KH3D Demo now available in the E-Shop

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Like the title says, the Demo is now available for 3DS user to download and try it out for themselves!
    Only recently announced during Nintendo’s U.S. Direct Conference. The Demo is free and is available for North American Players.


    Special thanks to Keyblade Spirit for informing me.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jun 22, 2012.

    1. ShibuyaGato
      Oh my god, I am literally searching for it as I type this out. I will be playing this for quite some time until the release.

      Thank you. I have been waiting to get a hands on preview of what I'm in for next month.
    2. KeybladeSpirit
      It's very fun. It's EXTREMELY short, though, so have a lot fun with Flowmotion. Gameplay-wise, it's only reason to play the demo. It's SO FUN.

      As for where it is, just turn left at the Riku.
    3. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      This is SO true. Just have fun with Flowmotion, and don't advance in the demo. Also, do the tutorial. It's fun.

      PS: You only play as Sora. (Sorry Riku lovers.)
    4. KeybladeSpirit
      Yeah, that was a little disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing how the Drop mechanic works with my own eyes. Oh well.

      EDIT: I seem to have found a bug. There's a TINY little corner in the Fifth District that, if you Flowmotion into it, will leave Sora hovering in his falling animation. I'm waiting to see if the boss will hit me out of it.
    5. Luminey
      So short but worth the wait! All my love poured into this tiny demo <3
    6. greater_bloo
      WHAT!? O_O
      Well that came out of nowhere! Time to get on this thing! :D
    7. Feenie
      I suppose EU Members have been left out of this? Considering we haven't been mentioned at all?
    8. KeybladeSpirit
      I assume it would be best to look and see. I'm sure it'll be there and if it isn't, report it here.
    9. Feenie
      Just checked. It's there. I was just sceptical is all, because we don't always get what you get.

      Anyway. Yeah, it's on the EU E-Shop.
    10. greater_bloo
      OMG That was extremely fun! For the first 5 minutes of the tutorial I just wall jumped all over the place, swung around those poles, etc. It was a bit weird reaching the invisible ceiling though, but I was amazed getting that high up. I remember in KH1 I tried to reach the highest point of that Traverse Town area, but now with the Flowmotion it was easy and it's nice seeing the rooftops.

      Anyways onto gameplay! I like the variety of options we have now. In Birth by Sleep the D-Link and the Shot Lock were great but they felt kinda slow to pull off since you have to stop and do it. But the Flowmotion attacks and Reality Shift combined with the good old command system felt natural to pull off and worked well with each other. In fact now that I think about it I hardly used the normal Attack combos and spent most of my time using the new things. Overall the gameplay felt fast and I can see why the developers feel they can't go back to the old style of Kingdom Hearts gameplay. It was a bit awkward having to actually stop and select commands though, in Birth by Sleep I used my left index finger to cycle through the commands but with the D pad on the bottom of the Slide pad I had to move my thumb down.

      Levels! I like how big they are and not just in width, there's some vertical space too. Also there's a lot of things to do in this space too such as grind on rails, wall jump narrow passageways, etc. This also applies to the boss battle too! In past Kingdom Hearts games combat in boss battles usually took place on a flat surface, but this boss battle area was pretty big and had multiple places to use the flow motion actions.

      Anyway those are my impressions after one playthrough now excuse me while I play more of this!
    11. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I have to download the demo NOW!! Now where's my 3DS...

      EDIT: ok, I just played it, and it was so FUN!!! Flowmotion is probably the best thing to happen to KH next to drive forms and command decks! And the Spirit allies are sooo cute! And as someone who knows good 3D when I see it, this game's 3D was amazing! I want this game now!!!!
    12. Omancer
      Sadly it's a short demo but it is extremely fun to mess around with the flowmotion.

      I also found that there are multiple endings to the demo. I've gotten 3 different ones so far.

      Edit: Looks like I just got a fourth one. I'll try to figure out the details on how you get each ending. Unless it's random of course.

      Edit 2: Well, looks like it's just random. There are four endings (that I know of at least) though.
    13. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      How do u get the multiple endings???
    14. Omancer
      It could be totally random, but I'm not sure.
    15. Roxas-Ventus
      The free flow isn't easy as it looks but anyway best 3ds game ever lol
    16. EvilMan_89
      oh god, i have to check this out now! this is a pleasant surprise to start the day!
    17. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      am i the only one who realized that we only have 30 times to play it
    18. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Nah, I realized it too. Unfortunately, that's the standard for 3DS demos.
    19. Roxas-Ventus
      i have still 30 so that means i haven't exited it lol

      i think i got all endings i got the one when he's walking then a nightmare comes out and i got the one when it's digging on the tower (i think) and i got the one when it's standing in the 5th district (i think)