KH3D Demo now available in the E-Shop

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Like the title says, the Demo is now available for 3DS user to download and try it out for themselves!
    Only recently announced during Nintendo’s U.S. Direct Conference. The Demo is free and is available for North American Players.


    Special thanks to Keyblade Spirit for informing me.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

    1. Miles
      I just **** my God damn pants! Downloading it as I type!:/8D:
    2. ~Acy_XIII~
      I downloaded it right after work, I couldn't resist the temptation. (I'm really glad I bought my 3DS last week.)
      It was fun but way too short! I wonder if they'll put another demo, I really want to as Riku and try the drop system >o<
    3. greater_bloo
      Yup like axel91 said that is the standard for 3DS demos. However, it only counts how many times you access it from the 3DS menu so you can play it as much as you want when you're in the demo. And in my opinion it isn't that bad at all. I logged in a number of hours playing the Resident Evil Revelations demo and I only used like 3 of the uses before the full version came out, though it was only like about a two week wait. Just be careful quitting the demo and turning the 3DS off. Also make the most of your play time with each use.
    4. Krowley
    5. Maggy
      I just downloaded it today! IT WAS SO COOL!

      But I wanted to play as riku too :(
    6. Agent.T
      I'm in the UK...Over here we get 15 times -_-

      Am I the only one who thinks that the tutorial should have been mixed with the full demo...You know to give it a more free roaming feeling? More like you can explore a little bit as opposed to having 2 maps to free flow through (Which I do love don't get me wrong!) :3
    7. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That was really, really fun. I cannot wait for this game.

      As fun as Flowmotion is, I'm trying to get No Damage on this boss and it's making it really hard because I keep going into it on accident...
    8. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Try not to press the Y button
    9. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Kind of not possible when you need that to block and dodge roll
    10. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I meant when you're in the air while jumping.