KHV Secret Santa Gift Thread

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Korra, Dec 25, 2011.

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  1. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Alright, here's my gift for Old Sage.
    It may not be the best sig you've ever had, but I hope you like it all the same!

    Omigod Saxima!! I <3 them!! Thank you and a very Happy Christmas/ Merry New Year to you too~
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Merry Christmas, Spunk Ransom!

    I wrote you a little something.

    It was hard to believe that it had been a full year since the defeat of Sin and the fall of Yu Yevon. The people of Spira had enjoyed a full year of peace and took comfort in knowing that Sin wouldn't be coming back this time. No Summoners or Guardians would have to make the sacrifice. No family ties had to be shattered. No bonds of friendship untied.

    However, there was a group of people that weren't so happy. Everytime this small group of people got back together they could not help but notice that two of their number were missing. One had been Auron, the Legendary Guardian who had been an Unsent most of the time he was among the Guardians of Yuna.

    The other was Tidus. The Man from Zanarkand who had been nothing more than a dream of the Fayth. Even Wakka knew not to bring Tidus up, though it was usually after he did it anyway. It was painful for Yuna to remember Tidus since she had started to actually like the boy.

    Yuna and her former Guardians gathered late into the year to commemorate their victory over Sin and to not lose tough with each other. Wakka and Lulu had gotten married and they had a child on the way. Kimhari was courting a female among the Ronso. Rikku was spending time with her father, rebuilding the Al-Behd city of Home.

    Yuna herself had been researching what she could find of Zanarkand and remembering Tidus and the time they spent together. Maybe she could find some way to bring him back. Maybe it was wishful thinking on her part.

    Every year she got him something. Usually it was some little trinket from Spira that he would find fascinating. She'd set them with the others for the gift exchange and eventually everyone just sort of accepted that it was for their friend who wasn't there but was there in each of their hearts.

    After everyone has left and Yuna has prayed her Prayer of Thanks to the Fayth, she always whispers, "Goodnight, Tidus."

    One morning, Yuna found a small box. She unwraps the paper and finds a small carving of the first Fayth she had gotten on her journey, Valefor. She finds a small note with it.

    Dear Yuna,

    I miss you. I really do. I really hope everything is well in Spira? Has Wakka learned any new Blitzball moves? I've heard all your wishes and…maybe someday we'll find each other again.

    Your friend, Tidus.

    P.S Don't forget to smile.
  3. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    I love it! I love Hetalia! XDXDXD
  4. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Thank you... dearly. You must have spent quite a lot of time on it, multiple parts. I quite like it, and I should have listed my music tastes, misjudged and hadn't thought any amv would be made.

    downloading the goodie bag now...

    Judging by a single title: Hot_girl_pic_big
    one might think this porn. A goodie bag of porn.
    Why oh why did I list women as an interest?
    But I might be once again misjudging... clicking... clicking...

    I'll enjoy my porn thoroughly. :grin:

    edit: I sifted through all of it. It's all PG 13, 'tis no reason to worry. I really do like the 6th icon, of Tsukasa, by chance do you have the source? And the 7th is missing, I don't know what is with that I assumed there was no 7th. Lest you forgot to include. Thanks a lot, I appreciate the pack porn or no porn. :smile:

  5. beezygee Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 3, 2007
    I hope you had a great holiday and hope you enjoy my gifts c:


    Without the border:

    Several Avatars
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    thank you so much ;w;
  6. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Oh my goodness this is beautiful and amazing and beautifully amazing.

