KH-Vids Podcast KHV Podcast Episode 14 - Staff Questions 2.0 Prelude

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Sabby, Jan 29, 2012.

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  1. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Everyone you have this week to ask questions. we are still deciding on a date. So for now it will be open till saturday. get your questions in. (please ask questions to harass these guys)
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    There is something on your back. You can feel it on you but you cannot reach out and touch it. If you lie down on your back or if anything touches your back on where it is, it will feel like nothing's there but yet you can still sense that it's still there on your back. Anyone but yourself can see it. The thing on your back will not show up in a mirror/any reflective surface or in photo/video evidence. Anyone who you ask to describe it will say it is indescribable and cannot be drawn or modeled as it is unlike anything they've ever seen. If you get anyone to touch it, they will decline. The thing on your back is bothering you to the point where you must find out what it is. How do you find out what is on your back?

    EDIT: To all, of course. Can I get a third question in? Yes? No?
  3. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    • What? [QUESTION:] How does it feel being on the staff? Do you feel any different?
    • Ienzo [QUESTION:] This isn't a question. I just wanted to say that you are an amazing person. Lots o' love~
    • Jayn [QUESTION:] Do you plan on becoming a professional singer/writer/graphic artist/amazing person?
    • Mixt [QUESTION:] I like your avvy.
    • Plums [QUESTION:] Whenever I eat prunes, I think of an elderly version of you. Does this ever happen to you?
    • Clawtooth [QUESTION:] Is your username another way to say "canine tooth"?
    • Forsaken [QUESTION:] How do you say Forsaken in French?
    • Mike [QUESTION:] If you could be in an upcoming movie, which one would it be?
    • TO ALL [QUESTION:] Impressions of me? I know this isn't Question Time, but I'd like to know what you guys think.
  4. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    All: What do the staff think of me? You keep tabs on members, right? So, what is the consensus on Makaze?

    All: Is there any chance of me making staff? If so, what position? Why or why not?

    I am aiming for a discussion of sorts. Please bear with me.
  5. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    What?-Do you have a least Favorite member?Why is he/she your least favorite? Is it me lol?

    Jayn- Y U NO TALK TO ME ANYMORE? /iswhatisaidtoWhat?

    Mike- How do you think Wolfie is doing?

    ALL- If you all were stranded on an island to together and you only had a spoon full of peanut Butter, Who would get first lick and in what order would the rest go?
  6. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    question to all, if you were all ship wrecked in the middle of the ocean would all of you go mad or panic or would you be calm about it?
  7. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I demand you guys answer these questions! You missed mine last time! I was a sad kitteh. D:

    What? – Have you ever watched Due South? …It has Mounties in it.

    Ienzo Does this make you feel nostalgic? :3 Almost 4 and a half years ago! Does it make you feel old? You should feel old.Yer so auld Ienzo.(by the way, this took me ages to find! >|)

    Jayn – When will the KHV Chorus have a Motown theme to it? I want to hear you guys sing I will survive, Its raining men etc.
    The guys singing Let’s get it on by Marvin Gaye would be acceptable though. That or Tragedy by the Bee Gees. And aye, it'd have to be sung the exact same way.

    Plums – Is it true that you’re a level 78 Necromancer and you’re conjuring an army of the undead and undead Hell Bovine to overthrow Misty? Can I be Uber Forum Helper if you succeed?

    Clawtooth – How long is Forsaken’s breadstick? (If Claw is unable to answer Forsaken must answer)

    Forsaken – Why won’t you give me your address? I only wish to send you lovely pressies and MY LOVE! Sadface
    I know we're only allowed to ask one question but Forsaken always dodges the question! Forsaken, you crush my self-confidence! YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, FORSAKEN! ;___;

    To all the Staff
    Who is your number 2? You know, Dr. Evil’s number two is Number 2. So who’s you’re number 2? And who does he/she work for?

    What is the funniest/worst staff message you’ve ever received? No names are required. JUST DETAILS! =D
  8. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    To all: Which country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity and why?
    What are your guilty pleasures?
    And if a third question is allowed. What is your fondest memory of KHV?
    Fork: If you were an alcoholic drink, which would you be and why?
    What: How is that harem coming along? How does it feel to be the newest member in staff? Have they been accepting? Are they mean to you? Etc.
    Jayn: Gimme your number? If you came to know that someone in this podcast were gay, then who do you suppose it would be?
    Plums: You wake up one morning to find that you're now a member of the opposite sex. What do?
    Claw: Why so tsundere?
    Sabby: If you could have a passionate affair with one of the members in this podcast, who would it be with and why?
    Mixt: What is your greatest fear?
    Ienzo: Imagine yourself talking with God. Now if he were to sneeze, what do you say?
    Mike: What is love? inb4babydonthurtme

    meh, I could do better
  9. nickoboyzx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 9, 2011
    road betwwen light and darkness
    i so tired so i make this short
    and it's to all
    and the question is
    favorite drink
    favorite food
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    What? ~ Good sir, do you believe that I should create my own quest similar to SFORZATOQUEST, yet completely different?
    Ienzo ~ First off, I love you my Whovian sister. <3 Now to the question; if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go? You can say that you'd stay in England as well.
    Jayn ~ If you could add three members to your family who aren't already in it, who would it be and why?
    Mixt ~ What game would you love to rip cutscenes from the most?
    Plums ~ Y u no Cascadia, bro? Why do you love to write so much?
    Clawtooth ~ What is your least favorite forced shipping of yourself ever?
    Forsaken ~ Have you ever loved anything as much as you love Skyrim?
    Mike ~ What would be your dream job?

    General ~ Where do you think you'd be right now if KHV hadn't affected your lives?
    Where do you all see yourselves in ten years?
  11. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Plums - A shower curtain? Really? Why a shower curtain? Explain this please. You and your fashion sense, I do hope you've told other forums members that you are in fact, Lady Gaga.

    What? - Why're you so god damn adorable?

    Forsaken- Does Claw like to cuddle in bed?

    Clawtooth -How does it feel to be the one that always dies in KHV fanfics? Choose another staff member you would sacrifice in your place to die and explain why.

    All - KHV is having a prom, you have to take one member of the forum with you to the social gathering. Who do you pick and why? Details!
  12. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    okay everyone, i'm finally closing this on MARCH 1st! Any last minute questions for staff would be nice <3 :D

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