KH3D Official Website...and the new symbol?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    Hey there. We know news have been scarce as of late, and it's no surprise considering how slow things have been developing in the kingdom hearts department. But alas, we discovered that the Kingdom Hearts 3D official Japanese website is open. Follow the link...

    While this isn't exactly news, since the site has been up for a while, there are a few things to note.

    Along with it is the color scheme...which seems to be hawt pink? Nomura has been stalking us. Yep, that's probably it. And is it my imagination...or is there a new symbol in the pattern? What do you think it could mean?


    No, don't just think it here...Go discuss in the KH sections! gogogogo.

    Thanks to Kubo and P; Kingdom Hearts Wiki for providing the images.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Chevalier, Mar 23, 2011.

    1. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I roomed in on the symbol thing and to me it looks like a heart with a keyhole and squigly add ons....... Maybe a new enemy or maybe they symbol of keybearers who aren't masters, because we know that keyblade masters have a symbol that thing all over Land Of Departure and the room Ven was put in...
    2. MovingOnMjrn
      Actually, I think there are two new symbols. If you look closely the base of some look more circular and others more diamond shaped. Also, if you look at the arms (for lack of a better word) some are more curved, and others more triangular. I noticed this when someone on KHInsider pointed it out. LOL
    3. -Xero-
      Maybe a new monster? Like in BBS the Unversed had a new symbol to them.
      This game will be the only reason why I want a 3DS, other than that I don't care for the 3DS! xDD
    4. Chevalier
      Yeah, that's a very interesting detail. This new symbol seems to have variations, two to be exact. Do you think it has some connection with the whole Sora/Riku thing?

      I mean one has more rounded prongs, while the other has them sharper and more direct...What could it mean?
    5. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Finally! I have been starving for some news. D: As for what it could mean, I am not sure. A new kind of foe would be my guess. But I for one am happy it is coming out on the 3DS. I tried one in Best Buy the other day and I think the effects are really something else. ​
    6. Patman
      Here' s a silly thought : those symbol look like they could be some sword grip and hilt, they kinda remind me of Mysterious Figure' s laser swords that could evolve into complex symbols :

      Since this symbols exists both in light and dark colors I figure it could be Riku' s laser sword :

      While this one only has a light variation so I figure it could be Sora' s laser sword :

      I have no idea what that one could mean though :
      It only has a light variation, hmmm ...
    7. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      on the new infomatiom maybe these are foes created out of Riku and Sora, the same type of creature hence why the symbol is so similer but because Sora uses the light and Riku the Darkness it could show the diffrence
    8. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Riku uses LIGHT and DARKNESS, though. If KH3D takes place after KH2, Riku doesn't rely on darkness anymore, if at all. He couldn't even open a Corridor of Darkness at the end.
    9. Chevalier
      That's true. But going by what the trailer is presenting, I think they're trying to do some Light & Dark thing with Sora and Riku. I don't know, it seems like they're going that way.
    10. program
      Yes,perhaps a new weapon symbol, or something of the sort...Or new creature.
    11. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kinda looks like a heart and a fleur de lis merged with a keyhole in the middle.
      My theory is that it's either the Mark of Mastery issued by Yen Sid or the symbol for a new enemy.
    12. MaM_1
      is it me, or do the 'arms' look like the wing thing on way to dawn?