    Thank you with a thousand thank yous, beezygee!
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male

    Why thank you, I really don't have enough KH sigs/avvies. I'll defiantly have to change that! Thank you again!!! : D
  8. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Merry Christmas Bushy Brow!! I wrote you a story, enjoy~

    There he stood, as still as a statue, a silhouette against the setting sun. The people around him looked in awe as a small smile appeared across his lips. Everyone knew who he was. He was ‘That British Guy’ but he was so much more than that. He was a gentleman, his kindness was as clear as his British accent. He had a general aura about him that gave the impression that he was fun to be with and a way with words that you couldn’t help but like him. He brought a contagious smile around with him no matter where he went and couldn’t help but pass it on to all he met. On top of this he was loyal to a fault with his friends, you knew he would never betray you and he would do everything it took to protect those he loved. Everyone was equal with him. He could tell a story and people would come from miles around just to hear his words as they weaved their magic.

    He was Bushy Brow.

    Yet on that day, all was not as it seemed – there was trouble brewing and everyone could tell. News spread like wildfire through hushed voices and people bolted their doors before rushing to their windows to watch the events unfold. They’d told him not to do it, they told him he’d be killed, as much as feared what was coming, they didn’t want to see him die. He, of course, had made up his mind and there was no stopping him. He could not just stand back and watch as his town was terrorised. So, here he was, he was to take on the most feared man for miles around. It was to take place at midnight, in that magical moment when anything could happen on the most magical night of the year.

    Just before midnight arrived, the signature gust of cold wind that signified the arrival of the one and only Jack Frost. He was determined as ever to stop Christmas and this year he would not fail. Although, he had a new opponent standing in his way and this one, it must be said, had rather large eyebrows.

    Bushy stood there defiantly, “You may as well go home Jack, you’re not wanted here. Christmas will go on and there’s nothing you can do to stop it”, He said loudly to the winter sprite.

    The sinister mischief-maker just snickered as he bounced across the rooftops, leaving a trail of ice and frost. “Want to bet? And where would the fun be in going home? Nah, I’m here to stay” He sneered as he jumped between the rooftops, clearly doing something but what was not clear.

    The much-loved boy opened his mouth to reply, but stopped. It had struck midnight but no clocks announced its arrival, instead a different sound could be heard. The very faint sound of sleigh bells ringing, their musical notes sounding through the night, bringing hope and a touch of magic with them. “He’s here”, Bushy Brow gasped as the silhouette of a sledge pulled by magic reindeer appeared in the night’s sky. However now, Frost was nowhere to be seen.

    Bushy stood in awe as he watched the reindeer get closer, a bright red light shining on the front reindeer’s nose to light their way. They looked so elegant as they came down to land on a house’s roof. However, that was when it all went wrong. The moment the front reindeer’s hooves touched the roof all chaos broke loose. They slid this way and that way, unable to find grip on the roof, for underneath the layer of snow was a treacherous sheet of black ice, Frost had made sure of that. Amongst this chaos, he popped right out of his hiding place, leapt and caught the big man in a sack.

    This broke Bushy right out of his trance; he knew he must act to save poor Santa. “Give back Santa!” He yelled, his voice echoing down the street and he ran towards them, a fierce determination in his eye.

    Jack snickered, as he dragged the sack behind him, muffled cries could be heard from within. “Never!” His high-pitched voice returned with an extra cold bite. “This time, Christmas is mine.”

    “No.” Bushy said, bringing out his katana like in the animes he loved so much as he ran and held it threateningly in from of him. “Christmas belongs to everybody and I suggest you free Santa now or else I might have to do something you don’t like.” He had almost reached him now as Jack Frost was struggling with Father Christmas’ weight despite having made all the ground ice to slide him along.

    He stopped and looked at the boy, paused, then broke out laughing. “Do you even know who you’re dealing with?” He put his hand out, freezing solid the ground between them and then raised his hand to aim at Bushy, muttering one simple word, “Freeze.”

    That British Guy, was ahead of him however, rolling out of the way before he was frozen. He ran onto the ice to give him momentum and spread his arms in attempt to keep his balance as he slid across the ice at speed towards Frost, his katana held ready. Jack desperately tried to freeze him but he was too quick. Although he realised a little too late that he had no way of stopping himself on the ice and was on a collision path with Frost. Despite his best efforts to stop himself he bowled straight into the sprite sending them both into a jumbled heap on the floor.

