KH3D Details & Play Impressions

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey everybody! Ty is unfortunately without internet right now, so I'm posting some news up for you all. =]

    SQEX☆GAL translated the following summary of an interview with Nomura in a recent issue of Famitsu. It gives some of Nomura's opinions and comments on the game series, as well as hints about the future of the series, including KH3D!

    Additionally, SQEX☆GAL translated a reviewer's impressions upon playing KH3D:
    Original news posts: here and here.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 17, 2011.

    1. Mixt
      The survey was interesting but little stood out from it other than that we now know that KH3D will involve the data in Sora. I do find it interesting that he has plans to appease fans waiting for KH3 in 3D. I'm wondering what it is because I can't think of much. Maybe for the secret ending to be on KH3?

      "the party members will be characters who haven't appeared before." This I find to be interesting. I figured there would be new characters, but as party members? It looks like the side of light has a small army of heroes here. Party of the draw of these fantasy pieces is the "against all odds" type deal, and I'm feeling like that is slipping away. Now this could just be a larger scope than we usually see, but that requires a nice antagonist force and I haven't seen many hints of that yet. Maybe Birth by Sleep's Mysterious Figure, but too little is known to really have a good sense of that.
    2. Ienzo
      Thanks for this Misty, I'm quite excited to find out who the part members are in KH3D- my first insticnt was "Kairi and Riku" but then it seemed too obvious. The ability to climb up walls sounds like fun as well, and I'm curious to know who will be the enemy.

      With the survey I'm not surprised about more of the results and Nomura seems to agree. Thanks for this ^^
    3. Korosu
      oooo Interesting. "the party members will be characters who haven't appeared before." - I'm really curious about this at first I thought like Ienzo it could be Kairi and Riku but then that would be too obvious. I smiled when I read "Worst world Atlantica" xD Even though Nomura has different reasons for labelling it the worst world, at least he agrees. Thanks for this Misty.
    4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      New characters at the party. I suppose since Disney characters always have to be in the picture, those new characters most likely will be from Disney. I wonder if Mickey could count as a new character since he never really was in the party, although i have yet to play BBS so i don't know if he appears in that way there. You know who would make an interesting companion? Gyro Gearloose, he would be a good replacement of Goofy, though i always wondered why he wasn't shown working on the gummi ships. He is a bloody inventor, why give the role to two chipmunks?!

      As for the response to fans, knowing Nomura, it could be anything.
    5. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Cool beans. So many interesting little tidbits of information. New party members, potential HD remasters of old titles, secret endings geared towards those anticipating KH III. Can't wait. Thanks Misty. =] ​
    6. Shift
      Any chances of leaked fotage of that demo?
      Seems too amazing to wait *_*
    7. KHMasterPK
      Two new characters as team/party members eh? Come on José and Panchito...Come on José and Panchito...*Insert hope here*
    8. Iskandar
      man, this is some interesting news. Some of it might not be all that important, but in my opinion, when you're dealing with KH, every little bit of information can be useful. I was wondering what they would do after the Xehanort Saga, so I was surprised they would actually keep Sora as the main character
    9. Shift
      OH GOD THlS.
    10. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Consider my interest sparked. I'm looking forward to seeing everything new and different in KH3D. And if not in 3D, I'd love to see José and Panchito in KH3 fighting alongside Donald.
    11. Blader
      Interested? Duh! Of course I am. Being a guy(I was rather surprised to find most kh fans are female... O_O) I wasn't gonna buy a 3-ds cause of money and I was going to have sell a system. Well, I'm now going to e-bay or donate my wii and get a 3-ds. Dang it! It's not that I didn't want to get this, it's the fact that it's on another system. Marketing and awesomeness. Curses upward-wall running ability... Was hoping for Riku and Kairi as partners, and nada. And the fact that the two names are edited out of the second article, I'm ticked off at that one. Mostly cause' I don't who they are. Here's too either Vincet, Irvine or Xion being partners...
    12. Shikou
      Yay! My favorite Keyblade is in there! <3
      Would anyone mind telling me who is the artist of "bold action"?
    13. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      Ah, I can't wait for this to come out!!! :D Well, actually, I can, because I still need to play Birth By Sleep Final Mix.
      Anyway, I'm really curious about the new party members though...I wonder what other kind of characters could possibly be introduced to this series? I was thinking they'd be focusing almost entirely on Sora and Riku's maturation as Keyblade bearers (soon-to-be Masters, hopefully). Is there really any room for more characters? Well, I shouldn't doubt too much, because Nomura has blown me away and leapt far beyond my expectations time and time again. Especially with Aqua's character, but that's a different story. ;)
      Also, I wish he would just announce the other game he's working on (or about to work on, whatever). Is it Birth By Sleep: Volume II? Or are they not actually doing that game, and moving on straight to Kingdom Hearts III? I think either one is plausible. But I want to knoooowwww!!!!!
      BTW, as a girl, I can't decide whether or not I'm surprised that the KH fandom consists of more girls than guys. XD

      Might I suggest waiting on the 3DS? As a fellow gamer and KH fan, I advise you to wait until the release date of KH3D gets closer. By that time Nintendo will probably release an updated model of the 3DS, and if they do, it'll be sold for about the same price, so it might be better to wait and see if a newer version comes out first. That's what I'm doing, anyway. I learned my lesson when I bought my PSP-2000 (primarily for Birth By Sleep, which still wasn't going to be released for another year and a half) one month before the PSP-3000 came out for the same price. Needless to say, I was ticked off. Anyway, you don't have to listen to me, I just thought I'd put that out there! :)