358/2 Days KHIII - Official Sticky Topic

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by McPie, Jan 28, 2008.


Will there Be a KH3

  1. Heck YES!!

    92 vote(s)
  2. No, never EVUH!

    3 vote(s)
  3. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm its to early to tell...crap

    32 vote(s)
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  1. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Give us the link then.
  2. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Time to go page searching through the issue.
  3. SeaSaltIcecream21 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 24, 2008
    This was Nintendo Power's description for the March 2008 issue:
    "We'll kick off the next 20 years of Nintendo Power with more big reveals, including a top-secret cover story fit for a king. It's got a lot of heart. Just kidding. It's Mother 3. Just kidding. Please look forward to it."
    Seriously, what game does that sound like?! KINGDOM HEARTS 3!!
    O, sorry. Didn't mean to start yelling like that. lol
  4. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    They've said that they will be using the nintendo's power for Some kingdom hearts game.It doesn't say no.3.Do you know exactly how much fans they would lose just by suddenly changing from PS3 to Wii???Do you know how many people bought PS3 thinking KH3 would be on the PS3.Square Enix would get serious complaints and outrages.
  5. kingdomhearts123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 27, 2008
    The World That Never Was But Soon To Be
    idc what happens i just hope it comes out soon
  6. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Well the handheld games won't be out till next year, so I'm thinking somewhere around 2010-2011 it might come out.
  7. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    No they haven't. If you want to prove this to us, give us a link to a reliable source. If you can prove it, I'll believe it.

    Your logic is flawed. Mother 3 came out in April '06 in Japan, about 4 months after KH2's Japanese release. Do you honestly think even Nintendo Power could have information that early on? Oh, and the king part refers to Porky Minch, the Pig King of the Mother series. So this has nothing to do with KH3.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    it's likely that KH3 will be on ps3 and wii but i doubt they would let Microsoft get there mitts on it
  9. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Ya i agree with Apocalypse 100%.

    If Microsoft got there hands on kingdom hearts, and i'm not joking about this scenario, Microsoft would be burnt to the ground by sony fans like me.Jesus H. F*cking Christ, if Square Enix gave it to Microsoft, Square Enix stocks would go down in price and it would go bankrupt.
  10. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    A Bionicle world would be cool. And BEFORE you say it isn't Disney, there were three CGI movies of it made by Disney.

    So it would be like this.

    World name: I'll think of it later. /\_/\

    First Visit
    Sora and Co. land in Ta-Metru and end up fighting Vakama, who thinks they're enemies. When Vakama mentions protecting the Matoran, Sora heals him to show that he isn't an enemy. They meet up with the rest of the Toa Metru, who explain that the city has been being attacked by a plant known as the Morbuhzak. Sora agrees to help, and eventually they defeat the Morbuhzak. They then decide to go to the Colosseum to show the Great Disks, which they collected to defeat the Morbuhzak, to Turaga Dume. They are attacked by the Vahki, and Onewa, Whenua, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Nuju are sucked into a vortex and meet a mysterious Turaga. They train there for bit until Sora unlocks the cell with his Keyblade. They run into Nidhiki and Krekka, fight them, and when they are defeated, they are absorbed by Makuta. They finally get to the Colosseum and fight Makuta. When he is defeated, the six Toa Metru give Sora a new ability, Elemental Fury, which allows him to use more than one spell at a time.
    Allies: The Six Toa Metru
    Areas: Ta-Metru Forge, The Colosseum, etc.

    Second Visit
    They land in Metru Nui again, only to find it in ruins with spiderlike creatures living in it. They meet up with the Toa Metru Hordika, and learn that these are Visorak. They go off to look for Keetongu, but don't realize that Vakama is gone. Vakama attacks them at the Great Temple, but is defeated and goes back to the Colosseum. They find Keetongu, who agrees to help. They go back to the Colosseum where there is a 1000 Visorak battle, much like the thousand Heartless battle in KH2, then a cutscene shows Keetongu killing Sidorak. The final boss of this episode is Roodaka.
    Areas: Ta-Metru Forge, The Colosseum, etc.

    Last Visit
    They land in Metru Nui again, to find that it is being rebuilt after thousands of years have passed. They learn that the Great Spirit Mata Nui is dying and the Toa Nuva have gone to find the Mask of Life to save him. Also, six Matoran have disappeared, Jaller, Hahli, Matoro, Hewkii, Kongu, and Nuparu. Sora, Donald, and Goofy get into Toa Capsules to go find them. When they arrive at Voya Nui, they discover that the six Matoran have been changed into Toa Inika. Sora and Co. fight the six Piraka with Axxon as an NPC ally, while the Toa Inika go into the Volcano to find the Mask of Life. After the Piraka are defeated, Sora and Co. go into the Volcano too, and meet up with the Inika. The final boss for this world is Vezon and Fenrahk/Kardas.

    The clip in the credits shows Matoro using the Mask of Life to save Mata Nui.

    World Transformations: Sora takes the form of a Toa of Light, Donald is a Ko-Matoran, and Goofy is a Le-Matoran.

    I also think a Keyblade Maker would be cool, or drive form that has a double sided Keyblade.
  11. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I'm actually thinking the exact opposite. I'm thinking PS3 and 360. Remember Devil May Cry 4? It was going to be PS3 exclusive for a long time. But who got it? Microsoft. Most big anticipated games (such as KH3, whenever it comes out) want to be onPS3 and 360 because they want the standard control pad gameplay and good graphics. You can only really get this on PS3 and 360 and the only highly anticipated game I know of that's also on Wii is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, but I can't really think of any others.
  12. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I agree with everything said except for the stuff about the 360 getting kingdom hearts.Square Enix would take a big hit in the stock markets if that happened.The one thing about the PS3 is that it's region free, meaning that if a final mix comes out in japan you would be able to play it on your own consol even if it wasn't japanese.
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Thats true I ws thinking Microsoft would some how steal the rights of KH3 and make it there own but I guess your idea of the what happens sceanario works better
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I don't think it would do poorly in the stock market, however the PS3 will probably have be cheaper by the time KH3 comes out and it will probably get better sales, so putting it on PS3 would be practical. However I think with the 360's DLC, it would be a good idea to put it on 360 too.
  15. kingdomhearts123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 27, 2008
    The World That Never Was But Soon To Be
    all i think is that it will come out in 2010-11
  16. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    kh3 is supposed to be released between late 08 - early 10
  17. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    No way it'll be '08 or '09. 358/2 is probably coming out late '08, with BBS coming out even later. '10 maybe.
  18. kingdomhearts123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 27, 2008
    The World That Never Was But Soon To Be
    isnt bbs going to be on psp?
  19. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    i was saying it should be coming out between late 08 to early 10 if it takes longer than that which i doubt it shoulnt but if it does thats taking way to long

    its annouced that it is
  20. kingdomhearts123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 27, 2008
    The World That Never Was But Soon To Be
    well i heard that kh2 was spose to come out on a certain day but they changed it
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