Credit: Credit where Credit is do, this was originally Jayn's idea and I didn't come up with any of it. Hey guys~ So last year Jayn had set up a really cool Minecraft Server for a bunch of us to play on. Recently I've gotten back into Minecraft so I decided to take it upon myself to create a new one. The server is running on the latest version of Minecraft, and is open for everyone who wants to join, it doesn't matter whether or not you were on the last server. Right now the Server's Spawn Area is complete and the world is brand-new. Before you guys get into the game, here are some of the Rules for the server: 1. Please do not give out the Server IP to anyone. To get the Server IP you can PM me on KHV or Skype me for it. That way people aren't griefing or hacking on the server, and it's kept in with the community. 2. Speaking of griefing, that brings me to one of the other rules: Please don't steal/grief or destroy anything. I know accidents happen and that's totally ok! Just remember that if you do accidentally break something, either replace it yourself or talk to me (especially if it's in spawn) and I'll deal with it. All in all, just be respectful. 3. Remember to follow the rules of the site in this thread and on the server. 3.5. This isn't really a rule but more of just a general house-keeping thing. Please replant the trees you cut down, and don't leave floating trees in the air! 4. Try not to use texture packs or mods that give unfair advantages, such as X-Ray texture packs etc. One thing I do want to allow though are any map mods. Since we are in the middle of the ocean on the server, and the Minecraft Maps aren't so good, using a minimap or map mod may be able to help you and therefore I don't really see that as cheating. 5. We have a couple of mods on the server that helped us with the build and setting up the server in general, make sure to respect those people. If you were a Mod on the last server and want to help on this server, shoot me a PM. ~Spawn Area~ This is the main Spawn where you guys will start your adventure. Built by the amazing @Relatively Sane (assisted by @Xalxe), it has everything you will need to start Minecrafting. When you spawn there are a number of chests filled with various tools and items, and you are free to take them or not take them. To get off the island though, you will need a boat. There are four gates which point at North, South, East and West, in which there are boats as well as a a few hints to where land might be if you so choose to you said hints. I have set up two types of Arrows so far. The first type is just a landmarker, they do not claim anything, but are just there to say "Hey, land ho", or "Something cool might be over here". There are also Arrows with RED In them. That means danger. What the danger is really depends on where it is. Most of them are in the Ocean and that's me warning you about these underwater temples. The fish in there do bite and WILL hurt you so, there's your warning. Note: At the East Exit there is some kind of dungeon temple. It's been a while since I've played Minecraft so I don't know what it is exactly, but please don't touch it. Also, if you go near it the monsters will hurt you so maybe it's best if you go around them ahaha. ~Moderators~KHV Username~Minecraft Player ID: @Calxiyn~Calxiyn @al215~al215 ~Players~ KHV Username~Minecraft Player ID: Calxiyn ~ Calxiyn al215 ~ al215 Relatively Sane ~ Relatively_sane Xalxe ~ Sora689 Jarody1234 ~ JarodY1234 Kingdom Hearts530 ~ KH530 Midnight Star ~ ArcherMidnight Base ~ Jonratch And with that I think you guys are ready to go. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you the Server IP. In that PM please include your Skype Username if you want to be added to a Skype Group for the Server, and of course your Minecraft Username so I'm able to Whitelist you (If you were on the server the last time I can just look at the list but it's better if you just send it to me anyway lol). See you all soon~
I do not see my credit, then again, I haven't finished the build yet XD Edit: I'm an idiot, it's right there under the picture : P
If you were having any connection issues with the server today/yesterday they should be resolved now! Happy Crafting