KHII Final Mix Completely Patched in English

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Ty Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 30, 2010
    Hey, guys! Got another update for you, and it's a cool one at that!

    For a while now, KHV member Xeeynamo, has been working on a patch that will change ALL text (like in cutscenes) in Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix + to the English language! Remember, the cutscenes in all Final Mix games are voiced in English, so now with the patch, it's like Square Enix released the game in North America. Pretty cool, right? Also, if you want to see what the patch looks like, here:


    If you want to find out more about the patch, click here to go to Xeeynamo's blog!

    Well, that's all I have for you for today. Thanks for reading~

    Oh, and thanks to super moderator Chevalier for the heads up.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Jul 5, 2011.

    1. Xeeynamo
      Thank you very much for this article :). I'm really happy that my works is useful for most peoples!

      Oh :O my bad sorry, I'll put the english Theater on the next revision.

      Yeah, I already fixed this error in revision 4 :)
    2. Firechakram
      It doesn't look like the same font from the English version of KH2 is used for the new text in FM. It can kinda be distracting. I know keytotruth made an English patch for BBS FM that used the same font from the English BBS, so I wonder why the same couldn't be done for this patch. Or is it? I can't really tell from only a few screens.

      And a question. Did Xeeynamo incorporate text from the English version of KH2, or did he just make up all the text by himself? I might have noticed an error in his Keyblade status screenshot. The word "Hold" should be changed to "Holds" as the Keyblade is a singular noun. I can't really see the point of retranslating something that has already been translated before. Also, if it is in your control, I would suggesting capitalizing the words in the item titles and cutscene titles in theater mode. It makes things more consistent.

      And no offense, but your English could use some work. If you want. I could look over the patch and help with any English corrections. But since I lost my Swap Magic Slide Tool, I won't be able to play my copy of FM until I get a new one or improvise with something else. I've lost that thing a lot, man. And my phat PS2 is getting old. So IDK how I can help you, unless you can send me a version of the Patch. I know nothing about patch-making though.
    3. Mixt
      The game didn't have a full set of lowercase English characters so he made his own. It's that or CAPS in this case.
    4. Slycrg
      im getting this error that the program wont start because MSVCR100.dll is missing. It's suggesting i reinstall the patcher but i keep getting the same message. Any help?
      Edit: Dont worry found the Visual C++ thing on his blog
    5. Firechakram
      I can't get the patch to work. I tried to use the dump program on Xeey's blog, but it says it cannot open KH2.idx or whatever it's called. I tried putting my KH2FM disc into my computer and it still doesn't work. Do I have to transfer the KH2FM data to another disc? How do I do that? And how can I extract the ISO from the disc? The blog site isn't very informative. It kind of assumes you already know how to apply patches and extract ISOs. It also doesn't help that the instructions aren't very clear or easy to understand.
    6. chessplayerjames
      Hey, I had trouble with this also, but I figured out how to make it work. This is supposing you have WinRar (it MIGHT work with some other programs). Put your ISO disc image in the same folder as the extractor (the one you downloaded from his blog). Then, double-click on your ISO image (provided that you have it set to open up WinRar with ISO images.... if not, right click and select Open With.....WinRar), and navigate to your KH2.IDX and KH2.ISO files. Then, just click on one of them, and extract it into the folder with Xeeyanomo's extractor, and then do the same with the other. Hope this helps!

      P.S. I have no idea how to rebuild the ISO.
    7. Firechakram
      I extracted all my files into Winrar, and I still can't open any of them. I also tried using the patcher, but it refuses to patch any of the files I listed. I tried KH2.IDX, KH2.IMG, and a few others but nothing worked. I also can't add the patcher and the english patch to the same archive as the dumper and the KH2FM+ files.

      The dumper doesn't work as well. It says it can't find KH2.IDX. How do I get that to work?

      EDIT: Okay, I'm really confused now. I managed to get the dumper to unpack KH2.IDX, but there are some files that failed to unpack. Now when I use the patcher, I put in the name of the ISO, which I think is KH2.IDX, but it says I'm missing a file. It's the same with OVL.IDX.

      Xeeynamo's instructions don't help me. They just say to type in the name of the ISO, but they never explain what the ISO is or how you can get it or extract it from the KH2FM+ disc. The unpacker didn't work, the patcher won't respond whether KH2.IDX is dumped or no t, and I still don't know what I have to do.

      Please, somebody help me. I'm surprised nobody else has expressed any confusion on this forum.
    8. Mixt
      For those having trouble he does include instructions

      Al he really fails to explain is how to get the ISO itself. There are several ways to do it, I personally use MagicDisk. You need to place the patcher, the patch, and the game ISO in the same folder. None of the other downloads are needed for the patch, so don't worry about the extractor or anything else. Follow the instructions as quoted above and you will have a modified ISO of KH2FM.

