, and the basic things, I don't think anyone is going to freak out that their character/persona doesn't look exactly like them.

    Hell, I'm pretty sure we could use differently dressed stick figures and the majority of KHV would still be amused / accepting of that.

    I am.

  3. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Pardon my artistic perfectionism, but I'd much rather see as close to the real deal as possible, only cartoonified per se.

    Now's not the time for this conversation, but if it's a project, the very least we could do is make it as professional and accurate as possible.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    A random idea I came up with:

    Basically in the distant future and Kingdom Hearts 3 has been released. Everyone's excited, and has been ready to play it. However, the forum finds out that the game is terrible. Bad story line, bad ending, bad gameplay, bad everything. The forum I'd outraged and many slowly quit the site, since there is no reason to keep coming. Also, there's a side plot with two members in love who are dying to meet each other (because every musical needs a love song).

    It's basically a look at members facing reality in the real world while trying to latch on to the bonds that they had in the virtual world. A real character driven peace.
  5. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I do really understand the sentiment and where you're coming from, but I don't think it'd be really fair to try for a really professional guideline?

    There are some people out there who may want to assist with drawing and such, and might not be the best artists or gone at it as long as others have, and it wouldn't be fair to exclude them for their art not being professional in an event that's supposed to unite the community and give everyone something they can watch/play through and know that their contributions helped to make it a success.
  6. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    There was no intention of excluding others. Where some excel, others help in their talents. The entirety of the project is for everyone to pitch in with their talents and skills, and I'm just giving my view on such things, given I do have experience in the matter.

    I am not saying I am better than anyone, I just want this to be awesome. For all of us.
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    A community project by nature brings people together of all different skill levels, even from within their own field of experience. Everyone wants to make this project the best they can make it, but it's unrealistic to set the bar high in terms of professionalism with a large team made up of volunteers working over a long time period. Some people might even want to go out of their comfort zone to improve on skills that they aren't as familiar with, and that's okay.

    Of course we want the final product to be great, but not at the expense of having fun making it, and unfortunately being strict about how it's done probably isn't feasible.
  8. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'm a huge fan of Densha Otoko, Train Man. If anyone's read the novel or watched the show they'll understand my position a lot better. KHV isn's just a site, it's a place where people come to unwind and be themselves, or not themselves, depending on who they are. KHV is only half of what's actually there. it'd be great if we could work into the plot that this is actually a site that we go to online and read and interact on and everything, but at the end of the day we still have our real lives to contend with. I'd split it up into three separate narratives running either parallel centered around key events or in three distinct acts with three different styles, a new member, a veteran member and a third kind, maybe a really old returning member or a banned member. Anyways we'd explore how the site activity is influenced by their everyday life and how their everyday life in turn goes through some dramatic change due to their time spent online. All the musical numbers would be representations of online communication to create a distinction between the online world and the real one.

    The main conflict would probably be determined by each character, but we could also run a grand overarching sitewide conflict like it shutting down or some major shitstormery or something. The setting would clearly be divided into the site and the real world. The site would be a more fantastical or generally surreal place based around the sections, perhaps even going so far as giving them all separate art styles to accent this. On the other hand, the real world would just be real. The characters would be represented by avatar/headcanon forms when the site or any online communication, including msn or skype, is the setting and more realistic interpretations when they are in the real world. Not every character gets a real world version of themselves since the main windows are the three protagonists. The site interactions would be either direct learning tools or metaphors for the problems of the member's in their real lives and the online and offline climaxes would intersect in a weird bleed through where you see some of both for a musical number. But at the end the conflict is resolved and everyone's the better for it and then they get back up to their same old shenanigans and take us away with a rousing exit number.

    This is actually a horrible idea. Wow.
  9. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Aye, I agree. I fail see why you guys perceive that I'm steering away from EVERYONE having the right to engage in such a lovely and fun-filled project. Tis far from that.

    I disagree. Having a goal to strive for can make it all that more enjoyable in the outcome. Take a project like KHV Chorus for example. It is open for everyone to participate in, everyone's voice. Jayn then takes them and uses her magic (professionalistic talents), along with others, to make the end product awesome. It's appealing, it's memorable. The concept is the same here, only on a much larger scale.

    I do not mind if you're "professional" or not, but we should make the end product as best as it can be with all of our collaboration! There's the thrill.

    And in regards to volunteers, I don't think that has anything to do with it. I often find that pleasure work is more rewarding than receiving a salary. You may volunteer to give your time, but the use of that time with everyone's talents, whether you're a professional singer, artist, film maker, or on the flip side; a hobbyist, we all pitch in with what height of bar we can give. We aren't gonna let anyone drown. "If it's too high, we help them up."

    EDIT: In my ridiculousness of trying to hopelessly defend my honest viewpoint, I forgot to state that I give an approval for a fictional KHV Member as the protagonist of this Musical.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    I'm in favor of the OC main character with members as side characters thing, too~
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    With KHVC it's a bit different because all members have to do is lend their voice, sign up and I do virtually everything else on my own. I don't send the mix or video around to multiple people for a collaborative effort, nor do I depend on anyone else to get anything done besides their lines. I pretty much work alone on the production of it all.

    The concept here is not the same because we have multiple people with different levels of dedication, activity, style and expectations/work-standard.

    Summarizing the main point that Plums, Star and I are trying to get across is this: You can personally be as invested in accuracy and professionalism as you'd like, but you must also respect that you are not working alone and that other opinions on this matter may differ. You can't hold everyone up to your standard, just as I couldn't hold everyone up to mine if I suddenly made members mix their own things for KHV Chorus.

    My main point to you is that there's no pressure unless you put it on yourself. That's literally all I was saying here.

    Art isn't until January, so this is all void anyway. Lol.

    @Thread; I'll write up my idea for the plot and stuff some time soon.
  12. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Also in favor for using Original Characters, with maybe cameos made by actual members.

    So, here's a slightly more detailed idea from my previous post.

    It's midterm/finals week in KHV College, and students of the Psychology 101 course are reaching their limit. One by one, they approach their professor for advice on their problems, ranging from anything like relationship problems to fears of financing their studies to suicidal thoughts. Troubled by the students despair, the professor decided to turn the class into a support group. Slowly, the students start to open up about their problems, make new friends, find love, etc. Of course, we can't go without adversity, so along the way someone might have a complete breakdown, drop out of college completely, and so on.

    Yeah, this obviously needs a lot more work, but here's a start.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Could we get more to pitch for this idea? I like it a lot. If we were to use the three different types of members on KHV, I'd say it's probably a better idea to use original character, but grab details from the actual members who would be in these positions.

    I'm not sure how well it might work with a musical though, but it doesn't have to be all serious. In fact, I think integrating GS's idea with this one sounds pretty good.
  14. shortstuffins Moogle Assistant

    Sep 27, 2012
    How about a mix of the ideas here? In which it we have the storyline of a new user on the site, with Disney/non-Disney parody songs, but we create alter egos for the existing users, that way we still incorporate original characters and storyline, while overcoming any voice acting/singing problems. For example, so-and-so's alter ego could be voiced or sung by someone else, without the "audience" knowing any different.
    This would allow for more creative freedoms and liberties.
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    I don't think it's a bad idea, but you mentioned that you'd like for it to be obvious that KHV is a site we get on. My question is how to go about animating that 'fantastical', but online world. If it's just a site, then do we just have like ... chat/screenshot sequences? How would you put that into VN style?

    Well, we're having original songs, not parodies for ... multiple reasons.

    But I do understand your alter-ego idea! I like it, however I don't see the difference? For instance, if we have a character named Jayn: We go into her backstory and her personality, and her place in the musical. I don't see the difference to the 'audience' between that, and then doing the same thing and just changing the name to Jane.

    I don't think non-KHV members will be as lost as some people think they will, unless we completely neglect to explain things at all. ;P Though, if we have members in the musical who aren't actually around to consent to being a big character (a banned member, someone who left the site), we could use the alter-ego idea out of respect for that, if we see it being an issue.
  16. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    More? Um. I dunno, I'm not too sure. I prefer to think in frameworks and let the details settle themselves in the actual writing phase. So I can't really give you more.

    Have you ever seen a play or a film where characters are clearly listening to a story or reading a book but they don't show them rapt with attention or sitting staring at a page? It's that kind of concept. You show the person sitting down and booting up and then they open their browser and login, that's when the page shows up and we pan inwards towards the pixels watching them become more and more blocky with the closeness and then we allow that to fade into the representational form of the site. From there everything will be just go on like anything else we move from region to region as if walking and interactions are as I said earlier primarily musical.

