Whaaaat? Everyone else was doing it! So basically I made one too :3 doodled up some KHV members at 4 AM and wanted to do moar. Here's who I've done so far: LINKZ~: Orange Kitty RRMS So yeah. I wanna do some moar. Mah style is crap but who the hell carez. If you want one done I take requests, but... please, I'd prefer if it was someone who had some significance to the forum or who knows me as a friend here. And I'd also like some picz or a description of what you look liek. I'll be waiting <_>
They are all adorable =D The 2nd one beckons me for a reason though =/ I can see the lines though her tail where the back of it is, =/
Add more content please... Good start but add more, what is it about the drawing you like for example? *goes for rachel as well* I'll do you if you do me. :3 *PM if it sounds good, I need to draw you anyways for KHVR one day* For Orange I can't help but wonder - is that a red orange she's lying on? Some sort of blood orange? I wonder because the text itself is in orange... Or it may be the monitor on the computer borking up the colours for me. >> The kitty drawing is awesome, I love the insane look she is having! Scribble ftw!! Though the ears have a different perspective effect than the rest of the head and face has, you should lower the left ear (her right) some more so that it's in line like the eyes are. The RRMS one was..... love... <3 I love everything about it, it's like her face reflects the Heartless avatar she's using.
Haha, much thanks =D Orange's annoyed me. The writing scanned in as a lighter orange but the actual orange scanned in really dark >.> Even though I used the same marker on both of em... Kitty, I LOVE drawing... but there are a lot of mistakes on that one xD And as for RRMS... I never though about that one. Wow o_o