My options: Option A: Start homework and hopefully finish by 4:30 (when I go to work). Option B: Procrastinate until when I get home tonight at 10 PM, then start homework in a near-dead state. Ballots will be curved at the end to my liking.
Option A, if you ever want to succeed in life by getting a good grade in class. That grade will help you get a future well paying job, for which you can pay for your own house, get a good girlfriend to live with you, and pay for the necessities. At some point, you will get married, and want to start a family, which your good job, gotten by your good grades, will pay for. This way you will be successful throughout life. Life comes at you fast. Do Option A.
Option C : Call in sick to work, don't do your homework and stay here with us. Blow off college and work for the rest of your life.