    To adapt this to a VN style, just make it like a picture book sequence of what I just described. It should take about 5 different images to make the transition and from there, like I said, it's just normal. I find it extremely hard to articulate such an amorphous idea, such a fledgling concept. I honestly think it's a bad idea and that it'll never really resonate with people or agree with everyone. It's just not got that certain appeal to it that'll allow people to get involved in it.
  17. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Ahaha, you misunderstood me. I suppose I should have been more specific : More people to pitch for the idea. What you've got was already great. • u •
  18. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    What?'s Giant Plot List Extravaganza Desu

    Plot 1 of 5

    PLOT I

    << Redshift >> "Duty, to the morals of all or duty, to morals of the self?"


    Science Fiction, Political, Tragedy, Romance, Mystery


    Retro-futuristic space technology across various planets in a solar system representing KHV. Planets typically have differing and uniquely individual environments, however. Staff technology is decidedly ornate and baroque but still has space-y futurist influences. Clothing takes cues from late 19th Century Victorian fashion with 1930s and futurist twists.

    Justice, Reconciliation, Crime, Class Struggle, Revolution, Loyalty and Duty, Freedom, Family and Identity, Love, Allegory and Metaphor, Conscience, Deities and Gods, Enlightenment, Aristocracy, European Romanticism, Space

    All characters except OC will be existing KH members. The Captain is ... well, you will see, and Lady Jayn is Jayn.

    This summary contains horrible grammar and run-on sentences because I wrote it in a rush.
    Also this plot is ridiculous and horrible and incoherent and makes no sense probably because I wrote it in a rush.

    Music in this musical will be in multiple places not explicitly stated in the plot summary (but there will be some indications for major scenes).

    In a retro-futuristic KHV spanning multiple planets in a cosmic system, OC has become a “Returned” - a free member after dropping his permaban sentence due to the appeal passing by one vote of an unknown staff member, the Savior, who constantly haunts OC as the “granter of their freedom”. Though OC is technically free, their “Returned” status makes them a social outcast. OC's “Returned” status causes them to fall into the lower class crowd and underworld, where they befriend another Returned who gives OC a home, an identity, and a place – and after forming the Scarlet Space Pirates as Captain to “liberate the cosmos from social injustice” after going around the various planets seeing such “social injustice” firsthand, a purpose as well, even if the more pacifistic OC does not necessarily agree with the Captain's radical methods. The Captain and the Savior continually haunt the consciousness of OC, and to whom OC should be more loyal in their goals with. The OC is tutored by the Captain, but the OC also keeps a sort of shrine to the Savior through any evidence they may find in tracking down that mysterious staff member – which proves to be little since staff rarely ever appear in person, if ever. The OC seems to be, eventually, the only one of the pirates who does not outright hate the staff. Things are turned upside down when, at a time a few years later when the cosmic system is on the verge of civil war among the staff themselves, the staff directly engage the pirates' Scarlet Armada for the first time. The conflict also puts OC's beliefs into question, and culminates with a duel between OC and the Captain over “duty to morals of all or duty to morals of the self”. The staff, appearing visibly in their hyper-futuristic technology (contrasting with the retro-futurism as being much more Baroque instead of Art Deco), slowly and systematically destroy the Scarlet Armada. The captain of this fleet, Lady Jayn, captures OC as a prisoner of the conflict, and the Captain is presumably left to die by the black holes created through damaging the hulls of the staff's ships.

