Hey everyone. We are less than two months a way from the release of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep in North America and Europe.
Japan is currently getting ready for the release of Re:Coded, which releases in October. A statement for the title has been updated on Square-Enix.
With all the news in the community, we had to make a tidbit update.
- A special limited edition collection for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep will be released in France. Fans can order their copy by clicking HERE.
- The European website for KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep has been updated with the worlds and characters from the new title.
Link: http://www.kingdomheartsbbs.com/
- New screenshots from KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep has been revealed. Check them out HERE.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 21, 2010.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 21, 2010.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM