Implemented KHV [chorus] Sub-Forum

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Excasr, Feb 20, 2012.

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  1. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Well, KHV chorus is getting pretty popular in the community. The threads regard KHV chorus are currently in Production Studio Sub-Forum, but they are divided on this way:

    Threads for Sign up and organization of the lines:
    They are on Project Casting sub-forum (within Production Studio). In those threads, the song lyrics are posted, we reserve lines and provide them to our Mixer.

    Threads with the work complete:
    They are on Audio Projects Sub-Forum (within Production Studio). Within this thread, there are the whole song with our chorus. We post and get the feedback about it.

    The OP post itself:
    -On the projects threads;
    It has The Rules, notes, explanation about what the chorus is, the song, how to record, lyrics, Lines in, mixing project, video progress and pics need.
    Like here.
    -On the completed works threads;
    It has the credits, the video and the lyrics (with who sing what).
    Like here.

    So, my suggestion is make the KHV Chorus Sub-forum. Because those threads are scattered in the Production Studio sub-forum.
    Then in this sub-forum, there could be the main thread, within it: The Rules, How to Record, Notes and the What is this; and the Suggestion Thread in the main Sub-Forum too.
    And two others sub-forums: The project one and the one with the completed works. And in the main Sub-forum we can get support on Recording when some kind of problem regards it happens.
    With this, the OP post would also be reduced to The song, The Lyrics and the stuff process.

    The Sub-Forum can be located in the Production Studio (since we're making a video), or even in the Community News & Projects (since it is a Community Project).

    THE END, that's my suggestion. Thank you for reading.~
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Definitely for this, given that Jayn would like it. The larger updates (e.g. when the finished product is posted or when auditions are open) could even be placed on the homepage, either by having Jayn (or whomever) post them in the Community News & Projects forum or manually adding the threads from the newly created KHV chorus section.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thank you for the suggestion!
    I'm for this too. It would be a lot better organized that way, and we could stop flooding the main audio projects forum with KHV Chorus things. xD
    And thank you, Misty. That would be really cool. ;_;

  4. *Moonlight* Merlin's Housekeeper

    I prefer the most organized way told in the suggestion. I can see that the choir isn't so well organized now, but with the KHV chorus section it will be. So I go with this.
    Translated by Excasr~
  5. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Indeed! This would be nice to have. A sub-forum for the Chorus would also help people to learn that we have a Chorus, for I have found people who have been active for months don't even know about it yet.
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