    OC is now among the staff, one of the few survivors of the attack on the Scarlet Armada. They take residence on the staff's Elegant Fleet, a collection of Baroque-styled ships that travel through the cosmos through bending space-time (instead of normal ionic propulsion), and are usually hidden through a warped cloak of dark matter and gravitational lensing. Where OC learned about many of the common members in the space pirates' travels, OC learns about the personal lives of the mysterious staff here, and learn that the “schism among staff” is true, as arguments have been very commonplace – but not to the extent of civil war, which is a rumour, probably spread by an unknown force. On the eve of decisions for the prisoners of war, OC is considered to be checked on his probation, and has one last chance before again being permanently banned – this time without appeal. OC must help repair the state of the cosmic system, including the staff schism, by undergoing training as a staff member themselves, since the staff believe that OC contains the potential after observing OC's mediating actions throughout the cosmos. OC agrees but also asks to find out who granted them their freedom in the first place. Staff reject the idea, but this prompts Lady Jayn to take up OC as her apprentice. OC undergoes training among all of the staff one by one, while learning about them and their methods personally, and OC finds that though the staff mean well they have become unintentionally distant from the less privileged members of cosmic society. As Lady Jayn personally trains OC, she slowly instills the thought in OC's head that she was the one who voted for their freedom, but never says this outright and keeps it ambiguous. OC becomes very loyal to Lady Jayn, and decides to become her personal “protector” after training is over. OC is “redshifted” (crowned a sectional moderator) at the end of their training, and is to look after the sections most in ruin at the moment – the Spam Zone and Introductions/Departures. OC learns that, upon being redshifted, they, like the other staff members, gain the powers to alter various aspects of spacetime, and OC settles on the basic power of the gravitational force. OC tests these with elegant song-duels with all of the purple-branded staff, and is able to best all of them except Lady Jayn. This is considered sufficient enough, and OC is expelled from the Elegant Fleet in order to directly police the remaining dissent among the cosmos as the Genesis Test. Throughout this entire ordeal, though their loyalty to Lady Jayn as their apparent Saviour has become immense, they continue to think of the Captain, and how he had been abandoned by the ruins of the Scarlet Armada.

    Upon returning to the cosmos, it is seen that the dissent has grown even worse in the past few years on the Elegant Fleet. Many planets have declared martial law, and the Introduction/Departure planet has been engulfed by an “unknown force” that may threaten the rest of the cosmos and has charged the anti-staff dissent with paranoia. OC once again visits their old homeworld of the Spam Zone, now more ruinous, as they hide their staff identity and join an organization titled the Green Gem. Formerly a crime organization, their efforts turned to vigilantism when locally declared governments began rounding up and abusing new and immigrant planet members. OC realizes that a few of their old friends from back before the space pirate days – those who stayed on the planet and did not join the Captain – are members of the Green Gem, though they do not know who OC is. OC travels through the planets with the help of the Green Gem, calming dissent and being known throughout the system as the elegant revolutionary. However, at heart, OC does all of this to get the approval of Lady Jayn and to find out the whereabouts of the Captain. As OC and the Green Gem get closer and closer to the void where the Introduction/Departure section used to be, they also learn about the many changes that have taken place on the cosmos – and the imminent doom of the strange “being that ate the Intro/Departure planet”, called many names such as the “Quiet Void”, the “Creeping Silence”, the “Voiceless”, the “Galactic Glutton”, and other things.

    The Green Gem's fleet – with OC as the captain – eventually reach the border of the Creeping Silence – an enormous spherical black “gap” in space that appears to perfectly surround the Introduction/Departure world. What is more, it is clear that the Creeping Silence is rapidly expanding. The fleet attempts to enter the space, but inside – to their surprise – they are met by strange attacks from the warped spacetime inside the gap itself, as if in a storm. Some ships are literally “dissolved” into the gap's space, while others are ejected out of it. The gap emits a few more of its black spheres to chase after the other ships, but these eventually dissipate outward. It is later learned that these dissipated spheres had consumed another planet – proving the myth of this Creeping Silence. The remaining fleet regroup in the Discussion section, where OC and a few closer friends engage in a night of starlight festival dates (with OC being mocked due to his loyalty to “a Lady”, where he cannot say Lady Jayn's name in public). Here, they reflect upon the stars and thinks about the Captain, and cringe at the injustice of how the man who gave them a home was cruelly defeated. Eventually, with information from the residents, they are ready, and set off again.

    The fleet once again reaches the gap and enters. This time, the fleet stays intact, but OC realizes the deeper they go, more of OC's fellow crew members disappear slowly and slowly. The storm-like surges eventually become too much for OC's flagship and it crashes in an unknown pocket of compressing space. OC later wakes up on a vast clear puddle reflecting the stars, marked with a few torches here and there. Looking at their reflection, OC is forced to fight this reflection as it emerges out of the water and takes the shape of the Captain. It emits quotes that the Captain had previously said to musical tunes, and when OC defeats it and it shatters into crystalline pieces, the entire plane collapses and OC is sent into a dazed state.