    They struggled between them on the floor, turning over and trying to get free of the other. Jack nipped Bushy’s nose with the chill and Bushy managed to slash Frost in the chaos. They rolled over each other several times until Frost was on top, “I’ve had enough of you and I think you need to chill out” He grinned and put his hands down to freeze the boy. Bushy’s eyes widen in fear and with extra strength gained from desperation, he pushed the winter fiend off him. He brought the katana up as Frost had nowhere to run and with one swift movement brought it down.

    Jack Frost cautiously opened his eyes; surprised he was alive, after the killing blow never came. He found a cold sword blade right up to his neck however. Bushy Brow spoke calmly, each syllable perfectly clear, “Let this be a warning to you, don’t try and steal Christmas. Wherever you go whatever you try, you will be stopped so please save yourself the effort. I am in a position that I could stop you once and for all but it is Christmas, I time of goodwill and mercy to everyone, even you. So, I will let you go provided you promise never to do this again and if I ever catch you again, I won’t be so nice. Do I make myself clear?” He looked Jack straight in the eye, making it clear he wasn’t joking around.

    Jack nodded franticly, though ever careful about the blade at his neck. “Yes, yes, really clear, I promise, I do. Just please don’t kill me. I’m begging you.” He said, a sad sight indeed. Bushy, after a moment’s hesitation, nodded and moved his sword away from the sprite’s neck. As soon as the sword was away from his neck, Jack Frost scampered away with fright, off into the distance. Bushy never saw him again but one thing was for certain, Jack never forgot the boy with the bushy eyebrows.

    A cheer went up all down the street as the people watching celebrated. Bushy smiled as he felt a hand upon his shoulder, “You did the right thing”, a big voice told him for in the chaos Jack had let go of the sack and Santa had escaped. “Thank you, you saved me and you saved Christmas. We owe you greatly. However I have work to do, so for now, off to bed with all of you. Come the morning light you might just find something extra special waiting for you”

    And so that was how Bushy Brow saved Christmas for everyone.

    Merry Christmas!
  9. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Thanks Cat.

    They fit my username. Yay lol
  10. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Aww thankyou~ That's Lovely.
  11. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I think I destroyed a few sets of eardrums with the squeal I let loose XD I adore them! -snuggl-
  12. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    FOR TE DEUM!!!
    I made you two things, first, this:


    And then I'm still working on part two. It'll take a long time to finish, but hey, it's totally worth it! Just follow this link to see what I have so far:


    That seriously is amazing, thanx a lot! :D
  13. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! All of the emotions I felt. All of the EMOTIONS. I loved it!

    Annnnd this is for you, Anti ☢ Sora (gabr)!
    I hope you like it! Merry Christmas!

  14. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
  15. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Dear god... it's beautiful.

    Thank you Mike, but where the hell have you been!?!?!? I was waiting for you to post this all day~
  16. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Sorry...I was fighting the darkness.
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Aw no problem! Glad you like it.
    I'll fix the sizing of the desktop before the night's over by the way. xD

    AH I LOVE IT thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!

    And everyone else, all your stuff looks great. :]
  18. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    You listed "women" as in interest, and its still PG-13, i just used the half-naked cute girl, I found them on google, and its a videoPad project file,dont worry about it, and Im glad you enjoyed it.

    my god...

    I LOVE IT!

    spunk, youu are awesome!!!

    thank you, thank you * Bows*

    merry cristmas!
  19. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk

    I drawed you a pretty picture. It's... not my best work ever, admittedly, but I tried to emulate the Haruhi Suzumiya style and kinda. Failed spectacularly.
    But I rather like the end result and I hope you do too!
    Meeeeeeeeeerry Christmas!

    Aww. Thank you. c:
  20. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    LOL; again? Talk about the chances. And two great gifts in a row; you need to be my Secret Santa every year. It's a really cool drawing and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. Thanks so much, Fearless!
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