      Now you can burn this to another disk using MagicDisk again but you will need to use some work around to actually play this on a PS2, likely Swap Magic or a modchip. Production of Swap Magic has stopped so getting it might be a bit tricky and I haven't used any mod-chips before so I can't help there. Alternatively, if you have a good computer you can run a PS2 emulator (likely PCSX2).
    9. Firechakram
      I'm gonna back everything up on a separate DVD-ROM so that I don't ruin my original copy of the game.

      But I have questions.

      I downloaded magicdisk, but will I have to buy the full version to extract the ISO? It says it can only extract files up to 400MB in size, and I think the KH2FM disc is over 4 GB in size.

      What output file do I have to select to extract the ISO? KH2.IDX, KH2.IMG, or whatever else?

      What format should I make the ISO, should is be in UIF form or ISO form? It seems obvious, but I'm not so sure.
    10. Mixt
      It shouldn't be a problem since the original is a rom but I'm not about to scold you on being cautious.
      That is talking about extracting files from the ISO, not taking the ISO from the disk, the free version is sufficient.o

      None, you just need the ISO itself.

      Make it an ISO. And I would personally prefer answering the "obvious" questions than to have you mess up somewhere.
    11. Firechakram
      The whole point is that there is no ISO file on my copy of KH2FM. There are just IMG files and IDX files and stuff like that. So the ISO has to be one of these files, or it has to be extracted from one of the files.

      Sorry I'm if posting too much on this forum. I'd post on Xeeynamo's blog or email him, but his instructions might not be as helpful.

      ALso, a new problem just arised. When I browse to find an output file, the only file that shows up on the disc drive is the PAD2 folder. All the other files appear on other windows, but not that one.
    12. Mixt
      An ISO is just a collection of data, just like how you can have multiple files inside of a ZIP or RAR file. So you aren't trying to find the ISO on the disk and copy it, you are trying to take all the data on the disk and make it into an ISO file.

      On MagicDisk this can be done by right clicking the tray icon> select "Make CD/DVD Image ..."> Tell it what disk it is making into the ISO file> name the file while ignoring the file extension (ex. "KH2FM.UIF")> select ISO as the file type> hit OK.

      Then to patch it place that ISO file in the same folder with the downloaded "english_rev4.kh2patch" and "KH2PatcherRev4.exe"> drag the "english_rev4.kh2patch" onto "KH2PatcherRev4.exe"> in the window that opens type in the name of the ISO and hit enter.
      • If while trying to path the file you come across errors about missing "MSVCRT100.dll", then you need to download "Visual C++ 2010" off his blog. I personally did not ned to do this but it should be simple. Download x86 for 32 bit Windows or x64 for 64 bit Windows. Run the downloaded file and you should be good.
        [**]If you don't know what type of Windows you own, it is 32 for XP and prior; for Vista&7 go to Start> Computer> Right click> Properties> look for a mention of either 32 or 64 bit

      An ISO is just a collection of data, just like how you can have multiple files inside of a ZIP or RAR file. So you aren't trying to find the ISO on the disk and copy it, you are trying to take all the data on the disk and make it into an ISO file.

      On MagicDisk this can be done by right clicking the tray icon> select "Make CD/DVD Image ..."> Tell it what disk it is making into the ISO file> name the file while ignoring the file extension (ex. "KH2FM.UIF")> select ISO as the file type> hit OK.

      Then to patch it place that ISO file in the same folder with the downloaded "english_rev4.kh2patch" and "KH2PatcherRev4.exe"> drag the "english_rev4.kh2patch" onto "KH2PatcherRev4.exe"> in the window that opens type in the name of the ISO and hit enter.
      • If while trying to path the file you come across errors about missing "MSVCRT100.dll", then you need to download "Visual C++ 2010" off his blog. I personally did not ned to do this but it should be simple. Download x86 for 32 bit Windows or x64 for 64 bit Windows. Run the downloaded file and you should be good.
        • If you don't know what type of Windows you own, for XP and earlier, it is 32 ; for Vista & 7 go to Start> Computer> Right click> Properties> look for a mention of either 32 or 64 bit
    13. Firechakram
      I'm an idiot. The output file wasn't a specific file that had to be named. It was where I wanted to save the ISO. I also didn't realize that in order to make the ISO, I had to have the files from the game disc in the box in the upper right.

      So I created the ISO, and I went to the patcher, and I think the patching WORKED! Yay, I finally did it! Now how do I go about playing the game? Should I transfer the ISO to a blank DVD-R and use Swap Magic, or should I just somehow put the ISO back into my copy of the game? I think the DVD-R would be the safer option. I should also point out that the file I created lists the ISO as a MagicDisk document. Is it still technically an ISO and will it still play on a PS2? Also, if I used different files or less of them when I made the ISO, would the patching still work? I don't know if I did everything right yet.
    14. EvilMan_89
      you HAVE to burn it onto a blank DVD. it's not even an option to burn it into the original because you can't write on it. as long as it's an ISO and you make sure to burn the ISO onto a blank DVD it should work as long as you have some way of playing backups and imports.
    15. Mixt
      It is an ISO, but it isn't as easy as popping it in your PS2. The PS2 will reject a burned disk, and even if it didn't I doubt the PS2 you have is of the right region.

      I touched on this briefly earlier so first I'll just point back to that.

      As for your question about different or fewer files, if the ISO is altered it may cause errors. Ideally you should never see the smaller files, they should go directly from the disk to the ISO, no need to extract and recompile them.
    16. Firechakram
      I tried to burn the ISO onto a blank DVD-R, but MagicDisk said there was no CD-R/RW disk inserted into the tray, even though I was trying to burn it onto a DVD-R. So I had to copy the ISO onto the disk manually. Seriously, why didn't MagicDisk recognize my DVD-R in the disk tray? I ended up earing the file on my first disc since I didn't know why Swap Magic wasn't working, and that didn't free up any new space. So I got another DVD-R and actually burned the ISO onto the disc, but it turns out I think copying it and burning it were the same.

      I tried using Swap Magic to swap the disks and play the game, but Swap Magic said that the DVD-R wasn't a valid PS2 disk. I use Swap Magic 3's DVD-R driver boot disk. It turns out I've been doing Swap Magic wrong. I lost the Slide tool for it, so I was using a piece of cardboard to open the disc tray for the PS2. It turns out I NEED the Slide Tool in order to lock the disk tray so that the PS2 will play the game.

      So I bought a flip top cover online for the fat PS2, and I'll wait until it gets delivered. Hopefully Swap Magic will work and I'll be able to play the game. I hope I don't run into any problems playing the game after going through all this trouble.

      I have 1 more question. When Xeeynamo releases future versions of the patch, how will I be able to update the ISO? Will I have to remove it from the DVD-R, patch it, and then put it back? Can I do this without having to use up more DVD-Rs? Is there a way to remove the ISO and still free up disk space so that I can put it back?
    17. Lite
      I'm currently using the patch, it works great, but ever since I started using it, the game crashes when I try to enter the Assault of the Dreadnaught gummi ship section (The one right before Twilight Town). I'm not sure if it's because of the patch or not, but I didn't have any gummi ship related issues before I installed the patch. Any suggestions on how to remedy the problem?
    18. EvilMan_89
      no DVD-Rs can only be written to once so anything you burn onto them is permament. you're going to have to patch a clean iso again if he makes an update. i found it helps to keep on ISO file of the clean game (unpatched version) on the computer and make a copy whenever a new version comes out. or you can create a new ISO from your original game disc, it doesn't really matter. so, you're going to have to burn into a new DVD everytime a new version comes out.
      i believe that issue is unrelated to the patch, i had the issue playing on HD Loader but that's an incompatiblitiy with the game not the patch i believe.
    19. Lite
      Well, it doesn't really matter now, I found a way to make it work. All I did was change my graphics plugin and the crashing stopped. Thanks anyway, at least I know it was unrelated to the patch.
    20. Firechakram
      Okay. My Flip top cover arrived today. I installed it, and then tried to use Swap Magic to play my game. THe problem was, the PS2 still recognized the disc with the game ISO as an invalid disc. So I tried playing my original copy of KH2FM. At first, it appears Swap Magic works, but after the screen goes black, the game doesn't load. I just hear this annoying pinging sound that my PS2 makes when it's trying to load the disc.

      So the problem must lie with the PS2 being able to read discs. The cover came with its own white cap and metal thing which are used to read discs. The instructions I got probably said to use the white cap the PS2 already has. Well, whether it's the default cap or the one I got from the flip top cover, I still can't play games with Swap Magic. I don't know if something's hooked up wrong or if it has something to do with how the white cap and metal pellet is inserted into the flip top cover, all I know is that it's pretty confusing.

      EDIT: Okay, I made a discovery. The KH2FM game WILL work. For some reason the white cap and metal pellet stop the game from loading. I don't know if it's loose or something, but the disc only loads after you open the cover and separate the white cap from the disc reader. After that the game loads, and I can close the cover and the game will work.

      I don't why the white cap and metal pellet stop the game from loading. On the demonstration video I saw, it loaded even when the lid was closed. I do know that the cap and pellet are indeed necessary to load discs in the first place. The metal is magnetic, and it connects the lid and the disc tray together, keeping the disc steady. It's just that after using swap magic, you need to lift the lid so that the game loads. I must say that there are two pellets I have. A thick solid once, and one that is thinner and has a hole in the middle, kinda like a ring. The ring makes more noise than the pellet though.

      So, why can't I load the game WITHOUT lifting the cover after using swap magic? After this, I gotta figure out why Swap Magic still won't play my disc with the ISO in it.