    OC here sees a flashback, narrating it directly. It is of an unknown young gentleman who OC seems slightly familiar with. Dressed elegantly, it tells the story of this young man being a very elegant and well-versed staff member. In his newest state, he befriends a young lady – also a very elegantly dressed new staff member, and he is shown to be visiting the various worlds, gaining the positive fervour of the cosmos. A genius of law and mathematics, he completely rewrites the cosmic rules and justice system, and brings further peace to many worlds. However, he begins to fall in love with the young lady – the only other person who treats him not as just a staff member but as a human. They court each other, dance, and even have training fights together. But these positives do not last for too long. At this time, the staff are a very visible presence around the cosmos, and the amount of messages and creepy offers to the man's lady become infuriating to the man, who has become slightly clingy. He tries his best to dissipate these increasingly harassing letters to the lady, but efforts grow worse as he has a slight falling out with her and a number of older planet citizens begin protesting his law reforms. He sets off away from the staff to travel the planets in a similar vein as OC did, personally attempting to get rid of the letters that harass his female companion. The man mistimes a number of these, leading to him getting into fights with a number of members. His female companion begins fighting with him for having to fight with others, saying “that is not proper staff conduct, especially over personal issues”. The public's opinion of him begins to degrade slowly, and begins to grow distant from his female companion yet cannot think of her as anyone else but the only one who can understand him. However, it is upon deciding the fate of a certain ban appeal that results in a final disagreement between the man and the woman. The man breaks the tie of the vote, and this startles the woman, who firmly believes that the appealed person's offence should not let them be released. They break up, and this sends the man into agony. The appeal will take another year to go through. In this time, the staff slowly erase all traces of what is known of their images by the populace, leaving only writing, and begin to remove themselves from visibility because of the backlash that the man will generate.

    Blaming himself, he sets away from the rest of the staff and drifts among the planets, known as the “forsaken staff member”, attempting to drown his sorrows. He eventually gets into another fight with a former harasser of his ex-girlfriend, and accidentally harms the man to the point of near-death. Due to such improper conduct, the man is stricken of his rank and is banned from society for a while. It is here that the lady reveals characteristics showing she is Lady Jayn. The man is eventually released and assumes a new name, drifting to the shadowy underworld of the Spam Zone due to the fact that he had shamed himself with his former identity. He later meets the member that he had voted yes to their freedom – the formerly permabanned member, the OC, and the rest is history.

    OC once again wakes up, this time on a grassy plain by the stars. This revelation causes OC to lose their mind, and it is reflected in the nature of the environment itself, which twists and turns to former scenes of OC's past experience, as OC walks through this on the single straight path. OC is temporarily brought back to sanity when they once again return to the vast starlit puddle plane. Here OC sees the figure of the Captain again – stating that OC knows about his past, and calling this vast plane the “Waltz of the Meridian”, or the border between the physical manifestations of thought and pure thought itself. The Captain claims that all of his efforts were really a way to get back at his failures of the people and how corrupt he became as staff. The Captain started the rumour of the civil war to undermine the staff and overpower the members. The Captain claims that all he can do now is consume and consume, as this giant spatial gap is a manifestation of his own conscience. The Captain and OC get into a final duel over the sorrows and the loyalty over Lady Jayn, and it is revealed that the Captain had black hole powers in his possession, explaining this giant black hole-like scenario and a few other minor implied and foreshadowed uses while captain of the space pirates. The battle rips apart the gap slowly, but the Captain is eventually defeated by the arrival of Lady Jayn – the Captain and Lady Jayn talk, and the mutual apologies and forgiving allow the Captain to disappear. Lady Jayn turns to OC and claims that she had to use the OC in order to settle this issue once and for all and get in contact with the Captain again, but the OC, finally realizing their efforts, feels that they have been in the shadow of too many people for two long, and wishes to quit the staff to be an independent person, and be no longer used by anyone. Lady Jayn claims they can only do this if they beat her in a duel, and the two have a final musical fight, where it is shown that Lady Jayn has time powers, explaining her amazing reaction skills and strange time periods in the Captain's story. Lady Jayn is defeated with the power of OC's individual will, and as she disappears, the gap begins to disintegrate. OC, however, now quickly realizing all of the challenges towards their beliefs, breaks down and blacks out.

