*Poof* Spoiler Hello everyone! I am your hostess for this round of KHVI: Spoiler Spoiler ENOSHIMA JUNKO-CHAN! Spoiler HoT had school things, and he entrusted me with this thread. So yeah. Spoiler He's also been busy. His apologies for being so late. Apparently others signed up to help too, but HoT never asked for extra help. Poor sucker thinks he's almighty and can do this alone. Spoiler ANYWAY... Spoiler Here are your entries!:(Oh, and sorry that one's on another account and that these are not named accordingly (Amethyst always names them by entry)... HoT's computer has some sort of thing in it and it's dumb, so he has a hard time downloading and uploading things.) Entry #1Entry #2Entry #3Entry #4Entry #5 Yes, yes. Fabulous and well done for all the contestants. Happy voting to all of you.
I think some of the links are maybe messed up? Might just be one though, Entry 2. It's sending me back to my box account.
I choose entry 2, mostly because entry 3 was a bit too dark for my taste, and thats saying something.
Might wanna get a mod to fix the poll, and/or delete it and have people post their vote in the thread. c: also please do me a favor and put the dangan rumpus under a read more? They're making the page load slow for me.
Voting for 4 because of reasons (and the reasons are that I really liked the song and the singer sounded really pretty like always).
Well welll, didn't you all do a great job! I'm voting for number 4. I had to sing that the other day and it is deceptively difficult! Well done my lovely Close second was number 2. You wall did very well though! :)
Aaaaaaand after a very busy week, the winner is Miss Romani with her amazing rendition of Bob the Builder! Congratulations! Spoiler Nicely done Romani, yes. Very cute, I would say. Until next time! (Ladder will be updated later tonight)