    OC now floats through space, where their voice cannot be heard as a whole. However, they drift through the debris of the Green Gem fleet and they are able to travel through the wreckage. By OC's own will, they find some survivors – some of OC's closest friends, and sing a song led by OC themselves into the stars in order to call for help, where “a single voice may not receive any heed but many voices echo through the universe”. Jayn's old staff ship appears, as if on queue, and the members of Green Gem are permitted to board. Here, OC relinquishes his redshift to the admins, despite them having passed the test with flying colours, and returns with the Green Gem to the Spam Zone, and the Green Gem are surprised at how far the staff went to keep the peace among the people, and how friendly the staff can be if they become more visible and active, at the exchange of being treated more respectfully. In the Spam Zone, the Green Gem is treated with a hero's welcome, but the OC hides themselves away from the crowds, and slowly wades through the backstreets to their old apartment – possibly having seen a trace of Lady Jayn hiding herself. In the old apartment, they reach their where they slowly tuck themselves in bed and rest, but not after singing the song that the Captain first taught them when they were indoctrinated into the Captain's “family”.
  19. flowergothic Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 29, 2010
    (OK, I've been really into Brave New World latley (if you noticed my avy and sig), so that kinda got me an idea for this. Writing this plot probably took me at least half an hour since I didn't want BnW to be to heavily-based in this. Anyway, enjoy!)
    PS: I only put possible places where I think some numbers should go. Not ALL of the numbers. But still.

    The setting would be a metropolis city sometime in the future (the website). In this world, humans (members) are bred from scratch and placed into one of five classes: Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators, Preminum Members, and Regular Members. The classes could easily tell each other apart by the color of their workclothes (which will be just the member/staff team colors (white for Regular Members, pink for Preminum Members, red for Moderators, etc.)) The more you participate in the City, the higher up you go (but you still have to apply to become a Moderator).

    The protagonist would be an OC that wasn't raised in the City, but was raised by his (also OC) mother (who left the City (got banned)). The other two main characters would be Preminum Members from the City that don't know that they secretly love each other (I'm not sure whether they'll be OCs or exsisting members). All of the other characters coming from the City will be exsisting members.

    Plot: The story would open with the currently 6-year-old protagonist listening to his mother talk about the City (showing her workclothes, pins, and other treasures from there) and her desires to return, which she thinks will never be fufilled. The protagonist will then tell his mother that she always said to never give up, but the mother says that her desire would never be fufilled. (Possible music number here)

    Then it flashes to 12 years later in the City, where two Preminum Members are planning to take a vacation outside of the city to a reservation that is inhabited by non-members. While getting a pass to enter the reservation from a Super Moderator, the male Prem is warned that if he goofs off during his job again, he was going to be banned and forced to leave the City.

    In the reservation, the 2 Prems meet the protagonist and his mother (who is now pleased to see real city people after so long). While talking at the mother's house, the 2 prems learn that the protagonist's father was the Super Moderator who warned the male Prem. Wanting to keep his job in the City, the next day he takes the two non-members back to the City with them and succeeds in having the protagonist meet his father and have the Super Mod who warned him about goofing off resigning.

    The protagonist first finds the City exciting, but soon after dull because of the lack of real literature and philosophy. However, the people are treating him like a celeberty (making a film based on his life to even his own clothing line). Meanwhile, the male prem finds himself climbling up the social ladder while the female prem discovers that she has feelings for the protagonist and even stronger feelings for the male prem. After the protagonist trying to "free" other people of the City when his mother dies, an Adimistrator calls him and the male prem to its office. While there, the male prem and the protagonist learn the truth about the City and why it is what it is to that day (possible music number here).

    The protagonist decided then that he couldn't take the pressure of the City anymore and isolates himself in a lighthouse (aka a forgotten thread), while the male prem discovers the female prem's feelings for him, and that he loves her back (possible music number here). One week later, reporters and the two prems learn about the lighthouse the protagonist was isolating himself in and head over there to interview him. The protagonist soon after was being followed by reporters, constantly saying that he wants "Love, pain, and freedom". The protagonist then ran off a cliff and died.

    Soon after, the female prem learns that she is pregnant with the male prem's child, and what the male prem learned from the Administrator. The two prems then decide to escape the City by running out of there. The two succeed and end up on a beach during sunset. The male prem then learns about the female prem's pregnancy and suggests that they name the baby after the protagonist. The female prem agrees and the two embrace. (final music number).
  20. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I apologize.I make no excuses. But at the same time the idea is still pretty vague, if anyone's up to supporting it they should also be up to filling out the rest of it.
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